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选修七Unit3 句子翻译


1.那个心胸狭窄的商人已经放弃了与那家公司合作。(narrow, abandon)


(though, aware, awareness)

3.为了寻找那个失踪的孩子,镇上的人把整个镇子翻了个底朝天。(upside down, search)

4.老师总是极力主张学生在每次考试后反思自己的得与失(gains and losings)。

(urge+宾从, reflect)


(witness, urge)

6.被蛇咬了一次后,一看见蛇,她就吓得要死。(bite, sight, scare)

7. 颜色鲜艳的水果好看(good-looking)但不一定好吃,甚至会使人生病。

(as倒装句,vivid, tasty)

8. 正是住在街对面的陌生人帮助我度过了难关。(opposite, help)

9. 他这些日子醉心于在网上下棋,没有时间整理文件。(abandon, sort, -ing形式作结果状语) 10.只到考试失利,他才意识到提前设定目标的重要性。(倒装句,aware, target)

11.正在被整理的书籍将会捐给希望工程。(ing作定语,sort, donate)

12. 被丈夫抛弃后,她意识到没人会帮助她摆脱困境。

(ing形式作状语,abandon, aware+宾语从句,help)


选修七Unit3 句子翻译


1.那个心胸狭窄的商人已经放弃了与那家公司合作。(narrow, abandon)


(though, aware, awareness)

3.为了寻找那个失踪的孩子,镇上的人把整个镇子翻了个底朝天。(upside down, search)

4.老师总是极力主张学生在每次考试后反思自己的得与失(gains and losings)。

(urge+宾从, reflect)


(witness, urge)

6.被蛇咬了一次后,一看见蛇,她就吓得要死。(bite, sight, scare)

7. 颜色鲜艳的水果好看(good-looking)但不一定好吃,甚至会使人生病。

(as倒装句,vivid, tasty)

8. 正是住在街对面的陌生人帮助我度过了难关。(opposite, help)

9. 他这些日子醉心于在网上下棋,没有时间整理文件。(abandon, sort, -ing形式作结果状语) 10.只到考试失利,他才意识到提前设定目标的重要性。(倒装句,aware, target)

11. 正在被整理的书籍将会捐给希望工程。(ing作定语,sort, donate)

12. 被丈夫抛弃后,她意识到没人会帮助她摆脱困境。

(ing形式作状语,abandon, aware+宾语从句,help)


1.The narrow-minded businessman has abandoned cooperating with the big company.

2.Though we have become aware of the bad effect of pollution, we should also raise

awareness of the citizens’environmental protection.

3.People in the town turned the whole town upside down in search of the missing


4.Teachers always urge that students should reflect on their gains and losings after

each exam.

5.He witnessed the accident; In other words, he was a witness to the accident. The

police urged him to give witness to it in court as soon as possible//he could.

6.Having been bitten by a snake, she was scared to death at the sight of snakes.

7.Good-looking as fruits with vivid colors are, they are not necessarily tasty, and even

make people sick.

8.It was the stranger living opposite the street that helped me out.

9.He was abandoning himself to playing chess online these days, having no time to

sort out the papers.

10.Not until he failed the exam was he aware of the importance of setting a target.

11.The books being sorted out will be donated to the Hope Project.

12.Having been abandoned by her husband, she was aware that nobody would help her



13.The narrow-minded businessman has abandoned cooperating with the big company.

14.Though we have become aware of the bad effect of pollution, we should also raise

awareness of the citizens’environmental protection.

15.People in the town turned the whole town upside down in search of the missing


16.Teachers always urge that students should reflect on their gains and losings after

each exam.

17.He witnessed the accident; In other words, he was a witness to the accident. The

police urged him to give witness to it in court as soon as possible//he could.

18.Having been bitten by a snake, she was scared to death at the sight of snakes.

19.Good-looking as fruits with vivid colors are, they are not necessarily tasty, and even

make people sick.

20.It was the stranger living opposite the street that helped me out.

21.He was abandoning himself to playing chess online these days, having no time to

sort out the papers. 22.Not until he failed the exam was he aware of the importance of setting a target.

23.The books being sorted out will be donated to the Hope Project.

24.Having been abandoned by her husband, she was aware that nobody would help her

