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3做最充足的准备应对考试应该是得心应手的考试的听力比较清晰而且比平时自己训练的听力简单语速较慢并且没有BACKGROUND WHISTLE





下面的大多都是针对第四部分OPI(oral proficiency interview)

OPI包含5个部分:1 warm up 2 level check 3 probe 4 picture describe 5 wrap up

一) vocabulary (最后附有各个系统专业词汇)


三个应答机特殊编码:编码自己查不便说。从小到大分别是hijack , radio failure , distress conditions


PANPAN:need assistance timely urgency situation

MAYDAY:need assistance immediately distress situation

乘务员 flight/cabin attendant 驾驶舱职权梯度 cockpit authority gradient

机库 hangar 接通/断开自驾 engage/disengage AP

地形 terrain 人因 human factors

活物牲畜 livestock 绕飞 detour

界面交界处 interface 修改 modify amend

试车 engine runup 烂泥 slush

减速妨碍 retard 积累 accumulation

湿度 humidity 降雨量 precipitation

气喘asthma 腹泻 diarrhea

调度签派 dispatch 信号员 marshaller

开往驶往 Bound for 放油 fuel dump jettison

预期anticipate 污染 contaminate

外形 configuration 致命的 fatal

分院 branch flight college 炸药 dynamite

手榴弹grenade 恢复 revert

Human error chain: people makes mistake, and accident happens. one mistake leads to another to another to another which leads to an accident

IRS: inertial reference system 惯性基准系统

干预 interfere 配件附件 accessory

气动的pneumatic 有形的具体的 concrete

临界的 marginal 连续 touch and go

起落 Traffic circuit 补充 replenish

全停 full stop 物质物品 substance

拉紧绷紧 strain 踝关节ankle 肘部 elbow

对正跑道 align the runway POB: people onboard

改装训练 transition training 劫机犯 hijacker

陆空对话 radiotelephony communication

前轮转弯机构 nose wheel steering 执行 execute 疏散 evacuation

机长的四条杠的含义: 1 flying skill 2 knowledge 3 profession 4 responsibility

提供饮食及服务 cater(主要在地面装载时会用到)

RNP----required navigation performance 所需导航性能

RDH----threshold height 跑道入口高度



很多图是关于重着陆,事故以及事故症候的,事故大多数的情况都包含有起落架的一些情况,damaged,unable to extend, tires blow-out, smoke from main gear等情况,所以遇到这一类型的图就可以引申出对于LANDING GEAR SYSTEM的问题来考验对系统的认知。

Tricycle gear arrangement 前三点 shock strut 减震支柱 bumper减震器

Manual extension handles 人工放下起落架手柄

Nose wheel arrangement advantages:

1) it allows more forceful application of brakes for higher landing speed without nosing over.

2) it permits better visibility for the pilots during landing and taxing

3) it tends to prevent aircraft from ground-looping by moving the forward of the main gear.

Landing gear safety devises :

1) Mechanical downlock----------to prevent accidental operation of the mechanical downlocks, electrically operated safety switches are installed.

2) Safety switches-----------------The torque links spread apart or move together as the shock strut piston extends or retracts in its cylinder.

3) Ground lock----------------one common type of a pin installed in aligned holes drilled in 2 or more units of the landing gear support structure.


第四部分里面有一张图是关于hydraulic system的,建议这个系统多熟悉一下

Units commonly operated by hydraulic system :

Landing gears , wing flaps , slats , speed and wheel brakes , nose wheel steering ,

Primary flight surfaces

hydraulic system components:

an engine driven pump , a filter , a reservoir , a pressure regulator , an accumulator ,

a pressure gauge , a relief valve , an emergency pump , two check valves ,

a selector valve , an actuating cylinder


the engine driven pump which is directly coupled to the engine will operate when the engine is running. The pump draws fluid from reservoir and expels to the system through the filter and a check valve and the pressure can be built up. the pressure regulator unloads or relieves the engine driven pump when the desired pressure in the system achieved . thus it’s often referred to as an unloading the event of malfunction of pressure regulator , the relief valve will release any pressure above that maintained by the regulator.


The cabin air conditioning and pressurization system supplies conditioned air for heating and cooling the cockpit and cabin spaces. This air also provides pressurization to maintain a safe and comfortable cabin environment. Some of the air conditioning systems installed in modern aircraft utilize air turbine refrigerating units to supply cooled air. These are called air cycle system.

Function of air conditioning system:
