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1.The authorities say nearly 3,000 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria, 46 times more

than ______ thought.

A. historically B.originally

C. normally D. frequently

【答案】 B



考副辨析。句意:当局有近3000人死于,比原先的要多46倍。 A. historically 史上地;从史点上; B. originally 最初,起初;本来; C. normally 正常地;通常地,一般地; D. frequently 繁地,常地。根据前面“当局有近3000 人死于”,以及后面的“more than 可”知,是“最初” 的要多46 倍。故 B。

2.It ’ s so hot! The temperature must be __________ over 100 degrees!

A. very B. well

C. much D. still

【答案】 B

【解析】句意:天气太了!气温一定超100 度了。 well over 超,溢出,泛。

故 B。

,but now 3.I ’ m not making near as much money as I did when I was employed full time

we don ’ t need as much either.

A. anything B.everything

C. anywhere D.everywhere




分析: not ⋯anywhere near 指离得很。句意:我在的大不如从前作全的候



4.It seemed an impossible task, but Tom, though physically challenged, carried on until it was completely fulfilled.

A. instead B.yet

C. regardless

D. still

【答案】 C



完成。 instead 相反; yet ; regardless 不管怎; still 仍然。故C。

5.She’ s added a few characters and changed some names but ________ this is a true story.

A. completely B . necessarily C. gradually D. essentially

【答案】 D


个真实的故事。 A. completely 完全; B. necessarily 必要; C. gradually 渐渐; D. essentially 本质上。 D 项符合语境。

6.You say you are innocent, but we have good reasons to think.

A. twice B. over

C. aloud D. otherwise

【答案】 D




A. twice 两次,两倍;

B. over 结束,越过;

C. aloud 大声地;

D. otherwise 否则,另外。故选D。7.While sending flowers as gifts , we can't choose flowers

,because different flowers may carry different meanings.

A. arbitrarily B . cautiously

C. originally D. thoroughly

【答案】 A



考查副词。 A. arbitrarily 反复无常地; B. cautiously 谨慎地; C. originally 最初; D. thoroughly


的含义。故选 A。

8.All color fades, ________ under the impact of direct sunlight.

A.especially B.eventually

C. appropriately D. merely

【答案】 A



考查副词词义辨析。句意:所有的颜色都会褪色,尤其是在阳光的直射下。 A. especially 特别、尤其; B. eventually 最终; C. appropriately 适当地; D. merely 仅仅。根据“under the impact of direct sunlight. 可知,此处”表示“尤其是”,故 A 项正确。

9.She devoted herself ______ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field. A. strongly B. freely C. entirely D. extremely

【答案】 C



誉。 entirely 完全地,符合句意。 strongly 强烈地; freely 自由地; extremely 极端地;极其;非常。


10. The incomes of skilled workers went up. A. Moreover

C. Meanwhile

【答案】 C

【解析】,unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. B.Therefore

D. Otherwise


的收入在下降。skilled workers 表示 "熟练工人 "和 unskilled workers 表示 " 不熟练工人 "两者情况的对比。 Moreover“再者,加之,此外,而且”;therefore“此,所以因”;otherwise“否则,要不然”; meanwhile“在此期间,同时”,符合句意,故选 C.


11. In a typical business situation, women,find themselves bumping their heads on "glass ceiling", a barrier to their career which may be impossible to break

A. as they might try B.try as they might

C. hardly as they try D. as they try very hard

【答案】 B




破职场上的“玻璃天花板”,这是职场上的一道无法逾越的障碍。hard 为副词时“努力地,艰难地”,而“hardly意”为“几乎不”。本句是说女性努力尝试打破这个障碍,所以不能用hardly ,用 hard 。分析句子可知,本句前后两句是转折关系。当as 译为“尽管”时,只用于倒装语序结构中,语气强于although 和 though 。这种倒装常把副词置于as 引导的从句的句首。如 Hard as he works, he can't support his family. 尽管他工作努力,可还是无法养活一

家人。分析可知只有 B 项正确。故选 B。

12. Kathryn's just phoned to say she's working _____ this evening and we needn't wait for her for dinner.

A. late B. lately C. soon D. freely

【答案】 A
