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天然无机化合物 natural inorganic substance

1化学组成 chemical composition 灰分含量 ash content

2原子组成 atomic structure 有色金属矿物 nonferrous ore

3有用矿物 valuable mineral 脉石矿物 gangue mineral

4给矿品位 the feed grad 非金属矿物 non-metallic ore

5沉积岩 sedimentary rock 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide

6发电 generation of electricity 露天采矿 open pit mining 低灰分烟煤 low-sulfur bituminous coal

挥发份 volatile constituents 煤气化 coal gasification

直接液化 a direct liquefaction process

煤的化学组成chemical properties of coal

相对密度 relative density 煤质分析 coal assay

粒度分布 particle size distribution

自磨 autonomous grinding 燃烧实验 special combustion tests

高品级煤种 high-rank coal 矿石粒度 the size of the ore

有用矿物粒度 the grains of valuable minerals

细粒嵌布finely disseminated in the ore

低品位矿石 low grade ores 解离度 degree of liberation

光化学性质 optical properties 磁性 magnetic properties

导电性 electrical conductivity properties

连生颗粒 the particles of locked mineral

最佳磨矿细度 an optimum mesh of grind

破碎应力 breaking stresses 颗粒边界 grain boundaries

再磨 be regrinding0f 磨矿成本 grinding costs

粗粒脉石 the coarse gangue 单体颗粒 single free particles

金刚石 diamond 石墨 graphite

原矿石 run-of-mine ore 维护成本 maintenance costs

强加于 imposes on 驱动轴 drive shaft

相对于 relative to 把。。固定在。。。上 attachment to

矿物加工方法 Mineral processing methods

粉碎原理 Principles of comminution

解离 liberation 富集 concentration

gold and piatinum (native or metallic form)

most of minerale (their composition)

tow minerals that(quite different physical properties) granite is composed(different)

1、they are release or

2、which is callde concentration

3、which involves crushing and sometimes grinding

4、v oer-grinding is wasteful

5、some specific difference in

6、physical or chemical properties between the valuable and ganguc

7、such as sizing of the ore and dewater of

1、矿石中有有用矿物与脉石矿物紧密共生 The useful minerals in the ore are intimately associated with the gangue minerals

1、破碎一般为干式作业,采用分段方法完成 Crushing is usually a dry proless and is performed in seuerd stages

2、在矿物晶体的晶格内,原子间键只在很短的距离内有效 In the crystalline latlice of minerals these inter-atomic bonds are effectine only over small distances

3、新生成的表面通常具有更高的化学活性 Newly formed surfaces are often more chemically active

4、在水存在的情况下,粉碎所需的能量减小 The energy required for comminution is reduced in the presence of water

5、粉碎学说研究输入能量与某一特定给料粒度下形成的产品粒度的关系Comminution theory is concerned with the relationship between energy input and the product particle size made from a given feed size

6、在球磨机内,所输入的大部分能量用于产生热量 In a ball mill ,the bulk of the energy being utilized in the production of heat

7、物料的单位体积表面积与颗粒的直径成反比The surface area of unit volume of material is inversely proportional to the diameter

8、也许测定矿石可磨度最广泛使用的参数是邦德功指数Probably the most widely used parameter to measure ore grindability is the Bond work index 9、批次实验取得的数据与标准可磨度实验数据具有很好的可比性,并且具有这样的优势,即测定功指数所需要的时间大大减少 The batch-type tests compared very favourably with the standard grindability test date ,the advantage being that less time is required to determine in the work index 10、Beng tests require constant screening out of undersize material in order to simulate closed-circuit operation 邦德试验要求不断的筛出物料以模拟闭路作业

11、So important is it to avoid over-grinding ,that ,as will be seen later ,some ores are comminuted to a size coarser than their liberating size before initial concentration.本书以后将会谈到,避免过磨是如此重要,以至某些矿石在入选前的粉碎粒度宁可大于解离粒度

1、the abundance of metals in the ocean is related to some extent to the crustal abundancies , since they have come from the weathering of the crustal rocks. 海洋中蕴含丰富的金属,在某种程度上与地壳的风度有关,因为这些金属来自于地壳的风化

2、it is apparent that if the minerals containing the important metals were un iformly distributed throughout the earth ,they would be so thinly dispersed that their economic extraction would be impossible.显然,如果含有重要金属的矿物是均匀的分布于地球,那么他们将如此稀疏的分散开来,以至于经济的开采是不可能的

3、a particular mineral may be found mainly in associates with granitic rocks ,or may be found associated with both igneous and sedimentary rocks, i.e. those produced by the deposition of material arising from the mechanical and chemical weathering of earlier rocks by water, ice and chemical decay. 一种特殊的矿物被发现主要与花岗岩共生在一起或者与岩浆
