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There are seven people in my family. They are my grandfather,my grandmother,my father,my mother,my sister,my brother and I. My faher is a worker.
• 材料:2020年新年之际,新冠病毒来袭,一场以湖北武汉为中心 迅速席卷祖国大江南北的战争爆发了,这场无硝烟的战争牵动着 无数家庭的心,特别是医护人员,他们以最快的速度响应国家号 召,投入到一线抗”疫“斗争中去,这种舍身忘死的精神,值得我 们致敬,作为此次战争正义的一方,我们每个人都有责任照顾好 自己,绝不让自己感染病毒,不给他们增加任何的压力,不给祖 国添麻烦。
cousin 表兄弟姐妹 friend 朋友
classmate 同学 teacher 教师
woker 工人 doctor 医生 nurse 护士
Look at the following pictures ,then describe the pictures in English.
My friends are out going. we like reading books. They usually help me with my study.
My name is Wangming.My birthday is Jun 5th.I am Chinese . I am a student. I study very hard.My favorite subject is English.I like it because it is interesting.I can play the piano and the guitar,but not very well. I love swimming and I am good at it. I am one of the best best students in my class.My teachers all say I am a good student. They all like me and I like them too.
• 今天的任务是写一篇作文:doctor(医生),字数要求100字左右。 你们可以以抗疫过程中做出重大贡献的医生为原型进行书写。例 如金银潭医院院长张定宇,可以从他的外貌,性格特点,和他的奉 献精神。
• 张定宇 -doctor Zhang 年龄-sixty years old . • 外貌:中等身材:medium heigh 寸头- short hair ,爱笑 smile • 性格特征:耐心—patient,负责-responsible , 平易近人-easy going , • 奉献精神:不顾个人安危工作在前线,regardless of his own
1.How old is my English teacher? She is about thirty years old.
2.Does my English teahcer have short hair? No, she isn’t.
3.What does my English teacher want us to do ? She wants us to study hard. 4.Why do we all like the English techer? Bcause she is a good teacher.
Talk About a person(写作)
How many words about person can you say in English?
father 父亲
aunt 姑姨
mother 母亲
uncle 叔舅
sister 姐妹
son 儿子
brother 兄弟
daughter 女儿
lives ,working in front of the war • 爱国爱家爱人民—Love your country, your family and the sick • (最后)我们也爱你,愿你保重身体,平安归来:we all love you ,
wish you taking care of yourself and coming back with safty.
My mother is a nurse. She is very busy. She loves her job.
I like basketball and English very much. I often play basketball with my classmates after school.
I like to have a drink with my friends. We are very happy.
Read the passage and answer the questions
My English Teacher
Miss Wang is my English .She looks very young.She is about thirty years old. She has long hair ,two big eyes and small mouth.She is funny,but she is strict with us. She wants us to study hard.Her lessons are interesting. We are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons.She is a good teacher.We all like her.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu