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Module 1 Plans

Unit 1 What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday?


★a lot of 许多 .... ★lot 许多

★clothes 衣服★have fun 玩得开心

★have been to 到过★instead 代替

★plan 计划cruise 漫游;游弋dimsum 点心pearl 珍珠

the Pearl River 珠江temple 庙

the Six Banyan Temple 六榕寺yummy 味道好的;好吃的


1. all of us 我们大家

2. buy new clothes 买新衣服

3. climb the Baiyun Hill 爬白云山

4. do some reading 读书

5. eat dimsum at Guangdong restaurant 在广东酒家吃点心

6. good idea 好主意

7. go on the Pearl River Cruise 游珠江

8. go shopping in Xiajiu Road 在下九路购物

9. Guangzhou Art Museum 广州艺术博物馆

10. have been to 到过

11. have a lot of fun 玩得很开心

12. have fun 玩得开心

13. have lunch 吃午饭

14. many times 多次

15. play cards 打牌

16. school holiday 学校假期

17. see white tiger 看白老虎

18. surf the Net 上网

19. take photos 照相

20. the Pearl River 珠江

21. the Six Banyan Temple 六榕寺

22. Xiangjiang Zoo 香江野生动物园

23. want to do sth. 想要做某事

24. watch birds 观鸟

25. write a letter 写信


1. What are you going to do?


I am going to climb Baiyun Hill. 我打算去爬白云山。 2. Shall we go on the Pearl River Cruise?

我们去游珠江 ,好吗?

It 's boring. 真无聊。

OK./ All right.


3. Let's go to Xiangjiang Zoo instead!


Good idea!


OK./ All right.


Unit 2 What Shall We Do? 、单词双基



1. Would you like to go with us? 你愿意和我们一起去吗?


Yes,I'd love to, thanks a lot.

非常愿意 ,谢谢。

Why don't you come to my house at twenty past eight? 你为什么不在 8:20 到我家来呢? Great!



That 's a good idea.


3. What film are you going to see? 你打算看什么电影?

The Lion King. 狮子王。

4. Can I go with you? 我可以一起去吗?

Yes, of course. 当然了。

Module 2 Cities

Unit 4 I Know This City! 、单词双基

★America 美国;美洲★capital 首都

★flag 旗★excellent 极好的;优秀Canberra 堪培拉Italy 意大利

Italian 意大利的national 国家的;民族的national flag 国旗New York 纽约

Ottawa 渥太华Paris 巴黎

Rome 罗马Sydney 悉尼

Tokyo 东京Washington D.C. 华盛顿特区Wellington 惠灵顿



Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go On Holiday?




Module 3 An Invitation

Unit 7 Ben Wants to Play Football 、单词双基



1. Shall we go to see the film The Lion King? 我们一起去看电影狮子王,好吗?

Sorry, I 'm busy now.Maybe later. 抱歉,我正忙呢。迟些时候吧。

OK./ All right. / Sure. 可以。/好吧。/当然。

2. Would you like to come to my party? 你能来我的聚会吗?

Yes, I'd love to. 好的,我很乐意。

3. Can I go to Mike's house? 我可以去麦克家?

Of course you can. 当然可以。

Unit 8 Janet Is Going to Have a Party 、单词双基★bring 带来★CD 激光唱片

★outside ★VCD 外面,在外面

可视激光光盘★problem invite



picnic 野餐
