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第一课Good Morning , Mom Betty: Good morning,Mom.

Mom: Good morning,Betty.

Please put the milk on the table.

Betty: OK,Mom

Dad: What’s for breakfast?

Betty: Toast,eggs,and oranges.

Ken: Good! I like oranges.

Betty: I don’t like oranges.

Mom: Oranges are good for you.

Try one.

Betty: Um……it’s good.

Mom: Ken, pass me the jam, please.

Robo: OK, here you are.

学习重点:I like oranges.

I don’t like oranges.

第二课How Do You Do?

Ken: Who’s that?

Jess: That’s Mrs. Smith.

She’s a teacher.

Mrs.Smith: Hi. Are you students here?

Ken: Yes, we are.

Mr. Brown: This is Mrs. Li and this is Li Li.

Mrs. Li: How do you do?

Mrs.Smith: How do you do , Mrs . Li?

Hello, Li Li.Nice to meet you.

Li Li: Nice to meet you,too.

Mrs.Smith: Be quiet,please.

This is Li Li.

This is Ken Newton.

Please sit down beside Ken, Li Li.

Ken: Hi, My name’s Ken.

Li Li: Hi. I’m Li Li.

学习重点:Who’s that?

That’s Mrs. Smith.

She’s a teacher.

How do you do?

How do you do , Mrs . Li?

第三课Whoes bag is this?

IS it Ken’s bag?

No, it’s not. It’s Li Li’s.

What’s wrong?

I can’t find my bag.

Is this your bag?

Yes, it’s mine. Thank you.

You’re welcome.

Jimmy: A bag! Whose bag is this?

Steve: Well, I don’t know.

Jimmy: Is it Ken’s bag?

Jess: No, it’s not. His bag is blue.

Steve: Oh, it’s Li Li’s.

Ken: What’s wrong , Li Li?

Li Li: I can’t find my bag.

Jimmy: Well… is this yours?

Li Li: No, it’s not. My bag is yellow.

Ken: Look at this! Is it your bag?

Li Li: Oh, my bag! Yes, it’s mine. Thank you.

Ken: You’re welcome.

重点问句:Whose bag is this?it’s mine.

Is it your bag? Yes ,it is.

第四课I like music

What’s the first class?

Math. I like math.

I do , too.

What’s the third class?

Music. Do you like music?

Yes, I do. I sing very well.

See you tomorrow.

So long. Have a nice day.

You, too. See you.

Stever&Jimmy: Sorry, we’re late.

Mrs. Smith: That’s okay. But please be on time from now on.

Li Li: What’s the first class?

Ken: Math. I like math.

Li Li: I do, too.

Li Li: What’s the third class?

Kate: Music. Do you like music?

Li Li: No, I don’t.

Jimmy: Why not? I like music. I sing very well. Listen! Li Li&Jess: Oh, no! Stop it!

Mrs Smith: See you tomorrow.

Students: Good-bye, Mrs. Smith.

Jess: So ling, Ken. Have a nice day.

Ken: You, too. See you.

重点问句:Do you like music? Yes .I do.

So long. Have a nice day. You, too.See you.

第五课I ride a bike What do you do after school?

I play the violin.

How about you?

I go to the library.

I like reading.

Look at me!

I ride my like.

No! Not in the street!

Oh, look at my bike!

Don’t do that again.

Li Li: What do you do after school?

Jess: I paly the violin. How about. Li Li?

Ken: She goes to the library. She likes reading.

Li Li: Yes, I like reading books.

Li Li: Hi, Kate. You ride a bike!

Kate: Yes. I ride my bike every day.

Jimmy: Look at me!

Robo: No, Jimmy! Not in the street!

Jimmy: Ouch!

Ken: Are you all right?

Jimmy: Ow, my legs hurt. Look at my bike!

Robo: Don’t do that again.

Jimmy: All right.
