the history of SYSU, 中大校史介绍(英文)

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As I know, all the students in this class are freshmen or sophomore. That is to say, you have been studying in Sun Y at-sen University at least one year. Some are even two years. Despite this, I am sure that many of you still know little about our school, which we may regard as our home for four years. For myself, I was the same as you before I took the course History of SYSU. I knew a lot of information about our school from this course, which I think is very necessary for us as one member of this excellent university. So I want to share part of this for all of you today, including the origin of SYSU, a brief introduction of universities that named after Sun Y at-sen in history and the first president of SYSU--Zoulu. In order to get more information and details, I also search the internet and read some literature from the school library. Y ou know, as a student of SYSY, you really should be proud of yourself.

Now, how many of you know the original name of SYSU? When was it established?

In 1924, Sun Y at-sen founded two schools, one was Ground Force Military Academy (黄埔军校)and the other was Guangdong University. On February 6th, Sun Y at-sen send an order to establish Guangdong University. On June 9th, National Higher Normal College (广东高等师范学校), Kwangtung Provincial Law College (广东公立法科大学) and Provincial Agricultural Technical School (广东公立农业专门学校) was combined into a new university—national Guangdong university. And its first principal is Zhou Lu. In 1926, the government decreed to change its name to Sun Y at-sen University to commemorate, inherit, and develop the great revolutionary spirit of Dr. Sun Y at-sen after his death. A year later, the government of republic issued an order that this National Sun Y at-sen University is the NO.1 National Sun Y at-sen University in China.

Talking about National Sun Y at-sen University, do you know that there were many universities that named after Sun Y at-sen in the history? But only five were admitted by the government.

The first was exactly our school which was established in1924 as I told you. The other four were all founded in 1927. The NO.2 National Sun Y at-sen University was also called National Wuchang Sun Y at-sen University. However, it was soon ordered to dissolve by The National party reactionary police. On the basis of it, a new university was built, which we now know as Wuhan University. The NO.3 National Sun Y at-sen University only exited only about one year and then it changed its name into Zhejiang University. The predecessor of NO.4 National Sun Y at-sen University was National Southeast University. It is now one of the top universities in China---Nanjing University. The name of NO.5 Sun Yat-sen University has been changed for many times, and now it is called Henan University. Y ou see, our school is the first but also the only one left that is named after the great revolutionary Sun Y at-sen, the founder of the Republic of China.

In addition to Sun Y at-sen, there is another person we should remember when we think of those who have made great contribution to our school. He is Zoulu, the first president of Sun Y at-sen University.

Mr. Zoulu was actually appointed as SYSU’s president twice, and the first time was in 1924. He then established a new university which was totally different from
