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Final Examination in Comprehensive English Course



SECTION A Word Spelling (10 points/ 0.5 point each)

Directions: Write down on the尸Sheet the 20 words you hear on the tape.

Each word will be read to you twice.

SECTION B Word Derivation (10 points/1 point each)

Direction: Complete each sentence with the proper farm of the word given in the brackets.

1.He gave us the that he would give up drinking, (assure)

2.of what is happening in the outside world, the farmers in this

mountain village live a quiet and peaceful life, (ignore)

3.It was of the college student to try and save the drowning child, (courage)

4.Women have yet to achieve full with men in the work-place, (equal)

5.It is possible for computers to be programmed to think like

humans, (theory)

6.I found her remarks deeply .(offend)

7.People in many African countries still suffer from . (nutrition)

8.There will be a serious of skilled labor in the

coming decade, (short)

9.In the last 20 years Korea has been into an advanced industrial power, (form)

10.Five years ago she could not have that her marriage with this actor would

end in divorce, (see)

PART II TEXT-BASED BLANK FILLING (10 points/1 point each) Directions: Write down the missing words in the following sentences on the_ 瑚纣Sheet. Make sure that the words are in the exact form as they appear in the texts you have learnt.

1. A university professor in Arizona to tutor underachieving

college athletes, recalls a runner who exercised daily.

2.I paid no attention to whose turn it was, and kept the ball

halfway down the alley and throwing it back at the bowler.

3.Ronnie White, of the Miracles singing group, heard Stevie and

took him down to his recording company.

4.Mother declared she had had a that we would never see our

things again.

5.In the evening they met at the hotel, both content with their day, happy

to eat a meal together and dance a little afterwards.

6.In many parts of the world, university professorships are the most

prestigious and materially positions.

7.The wisdom in the neighborhood was that we were spoiling

it and that we ought to go back where we belonged.

8.Anyone expecting an or a treatise on what it's like to have

been as lucky as I have been will be disappointed.

9.Nevertheless, most scientists agree that the of carbon

dioxide has reached the point where an increase in temperature is sure to take place. 10.On a more serious note, some fertility specialists argue that couples who

have difficulty a baby could make copies of themselves.

PART III SENTENCE TRANSLATION (20 points/ 2 points each)

Direction: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the words and phrases given in the brackets.

1.优等生的一个秘诀就是最好地利用大学图书馆。(make the most of)

2.孩子们又喊又叫,把我弄得筋疲力尽。(wear out)

3.西方的一个习俗就是要随一个家庭成员的名字来给孩子起名。(name after)

4.他因那起交通事故而双目失明。(deprive of)

5・我从来都没有时间进行足够的体育锻炼。(get around to)

6.那位电脑专家提醒用户要警惕黑客的袭击。(warn against)

7.因为他哄骗大家好多次了,没有人会相信他的话。(cry wolf)

8.本地区最近出现货币危机,原因在哪里? (blame)

9.全世界爱好和平的人们都对恐怖分子的行径感到义愤填膺。(up in arms about)

10.那个学校几年前就不再强制学生穿校服了。(do away with)

PART IV Note Writing (6 points)

Direction: Write a note keeping in touch with one of the friends in about 60 words based on the cues given below.

1st January, 2006 // Juanita // not see / each other / ages // Jennie's birthday party / have / hearty talk / wasn't it // how / you? // change / job / since // tourist guide / suit / fine // another talk? // home / most evenings // call / your convenience // Ann
