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(本卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟) 班级:



1. — Whose jacket is this? Is it Mr. Wang '?

—No. ______ i s on the desk. A . Him

B. His

C. He

A. cheap

B. cheaper

C. cheapest

D. more expe nsive

4. The village is far away from here in deed. It ' ________ walk.

A. a four hour

B. a four hour '

C. a four-hours

D. a four hours '

5. What do you usually do ______ weeke nds?

A. on

B. of

C. in

D. with

6. Would you like to come this Saturday? ______________ .

A. Yes, I'd love to

B. Yes, I am

C. No, I don't

D. No, I go

7. What was the weather like yesterday?

D. Hers

2. — Could you take __ A. any photos, tomatoes C. some photos, tomatos

3. This camera is too expe nsive.


for these ___ ? They are very beautiful .

B. some photos, tomatoes D. any photos, tomatoes

'like a _____ one.

—I'd like to. But I 'm busy (do) my homework.

A. It's Sun day

B. It is snowy

C. It's July 3rd

D. It was windy

8. He has __ homework to do in the evening.

A. much too

B. too many

C. too much

D. many too is the school library? It's next to the playgro und.


A. What

B. Where

C. How

D. When

10. It '

for me to go to a movie with you because I feel terrible today.

A. in terest ing

B. importa nt

C. impossible

D. bori ng

11. I ofte n help my mother

a lot of housework. A.does B. do

C. doing


12. My father

Shan ghai yesterday. A. leave for

B. left for

C. leavi ng for

D. is leavi ng for 13. My sister is only three years old. She '

young to ride a bike.


A. quite

B. enough

C. too

D. rather

A. What a

useful book it is! B. How an

C. How

D. What an

15. The teacher looks

tha n she is.

A. very older

B. the more older

C. much older

D. more older

二、用所给词的适当形式填空(1*10 ) 16. Tha nks for 给)me so much help.

17. The teacher was

已经)in the room when I arrived.

18. There (be) an apple and three oran ges on the table.

19. Could you 借)me your dict ion ary?

20. People have

不同的)tastes for books. 21. We usually

种植)trees in April.

22. She stopped to liste n to the (奇怪的)sou nds. 23. I usually get up at

(6:30) in the morni ng.

24. —Would you like (go) camp ing with me?
