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新概念英语第一册期中(Lesson 1-72)考试测试卷

姓名______ 分数_________


1. A. east B. head C. eat D. season ( )

2. A. race B. stand C. baby D. late ( )

3. A. west B. set C. subject D. best ( )

4. A. clock B. shop C. moment D. noise ( )

5. A. size B. rise C. mild D. finish ( )


1、I(宾格) ______ __

2、dish(复数) ______

3、sit(现在分词) __________

5、tall(反义词) ____ _

6、young(反义词) _____

7、white(反义词) ____ __

8、she(反身代词) ____ _9、desk(同义词) ______10、housewife(复数) ________

11、child (复数) ___ __12、swim(现在分词) ______13、up(反义词) ______ _

14、can not(缩略式) _____15、 clean (反义词) ______16.they(反身代词)


make______ fly_______ live_______ drop_________ shave________open______eat______ run________ sit______ read______go_______ walk________ wait_______ tie _________ 四.时刻表达(10分)

5:40 ___________ 7:54 _____ 6:30 ______ _____

5:08 _____ _____ 5:55 ______ _____ 1:20 _______________

3: 15 ______________ 11:00 ___________ 2: 45 ___________ 9:47 ____________ 五.介词填空(10分)

1. There is a window _____ the wall.

2. There are some birds ____the tree.

3. They arrived ____Huizhou ____6:30____a cold winter day.

4. My brother doesn’t like watching TV ____ noon.

5. We usually go to school ____ bike. But today we are going to school _______ foot.

6. They are playing ____ the park.

7. There are some oranges ____the tree.

8. My uncle was ___ Greece ____ 1985.

9. Shelly lives ____ No. 88 Jinma Road.

10. The cats are jumping _____ the wall.


1.The boy_____(sit)under the tree now.

2.Do you want_____(some)meat today?

3.—What are you going to do?—I_____________(paint)the bookcase.

4.He_____(like)spring best.

5.It often_____(rain)in summer.

6.—Where_____the girl_____(come)from?—She_____from Beijing.

7.We are_____.We come from_____(Chinese,China).

8.There are some_____(policeman)in the park.

9.Jim_____(not like)coffee,but he_____(like)tea.

10.Look,the dog_____(run)after a cat..

11.The dog_____(run)after a cat now

12.Mr.Black goes to work on_____(foot)every day.

13.The children always do_____(they)homework at night.

14.The boys_____(play)in the garden now.

15.She often_____(watch)TV in the evening, but now,she_____(read)the newspaper.

16.Tim_____(go)to school by bus every day.

17.He usually_____(arrive)at home at six o’clock.

18.I only have some small_____(box).

19.—What_____you_____(go)to do?—I_____(go)to water the flowers.

20.Give you your_____(change).


1、——How do you do?


A How are you ?

B How old are you ?

C How do you do ?

D Thank you very much .

2、——How are you ,Miss Wang ?


A how are you ,Miss Gao .

B I am fine ,thank you .

C you are right ,I am fine .

D thank you .

3、——______________________! Are you Mr. Chen ?

——No ,I am not .——__________.

A Hello; Good .

B Sorry ;Excuse me

C Hello Ok

D Excuse me ; Sorry .

4、_______is a fine day today.

A That

B This

C It

D Today

5、The aeroplane is flying _____the bridge .

A on

B of

C out

D over

6、They are looking _____ the sky .

A at

B over

C on

D in

7、There is a bridge ______the river.

A. on B over C in D at

8、They ______over the bridge now .

A. walk B walking C are walking D is walking
