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with, nature, beautiful, sing, singing, near, path, Sunday, clouds, Look, swimming, small, clean, many, any, forest, monkeys.
Today is_S_u_n_d_a_y. I go to the _n_a_t_u_re__ park w_it_h__ my friends. It’s a very _b_e_au_t_if_ul park. There are white_c_lo_u_d_s_ in the sky. There is
五年级英语 期末复习
选词填空 大练兵
helpful, weekend, under, at, behind, on
above,near, new, rooms, own, clean, it There are four r_o_o_m_s_ in my home.I
have my _ow__n__ room now. This is my n_e_w__ bedroom.There is a big shelf _o_n__ the floor. Two end tables are n_e_a_r__ the bed, and an air-conditioner
a lake in the park. L_o_o_k_! The fish are s_w_i_m_m_i_n_g in the lake. Near the lake, there is ap_a_th__, it’s s_m_a_l_l and c_l_ea_n__. There are m__a_n_y___ flowers _n_e_a_r__ the lake. There is
My home is __n_e_a_r___a river. You can see two _b_r_id_g_e_s_ over it. There are some _t_r_e_e_s____ behind my house.
Welcome _to___ my home!
a _fo_r_es_t__ , and many _a_n_im__al_s__ are
playing in it. The birds are _si_n_g_in_gin the tree. We are so happy.
weekends, on, near, bridge, house, to, football, homework, drink, English, trees, pipa, bridges, delicious, ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้aturday, favourite, songs, often
is _a_bo_v_e_ the bed. Look at my ball, it is _u_n_d_e_r___ the bed. I _cl_e_a_n__ my room
on the _w_e_e_k_e_n_d. I am _he_l_p_fu_l _ at home. I like _it___ very much.
swim, under, behind, trees, like, fish,
flowers, any, some, grass, river, village,
over, water My hometown is a small _v_i_lla_g_e__. There is a long _ri_v_e_r __ . There is a bridge _o_v_e_r__ the river. There is green g_r_a_s_s_ and beautiful flo_w__e_rs___ on the bank(河堤)of the river. And the ____w_ aistecrlean. There are many _____ ifnisthhe river. You can see many _____ ntereaers the road. And there are green mountains ______the bviellhaigned. My house is _____ a big turened.eIr ___ my villaglikee. In summer, I often _____ in the rivesr.wim
Hello, my name is Sam. I likeE_n_g_l_is_hvery much. My f_a_v_o_u_ri_te food is salad. It’s d_e_l_ic_io_u_s . My favourite d_r_in_k_ is tea. I can sing English _s_o_n_g_s and play the _p_ip_a__.Today is S__a_tu_r_d_a_y. I __o_ft_e_n_ read books, do my h_o_m__e_w_o_r_k. What do you often do on the _w__e_e_k_e_n_d_s_?