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群众:Look the "Four Scholars" are over there.Go and have a look hurry up.你们看你们看,江南四大才子在那边真的耶,江南四大才子耶…

唐:You can never escape.别走…别走····想跑?你飞不出我的五指山的

祝枝山:Brother Pak Fu it's crowded.We come here for a tour,that's why the women are that crazy.伯虎兄,很多人在看呢今天我们江南四大才子到这里游山玩水难怪那些女子疯狂了

周:That's why!说的是啊

文:Why not a poem competition?各位各位,既然今天大家兴致这么好,不如吟诗如何?

祝:Very good!Why don't you start first? Brother Man bun.征明兄提议的好文斌兄你先来

周:I am strong in this field."There are many geese under the mountain".来呀山下一群鹅文:"They rushed down to the river".嘘一声赶落河

祝:"Let's roast a goose".落河捉鹅医肚饿

唐:"After roasting you'd better go home for a screw".吃完回家玩老婆

一起:Good very good.Very good.对得妙呀

祝,周,文:Isn't it that funny?真的那么好笑吗

文:I wonder why is he always so happy when he is in a trip?为什么唐兄每次出游,都那么豪情奔放呢

周:I envy him so much.乐极忘形,实在令人羡慕羡慕呀

祝:He is so good in making poems.And he is an excellent artist.不过老实说,在江南论文章,唐兄他才高八斗论丹青,妙笔生花真是不折不扣的才子啊

周;He is really great! But he is good in playing music too.不错,更令人的羡慕的就是他在音律方面也有很高的造诣

唐:Right I know playing all kinds of music instruments. I have studied a new kind of music, it's great, let's play it together if we've a chance.那倒是,古今中外各种乐器,我样样都玩的出神入化最近我还在研究一种西洋打击乐器,很带劲儿啊有机会可以研究一下

周:I love it.研究一下

文:But I envy you because of your wives. All your wives are pretty. I don't think you will have any regrets in your life. I envy you so much. Bravo.我觉得唐兄最令人羡慕之处莫过于他的艳福人人都知道唐兄家中有八位夫人个个貌美如花,国色天香做人能像唐兄这样,夫复何求啊羡煞死人了是不是呀祝:There is something attractive. See there is a beauty. She seems to be lonely. Why not show us how to court a girt for us. To let us learn!有马子可以上呀唐兄,你看桥头有个婀娜多姿的美女,孤孤单单的这样好了,你就当场示范一下你的泡妞大法让我们兄弟几个好好的学一学


周:It's the welfare for your friends so?事关大家的福利,你没问题吧

唐:I am glad to demonstrate it.义不容辞



如花:What's the matter?公子何事?

祝。周、文:Go go.上,上

唐:May I put my head on your shoulder?没什么,我想借小姐的肩膀搭一下,不知道可不可以

如花:No I am a girl a decent girl.这怎么行,我可是黄花大闺女

唐:I know I want to make my friends happy that's all.I am Tong Pak Fu.我知道,我只不过想整整我的朋友而己其实在下正是唐伯虎

如花:So what? I don't know you. I will shout for help if you don't leave me alone.什么糖做的老虎?我不认识你你再不走我可要叫了

唐:How about paying you 1 tael?这样好了,我给你一两银子意思意思

如花:Who do you think I am? Make it ten.一两银子?你当我什么? 最起码十两

唐:That's too expensive why don't you rob?你这德行还要十两,干脆去抢了

如花:Right I am robber. Give me all your money.不错,我就是抢把钱拿出来

唐;Go to hell.你…你…去死

如花:Go to hell.打你捅你

祝:What's wrong?搞什么鬼? 怎么啦

文:Don't you want to make a serious punch like this?你出手也太重了吧

唐:Robber! It's a ladyboy!他想抢钱呀,这个死人妖

祝:Ladyboy? I love it. Hold it.人妖我喜欢,拿着

文:He is faster than me! Damn it.真可惜,被他抢先一步



唐:You can't move! Got me? 戏要上演了,等一下打死你都不能动哦

爹:Don't cheat me,you should pay me! 你说卖的所有钱都给我,不许赖皮哦

唐:How can I cheat a wise guy like you? 以你的智慧,唬得了你吗?

爹:That's right. 那倒也是

唐:Cheap man!A brand new cheap man for e and have a look!I'm so poor! 街坊邻居快来呀,刚出炉的孝子大拍卖不买也来看看呀我很惨呀

石榴:Are you selling yourself to bury your dad?But it's not lucky to seea dead body early in the morning. 这位小哥,你大清早在这里卖身葬父太不吉利了吧

唐:I don't wish to give you bad feeling. 我也不想啊

秋香:You look familiar,where did I see you? 我们好像在哪儿见过吧?你看起来好面善啊

石榴:Really? 是吗?

唐:It doesn't matter let's make friends now.Why don't you be merciful buy me please. 所谓相逢何必曾相识求求两位姐姐可怜可怜我吧

石榴:What a pity we need a workman,why not.·····真是好惨呀,我们正好缺个下人,我看就甲:I am poor I want to sell myself to bury my whole family! 我好惨呀,卖身葬全家

唐:Kidding?! 不会吧

甲:Be merciful, my family died last night.I am sick why not buy me?May be I'll cut half price! 两位姑娘,可怜可怜我吧,我一家六口一晚全死光了我身染十级肺痨,半卖半送,你就买了我吧

秋香:He is poorer,why not buy him to be our workman? 石榴,你看他可怜多了,我们就把他买回华府好不好

石榴:So buy him. 那就买他吧

唐:Lady first come first serve I come first. 姐姐,我先来的耶

秋香:It's not a problem of priority. 这不是先后的问题

石榴:He has to bury six and you have to bury one only.I do want to help you but,it's difficult for me to buy two. 对呀,人家家里死了六个,你家才死了一个我也很想帮你,但是我真的很为难呀
