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XX职业学院2009~2010学年第一学期期末考试新编实用英语2 试卷(B)



Part I .Fill in the blanks. (15%)

A) lonely B)interrupted C)invisible D) evidently E) preferable

F) advances G)attendants H)insert I)deposit J)chain

K)burden L)pets M)inconvenience N)additional O) apologize

1. Over-working can be a ____ on both body and mind.

2. New ____in medicine improve the quality of health care.

3. Without friends, he felt ___ in the city he had just arrived in.

4. Music is ____; we can hear it and feel it, but not see it.

5. She forgot to ____ the letter into the envelope.

6. The Queen’s ____ were always surrounding her.

7. She loves her cat and often___ it on the back.

8. That restaurant is part of a large___, which you can find in cities all

over country.

9. A dark suit is ____ to a light one for evening wear.

10. Linda has $500 on ___ in her account.

11. The picnic was _____ by a hard shower yesterday.

12. _____, he likes music so much that he’s taking piano lessons.

13. An ___ charge is made for heavy bags.

14. I must ____ to you for not being able to go to your wedding.

15. It causes a lot of ____ when bus drivers go on strike.

Part II. Vocabulary and structure. (25%)

16. My sister ___ here by now, for she took the early train.

A. ought to have arrived

B. can arrive

C. must have arrived

D. may arrive

17. He has caught a bad cold and kept ___ the whole night.

A. coughed

B. coughing

C. to cough

D. cough

18.Not until the early 1900s ___ to vote in the United States.

A. women were allowed

B. the allowed women

C. were women allowed

D. when women were allowed

19. What do you think of his suggestion that we ___ the work before lunch?

A. would finish

B. might finish

C. could finish

D. should finish

20. Mr. Heikinen came back late, ___ which time all the guests had already left.

A. by

B. at

C. after

D. during

21. He doesn’t know ___ he should go with her.

A. if or not

B. whether or not

C. if not

D. whether not

22. There were then more then 200 children ___ dance in the school.

A. to study

B. studied

C. study

D. studying

23. I expressed the hope ___ they would come to visit China again.

A. that

B. as

C. although

D. whether

24. ___ he can recover soon, I don’t mind how much money I have to pay.

A. So far as

B. As long as

C. In case

D. For fear that

25. He lost his watch, his car broke down, and he got a letter of complaint from

a customer: ___, he had a bad day.

A.by the way

B. after all


D. all in all

26. ___ breaks the law will be punished sooner or later.

A. Who

B. Whoever

C. Someone

D. Anyone

27. It is a great pleasure as well as a great honor ___ at the meeting.

A. to be presented

B. being present

C. to be present

D. to present

28. The manager is satisfied with ___ you’ve done.

A. that

B. all what

C. which

D. all that

29. The concert usually takes place at the hall, with the audience ___ on the


A. seating

B. seated

C. be seating

D. to seat

30. It’s high time ___.

A. we should leave

B. we should have left

C. we leave

D. we left

31. ___ to finish quickly.

A. No every student wants

B. No every student want

C. Not every student want

D. Not every student wants

32. The film is based on a short story ___ is familiar to those villagers.

A. such

B. which

C. what

D. when

33. Only recently ___ to deal with the problem.

A. has anything been done

B. anything has been done

C. has anything done

D. anything has done
