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1. 我认为,约翰是一个难以相处的人。

________ ________ _________ , John is a person who is hard to get along with.

2. 世界上有数以百万计的生物。

There are ___________ ___________ living things on the earth.

3. 地势从最高处坡度很陡地倾斜下去。

The ground ___________ ___________ from the highest point.

4 那是多年以前的事了。自那以来我已经换过几个工作了。

That was years ago. I've changed jobs ___________ ___________.


His work experience equipped him to deal with __________ __________ __________ people.

6. 休假能帮你缓解压力。

___________ ___________ ___________ will lighten you from stress.

7. 我们可以玩啊,忘掉一切别的东西。

We can ___________ ___________, and forget about everything else.

8. 请你一到达就给我打电话。

Please call me ___________ ___________ ___________ you arrive.

9 Jane刚刚摆放好餐桌。

Jane has just __________ __________ __________.

10. .海岸警卫队已放弃了两名潜水员生还的全部希望。

The Coast Guard had _______ _______ all hope of finding the two divers alive.

11. 为他的信仰而死的人是勇敢的人。

It is a brave person who will ___________ ___________ his beliefs.

12. 我们应该学会好好照顾自己。

We should learn to ___________ good ___________ ___________ ourselves. 13. 他足够大了,可以独立完成作业了。

He is old enough to finish his homework _________ _________ _________. 14.他独处于孤岛之中觉得乏味得要死。

He was ___________ ___________ boredom in the isolated island.


She has sent ___________ ___________ to her family telling them not to worry.

16. 几周之后他们要参加考试了。

They'll take an exam in ___________ ___________ ___________ weeks.


He forgets ___________ ___________ the TV just now.


Tom, as well as his classmates, _______ ______ _______ the results of the exam.

19.他因公事去伦敦。He went to London ___________ ___________.

20. 他经常半夜醒来好几次。

He often ___________ ___________ for several times at night.

21. 请及时上交论文。

Please ___________ ___________ the papers in time.

22.别整天做白日梦。Don't daydream ___________ ___________ ___________.

23. 幽默常常不只是一笑了之的事。

Humor is often ___________ ___________ a laughing matter.

24. 车辆不允许在市中心穿过。

Cars are not allowed to ___________ ___________ the city centre.

25. 他把书一本一本地叠起来。

He piled the books ___________ ___________ ___________ each other.

26. 在那天晚上,两个组的成员又一次聚在一起吃饭了。

In the evening the members of both groups were ___________ ___________ eating together.

27. 所以当我需要他在那时去做一些事情的时候,他都会很高兴地答应。So when I do ask him to come with me to do something ___________

___________ ___________, he happily does.
