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全部否定通常由含有全部否定意义的词,如no, none, nobody, nowhere, no one, never, neither, nor 等加上表示肯定意义的谓语动词构成。例如:

1、We couldn't eat in a restaurant because ____ of us had ___ money on us、(MET1991)

A、all; no

B、any; no

C、none; any

D、on one; any

析:根据句意“我们不能在餐馆吃饭”,可推测后句为“因为我们谁也没带钱”。no one 虽能表示全部否定,但其后不能跟of 短语。所以该题选C 。类似试题:

(1)They were all tired, but ____ of them would stop to take a rest、(NMET1995)





(2)Both teams were in hard training; ____ was willing to lose the game、(上海2001 )




D、the other

注意:“否定谓语+ 不定代词any/either 等”也可构成全部否定。例如:

We won't buy any of the books、我们不会买任何一本书。


部分否定就是由表示总括意义的词如all, both, every, each, everything, everybody 以及always, completely, entirely, wholly 等加上否定词not, never 等构成的,含有“不全就是、并非都”等意思。例如:

I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with___、(NMET1997)





析:由前一句“您说的我绝大部分同意”可推知后半句应为“但我并不就是每一个细节都同意”。在所给的四个选项中只有everything 与not 连用才能构成部分否定。故选A 。再如:

All that glitters is not gold、(莎士比亚语) =Not all that glitters is gold、闪闪发光的未必都就是金子。


延续否定就是在前文否定的基础上,再追加一个或数个否定的句子或结构,以补充说明已经否定的人或物的情况。其结构为“否定句+neither/nor+ 助动词+ 主语+ ……”,或者就是“ not … or …”等。例如:

1、— Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?

— I don't know and ____、(MET1991)

A、nor don't I care

B、nor do I care

C、I don't care, neither

D、I don't care also

析: I don't know 已就是一个否定句,而后面又紧跟一个否定句,进一步说明主语的态度,整句意为:我不知道,也不关心。答案为 B 。

2、— I don't like chicken____ fish、

— I don't like chicken, _____ I like fish very much、(MET1993)

A、and; and

B、and; but

C、or; and

D、or; but

析:当同时否定两者时,若重复否定词,则用and 连接,如: I like no chicken and no fish、若只在前边加否定词,则用or 连接。由于后一句不就是延续否定,故使用but 表示转折。答案为 D 。


当句中出现含有否定意义的词,如little, few, seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly,

barely 等时,该句就构成半否定句;当这些半否定词置于句首时要采取部分倒装。例如:

• Little____ about his own safety, though he was in great danger、(上海1994 )

A、does he care

B、did he care

C、he cares

D、he cared

析:表否定意义的词little, never, seldom, hardly 等用于句首时句子要倒装。根据语境,此处应该用过去时态。答案为 B 。

2、____ got into the room, ____ the telephone rang、(MET1988)

A、He hardly had; then

B、Hardly had he; when

C、He had not; than

D、Not had he; when

析: h ardly … when …就是个常见句型,意为“一……就……”。当hardly 位于句首时句子也应倒装,但hardly 也可放在句中,这时不倒装,即: He had hardly got into the room when the telephone rang、答案为B 。


当主句中含有动词think, believe, expect, feel, guess, imagine, suppose 等时,其后宾语从句的否定词往往转移到主句的谓语动词上。如: I don't think he is right、(我认为她不对。)从近年高考试题来瞧重点在于考查一些简略答语中的否定转移问题。例如:

1、— Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?

— ______、(NMET1994)

A、I don't believe

B、I don't believe it

C、I believe not so

D、I believe not

析:此题考查的就是表达个人瞧法时的日常交际用语,肯定回答为: I believe so 否定回答有两种: I believe not、或I don't believe so、答案为D 。

2、— The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they?

— ____、(北京2003 春招)

A、I guess not so

B、I don't guess

C、I don't guess so

D、I guess not

析:根据习惯, guess, hope, be afraid 的否定答语只有一种形式,即: I guess/hope/am afraid not、而不能说: I don't guess/hope so、也就就是说这几个词不能否定转移。答案为 D 。



1、Tom kept quiet about the accident _____ lose the job、(MET1990)

A、so not as to

B、so as not to

C、so as to not

D、not so as to

析: so as to do sth、表目的时相当于in order to do sth,其否定式为so as not to do sth、。答案为B 。

2、Mrs、Smith warned her daughter _____ after drinking、(MET1991)

A、never to drive

B、to never drive

C、never driving

D、never drive

析: warn 后接不定式作补语,“警告某人不要干某事”应说: warn sb、not to do sth、。答案为A 。

3、______ a reply, he decided to write again、(MET1992)

A、Not receiving

B、Receiving not

C、Not having received

D、Having not received
