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• 当你们看到奥特曼这个名字时,你们第一 个想起了谁
• Is the scientist who finds a few enzymes essence is RNA, • 是发现少数酶本质是RNA的那位科学家,
• or him
• 还是他
• When we were young ,most of us liked the cartoons about the Altman .
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
• So when we argue with others, we should know the perspective-taking. When we do math exam, we ought to understand the classification discussion. • 所以当我们在于别人争吵时,要懂得换位 思考。当我们做数学题时,要懂得分类讨 论。
• On the contrary ,a book named Dragon ,written by Jiangnan ,says that We are all little monsters, one day will be killed by the justice Altman. • 但是一本江南写的叫做《龙族》的书中说 道,我们都是小怪兽,有一天会被正义的奥 特曼杀死.
当我们小时候,大部分都最喜欢有关奥特曼 的节目
• when we saw Altman defeating the monsters, we were happy to fly up . • 当我们看有关奥特曼的动画片的时候,看 到奥特曼打败怪兽,我们高兴地要飞起.
• What are you thinking after seeing the cartoons? • 当你看完节目以后,你在想什么
• • • • • •
谢谢! Thanks! ありがとうございます ! 감사합니다 ! merci ! gracias !
• 此PPT来自于
The ppt is from
• 此翻译由
This translation is provided by youdao.
Hello ,everyone! Today my topic is
• When you see the name of the Ottoman, who first thought of you
• 每一件事情都有我们都可以的到不同的结 论,因为我们是带着不同的心情从不同的 角度看问题。
• Everything we can have different conclusions, the reason is that we watch things from a different perspective with a different mood.