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数量: number, amount( money, time)

[ 可数 ] [ 不可数 ]

比例: percentage, proportion, share

2.看 X-Y 轴

3.找规律 -反常

① interpret 解释(分析数据)

② comments 评论



graph 图标 , table 表格 , bar chart 柱状图 , pie chart 饼状图


The graph illustrates ⋯图表说明 ...

The bar chart shows data for ⋯条形图显示的数据 ...

It can be clearly seen from the pie chart that 从饼图可⋯以清楚地看到 ...

3. 时间段

over the past 5 years 在过去 5 年

over this span of 28 years 在这 28 年的跨度

during the period from March to May 在 3 月至 5 月期间

throughout the period 整个期间

for the rest of the period 在剩余的时间


percentage 百分比 , number 数量

(a mount )

experience huge fall经历巨大的衰落

巨大的: vast, massive, enormous, immense, tremendous

something unexpected意外


There be⋯会有⋯

Japan experienced a massive increase in car ownership in the 1930 s’日本在 20 世纪 30 年代经历了汽车拥有量的大幅增长


1) 增加 /上升 /提高

rise gradually ( rose)逐渐上升

go up significantly ( went up)显着上升

rise slightly略有上升

The number experienced slight rise.


experience dramatic increase经验显着增加

People holding a Bachelor s degree’ only managed a moderate increase of $5 per week.

持有学士学位的人只管理每周适度增加 5 美元。

2) 减少 /下降

drop slowly (dropped)慢慢下降

fall sharply ( fell )大幅下降

go down by a big amount ( went down )大量下跌

diminish slightly ( diminished )略有减少

gradual decline逐渐下降

3)保质平稳 /不变

remain fairly constant / steady / stable / unchanged 保持相当稳定

level off变得稳定

change slightly轻微改变

earnings amongst university在大学中的收入

graduates remained fairly steady after 1985.

毕业生在 1985 年以后保持相对稳定。

4) 起伏 /波动

There are minor(small) fluctuations between在⋯⋯and之间⋯有较小的波动

rise and fall

fluctuate slightly / dramatically

6. 比较

compared with 和 ....相比

in contrast to 相比之下

huge difference 巨大的差异

Between 1965 and 1985, there was significant(little) difference in the earnings between high school leavers and university graduates.In 1980, professionals with a Master s or a Doctoral degree’earned slightly more than those with a Bachelor s degree.The’biggest change occurred in the period from 1985 to 1995, when high school leavers enjoyed the greatest increase in earnings.During the same period, professionals with a Doctoral degree enjoyed the same average earnings as those who had done

postdoctoral research.

在 1965 年和 1985 年之间,高中毕业生和大学毕业生的收入之间存在显着(小)的差异。
