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Unit 2


Of the total population of this American city, 76.2% are white, and 23.8% are black.


Asia makes up over 29% of the world‟s land area.

这个村子适龄儿童入学率在1953年仅为23.5%,1965年上升为67.8%, 而1989年高达97.9%。

In this village, the school attendance rate for school-age children in 1953 was only 23.5%. It rose to 67.8% in 1965. And it reached as high as 97.9% in1989.

Unit 3


Y esterday, we planted about 500 pine trees.


The Imperial Palace has over 9000 halls and chambers, with a building area of about 150,000 sqm. 这个城市已有近八百年的历史。

This city has a history of nearly 800 years.


The audience present totaled nearly 290 thousand person-times.


The size of each household in China has reduced from five or six members to three or four members.


During National Day, there are tens of thousands of tourists going to Mout Tai for sightseeing. Unit 4

1.和谐社会 a harmonious society

2.国计民生the national economy and the people‟s livelihood

3.家庭暴力domestic violence

4.知识产权Intellectual Property Right (IPR)


6.扩大民主expand democracy


8.传销pyramid selling

9.打假crack down on fake products

10.打白条issue IOU


12.造林运动afforestation drive/ campaign

13.联合国安理会the UN Security Coucil

14.东盟Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

15.十七大the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 中国生产了世界上80%的复印机、60-70%的移动电话、60%的数码相机、50%的电脑,以及将近50%的纺织品,仅仅广东省的一个工厂就生产了全世界40%的微波炉。

China produ ces 80% of the world‟s photocopiers, 60-70% of the mobile phones, 60

% of the digital cameras, 50% of the world‟s computers, roughly 50% of world textiles, and 40% of all microwaves in one factory in Guangdong alone.


The answer to the question of whether one should continue using the method depends in part on what other forms of solutions are available.

要知道/ 是否可以继续使用这种方法,/ 这部分地取决于是否还有其他方法。

The General Assembly adopted resolutions 47/120 A and B on 18 December 1992 and 20 September 1993 respectively.

大会通过了第47/120 A and B决议,时间分别是1992年12月18日和1993年9月20日。

Governments have a crucial role to play in promoting social human development and in providing the poor with the necessary working skills.


中美建交以来,我们两国人民之间的相互交流与了解在逐渐扩大和加深,但还不够。Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, the exchanges and mutual understanding between our two peoples have broadened and deepened steadily. However, this is not enough.

Unit 7

扶贫Poverty alleviation/relief

附加值Added value

第三产业Tertiary industry; service sector

吊销执照Revoke one‟s license

公益广告Public-interest ad

基础设施建设Infrastructure construction

货到付款Cash on delivery

解放生产力Emancipate the productive forces

搞活国营大中型企业Invigorate large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises

人民币升值appreciation of the RMB

全院表决floor vote

非战争军事行动non-combat military operations

(Chinese President Hu Jintao has praised the military and armed police for their contributions in non-combat military operations, referring to activities such as disaster relief work.国家主席胡锦涛赞扬了全军和武警部队在抢险救灾等非战争军事行动中的贡献。)


1. 采用新的技术以后,那个工厂1998年生产的汽车是前一年的两倍。

After the technique was introduced, the factory produced twice as many cars in 1998 as the year before.

2. 1998年,少数民族自治地方农民人均纯收入达163


In 1998,the net income per farmer in ethnic minority autonomous areas reached 1,633.11 yuan, or 21.5 times the 1980 figure.

3.律师事务所达到8625家,比上年增加1065家, 增长1


The number of lawyers‟ offices reached 8265, up 1065 or 14.8%.

4.1990年至1996年,中国出口总额从621亿美元增加到1511亿美元,平均每年增长16%. Total export volume rose to 151.1 billion US dollars in 1996 from 62.1 billion US dollars in 1990, up 16% per year on average.
