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Dear sir or madam ,


This is ignmax company.ty for ur visiting our site :)

we r wondering whether u tried to buy some gold for ur WOW game from our site?May we know why the payment

didn't go through yet? Was there anything wrong with ur paypal or ur credit card?Is there anything we could help u with? if u were going to try again from our site

,welcome forever!:)looking forward to ur early reply,thx!


1.WOW: world of warcraft. 魔兽世界

2.AFK: away from keyboard. 指玩家离开电脑,不在游戏里面。

3.DND: do not disturb. 一般是玩家在副本或战场里,不想被打扰。

4.OMG: oh my god.

5.SOLO: 英文原意是独奏游戏里通常指一个人单独练级做任务等

6.MT: main tank. 指副本中拉怪的首席战士

7.PST :Please Send Tell,指说话的人想通过/t(ell) ,/w(hisper) 命令交流,也就是密聊。

8.one sec: one second. 等一下。

9.brb: be right back. 马上回来。

10.PVP : Player vs. Player,玩家对玩家。也就是一名玩家攻击另一名玩家

11.PvE : Player vs. Environment,玩家与电脑控制的对手之间的战斗

12.lvl: level. 等级,级别。

13.LOOT - 从被杀死的怪物或宝箱里拿取财物

14.LFG - Looking for a group,寻找队伍以加入

15.GM - Game Master,游戏管理员。一些被暴雪娱乐雇佣以帮助、协助玩家的人

16.DPS - Damage per second,每秒伤害。

17.DMG - Damage,伤害。

18.AH: auction house 拍卖行

19.LFM - Looking for more,找寻更多的人组队。

20.WTB - Wanting to buy,想要购买

21.WTS - Wanting to sell,想要出售

22.XP or Exp - 经验值

23.instance: 副本

24.yw: you are welcome

25.ty: thank you

26.cya: see you

27.lol: lots of laughters

28.thx: thanks

29.g2g: get to go. 相当于I am going to leave.

30.nvm:never mind

31.coz/cause: because.

32.SPI - Spirit,灵魂。

33.STA - Stamina,耐力。

34.STR - Strength,力量

35.Agi - Agility,敏捷

36.oic: oh i see

37.y?: why

38.dw: don't worry

39.btw: by the way

40.sup: what's up

41.wanna: want to

42.pally: paladin 圣骑士

43.dude: guy

44.yes: yup/yep/yeah

45.plz: please

46.dun: don’t

47.nope: no

48.tysm: thank you so much

49.ofcz: of course

50.np - no problem

51.idk - i'd like to

- credit card

53.kinda- kind of

54.atm: at this/the moment

55.eta: estimated time of arrival 大概能收到金的时间



1. GS - Goldshire,闪金镇

2 .IF - Ironforge,铁炉堡

3. SW: stormwind. 暴风城。

4. ORG: orgrimmar. 奥格瑞玛

5. TB: thunder bluff. 雷霆崖。

6. UC: under city 幽暗城

7.SV: strangthorn vale 荆棘谷

8.VC: deadmine. 死亡矿井。因其最终BOSS的名字叫VC,故得此名。

(三)几大战场的缩写。BG: battelground. 战场。

1.AB: Arathi Basin. 阿拉希盆地

2.A V: Alterac Valley 奥特兰峡谷

3.WS: Warsong gulch 战歌峡谷

4.eye of storm: 风暴之眼



分支名称========== 人数== =等级======副本名称

1.地狱火壁垒(Hellfire Ramparts)===5====60-62===地狱火要塞(Hellfire Citadel)

2.血熔炉(The Blood Furnace)=====5====61-63===地狱火要塞(Hellfire Citadel)

3.奴隶围栏(The Slave Pens)======5====62-64===盘牙洞穴(Coilfang Reservoir)



6.沼泽洞穴(The Underbog)========5====66-68===盘牙洞穴(Coilfang Reservoir)

7.塞泰克大厅(sethekk Halls)======5====67-69===奥金顿(Auchindoun)

8.暗影迷宫(Shadow Labyrinth)======5====68-70===奥金顿(Auchindoun)

9.碎裂大厅(The Shattered Halls) ====5====70-72===地狱火要塞(Hellfire Citadel)

10.机械区(The Mechanaar)========5====70-72===风暴要塞(Tempest Keep)

11.秘术区(The Botanica)==========5====70-72===风暴要塞(Tempest Keep)

12.拱廊区(The Arcatraz)===========5====70-72===风暴要塞(Tempest Keep)


1. 卡拉赞:Karazhan 10人

2. 玛瑟里顿的巢穴:Magtheridon's lair 25人

3. 戈鲁尔之巢:Gruul's lair 25人

4. 祖阿曼:Zul'Aman 10人

5. 时光洞穴:海加尔:Caverns of Time:Hyjal 25人

6. 黑色神庙(Black Temple)25人

7. 毒蛇神殿洞穴:serpentshrine cavern 25人



L68-72: Borean Tundra 北风冻原

L68-72: Howling Fjord 凛风峡湾

L71-74: The Dragonblight 龙骨荒野

L73-75: Grizzly Hills 灰白之丘

L74-77: Zul'Drak 祖尔德拉克

L76-78: Sholazar Basin 休拉萨盆地
