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1、buses There any weren’t.

2、in We a small lived house.

3、are There of buses lots and cars.。

4、a big We in live house.

5、in the worked She fields.

6、have didn’t She a television.

7、Thank for talking you to us.

8、languages Did she any learn foreign ?

9、learn She t English .

10、now He learning i s English.

11、she do did What


12、she What for did have breakfast?

had eggs She and for sausages breakfast.

13、she an English had Yesterday breakfast.

15、you going What to are eat ?

I eat am some going to hamburgurs.

16、are you What to going drink ?

I drink am to some going water.

17、Let’s go to the library.咱们去图书馆吧。

18、We can find a book about computers there.


19、——Where are the books about computers ,please?


——They are on Shelf C. 它们在 C 架上。

20、——Where can you find out about China food.?


——You can find out about China food in the library.


21、The black bag is nice .It’s big.这个黑色的书包很好看。它很大。

22、This blue one is big and light. 这个蓝色的书包又大又轻。

23、It’ll be easy for her.对她来说很方便。

24、It’s big and light. It’s got two pockets.它又大又轻。它有两个口袋。

25、——When did you go to Xinjiang?你们什么时候去过新疆?

——We went there in July.我们七月份去的那里。

26、——Did you go with your mother and father?


——Yes, I did.是的。

27、Let’s send an email to dad.让我们发一封邮件给爸爸吧。

28、Click on “email”. 点击“电子邮件”。

Now click on “Write”现在点击“书写”

29、Write your message.写你的信息。

30、I am working very hard.我非常努力工作。

31、I will be home at seven o’clock.我七点钟会在家里。

32、What about chopsticks?筷子怎么样?

33、Why don’t you give him a kite?你为什么不给他一个风筝呢?

34、How about a dragon kite?龙的风筝怎么样?

35、What do you suggest? 你建议带什么呢?

36、Line A is longer.线条 A 长些?

37、——Is line A the same as line B?线条 A 和线条 B 一样吗?

——I think so. /I don’t think so.我觉得是这样。/我不这样认为。

38、The men wore women’s clothes.男人们穿着女人的服装。

39、The actors told lots of jokes .演员们讲了许多笑话。

40、We laughed a lot.我们笑个不停。

41、We are going to see you in three weeks.我们将在 3 个星期后去看你。

42、Mum bought new chopsticks for you.妈妈给你买了新筷子。

43、He’s eating an apple now.他现在正在吃苹果。

44、Where are you going to go?你准备去哪里?

45、What are you going to take?你准备带什么东西?

46、When are you going to go the airport ?你什么时候去机场?

47、Who’s going to to go the airport?谁准备去机场?

48、Who’s going to to go the airport with you?谁准备和你一起去机场?

49、Grandma made Chinese food for me.奶奶给我做了中国食物。

50、I want to try American food. 我想尝试美国食物。

I will write again soon. 我将很快再次给你们写信。
