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Expressions 1

In the Near East 在近东Some parts of the world 世界某些地区Preserve their history 保存他们的历史Hand down for one generation to another 代代相传Write down what they do 记下他们的所作所为The remote ancestors 远祖peole living in the Pacific Islands 生活在太平洋群岛Have neither history nor legends to help them 既没有历史又没有传说帮助他们Make tools of stone 用石头制作工具Disappear without trace 消失得无影无踪/ rot away腐烂干净/ Expressions 2

If it were not for 要不是/ Put together 加在一起/ Do harm to 对…有害/ Tell the difference 区别/ Be engaged in 从事/ Make a census of 对…进行统计/ Make the wildest guess at 对…胡乱猜测/ Owe…to…将…归功于/ A fraction of 一小部份/ Be nearly related to 与…有亲緣关系/ At a glance 一眼就,乍一看/ On one’s behalf 代替某人/ Something like 大约,大概/ Be content with 满足于/ Destroy so many insects消灭那么多的昆虫/ The greatest enemies of the human race 人类最大的敌人/ Live in the world生存,活在这个世界上/ Devour all our crops吞噬我们所有的庄稼/ The protection from insect-eating animals食虫动物的保护/ Never do the least harm to us对我们没有丝毫伤害/ Be engaged in this work从事这项工作/ One authority on spiders一位研究蜘蛛的权威/ In the south of England 在英国南部/ On a football pitch在足球场上/ Not content with three meals a day不满足于一日三餐/ The total weight of the human beings 所有人的总重量

Expressions 3

It is true… but…诚然…但是/At the thought of 一想起/Except for除…以外/ Cut … off from把…隔离开来/Take shelter wherever they can /Find shelter with与同住/ In a manner以某种样子/ Go out of one’s way特意干/ Tend to常常,倾向于/ Wash down with咽下,吞下/ Be accustomed to惯于/ in the pioneering days在登山运动的初期/ Look for the easiest way to the top寻找到达山顶的丫最方便的道路/ Face difficulties and dangers面临艰难险阻/ Shudder at the thought一想起来就不寒而粟/ Court such excitement追寻这种刺激/ Except for one or two places除了一两个地方外/ Settlements cut off from civilization与世隔绝的村落/ Accustomed to eating seven-course dinners习惯一餐吃七道菜/ Sleep between fine linen sheets睡优质亚麻布床单

Expressions 4

Detect colours with her fingers用手指辩别颜色/ see through solid walls看穿实墙/ a locked safe / keep old newspapers locked away锁着的保险柜/ be done up in bundles被打成捆/ curious talent特异功能/ a scientific research institute科研所/ a series of tests一系列测试/ the Ministry of Health卫生部/ have a similar sensitivity有相似的敏感性/ perceive things with her skin用她的皮肤辩别实物/ bring her curious talent to the notice of a scientific research institute / stranger still / make out the colours of a picture hidden under a carpet / in another instance 另一次/ the moment 一…就

Expressions 5

Be imprisoned in zoos被关在动物园内Natural history museums 自然历史博物馆Exert a strong fascination upon 对…产生巨大的魅力Horror films 恐怖电影In a wild state 处于野生状态In the dark jungles 在黑暗的丛林中Lead two expeditions 率领两支考察队

Lie buried among the animals长眠于动物中The exact social pattern of the family groups 大猩猩家族的确切群居模式Indicate the final extent of their intelligence 指出它们的智力极限Remain a mystery 仍是个迷Describe the animal to the civilized world向文明世界描述这种动物Haunt the imagination of climbers常在攀登者的脑海中出现Something of a 有点Keep … under observation 对…进行观察

Expressions 6

The problem of youth青年问题/ Take leave to doubt冒昧, 请原谅不揣冒昧表示怀疑/ Get down to fundamentals从问题的根本开始/ Has a glorious future before him有一个辉煌的前途/ That is where the rub is问题的症结就在这里/ Have an air of freedom有一种奔放不羁的风度/ Have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions不沉溺于卑鄙的追名逐利/
