

英语词汇学试卷 第1页共9页




I. Each of the stateme nts below is followed by four alter native an swers. Choose the one

that best completes the stateme nt and put the letter in the bracket. 1. According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______ . (


A . meaning

B . Sound

C . comb in ati on of sounds

2. The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.( )

(30% )

D . Group

A . more slowly than C . more rapidly than

B. As quickly as D . Not so quickly as

3. Words may fall into the basic word stock and non basic vocabulary by _____ . ( )

A . use frequency B. notion

C. origin

D. sound

4 . Rapid growth of scie nee and tech no logy breeds such new words as the follow ing

EXCEPT _____ .(

_________________ ) A . gree n revoluti on B . fast food

C . moon walk

D . space shuttle

5 . Sema ntic cha nge means an old form which takes on a new _____ t o meet the new n eed.

A . form

B . mea ning

C . look

D . pronun ciati on

6 . Revivi ng archaic words also con tribute to the growth of En glish vocabulary. For in sta nee, in

American English “all" means ______ in British English.( )

A . four C . for

B . fell D . autu mn

7 . The plural morpheme “s" is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT _____ .

( ) A . /t/ B . /g/

C . /p/

D . /k/


英语词汇学试卷 第3页共9页

free morphemic words in the following: bird, man, red, collection. (

B. two

C. three 9. The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPT B. prewar

30% to 40% of the total nu mber of new words in En glish are produced through

compo unding

The word motel is created by

12. BBC "is formed in the way of

The types of meanings in clude the followi ng EXCEPT

is the result of huma n cog niti on, reflect ing the objective world in the huma n mind.

B . Concept

Semantic field, according to the course book, is also considered an integral part of

8. There are D . four

A . works C . postwar

D . bloody

10. B . affixation C . conversion

D . shorte ning

11. compo unding

B . clippi ng

C . blending

D . suffixati on acronymy B . clippi ng C . back-formatio n

D . prefixati on

13. grammatical mea ning B . conceptual meaning C . associative mea ning D . literal meaning

14. By

motivation, we mean that the meaning of a word is related to its origin.


ono matopoeic

B . morphological

C . sema ntic

D . etymological


Refere nee C . Sense

D . Motivation

16. A . word formation C. meaning change

B . word meaning D . Sense relations



17. When a word is first coined, it is always _____ . ( )

A . semantic

B . onomatopoeic C. monosemic

D . polysemic

18. The following are all synonymous pairs, but in each the second is standard in usage whereas

the first is archaic, EXCEPT _____ .( )

A . ire/anger

B . rich/wealthy

C . forlorn /distressed

D . bliss/happ in ess

19. Shakespeare is difficult to un dersta nd tha n con temporary writ ings because many of his words

were used in differe nt

from what they have now in dicti on aries. ( ) A . senses

B . Forms

C . dialects

D . Terms

20. The mode of _______ is well reflected in the word

picture ”,which originally denoted mere

painting ”,but now has come to include drawings ” and even p h otographs ” ( )

A . extension

B . elevation

C . narrowing

D . degradation

21 . In the sentence The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman.”, the word

respectable" is used in the ______ s ense of transfer.( )


subjective B . objective C . sensational

D . physical

22. Which of the followi ng is NOT one of the roles of con text? ( )

A . Elim in ati on of ambiguity. B. Indication of referents.

C. Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning.

23. The sentence I'lost Betty 'picture."is ambiguous due to ________ .( )

A . grammatical con text

B . polysemy C. antonymy

D . hyponymy

24. In the sentence An east or north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a

sou "Wester usually brings rain. ”,the meaning of sou'wester" can be in ferred from the clue of _____ .(


英语词汇学试卷 第5页共9页

B . synonymy

C . antonymy

D . hyponymy

25. The idiom “Oss and turn" is a(n) ______ as far as rhetorical features of idioms are concerned.

C . metonymy

26. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of idioms? ( )

B. Idioms adverbial in nature. D. Idioms nominal in nature.

27. The following are all variations of idioms, EXCEPT ______ . ( )

A . replaceme nt

B . additi on

C . shorte ning

D . repetitio n

28 .

Gen erally speak ing, a dicti onary will cover the followi ng content EXCEPT .(

A . spel ling

B . syn tactical usage

C . pronun ciati on

D . defi niti on

29. As a gen eral Chin ese-E nglish dict ion ary, ___ is the most complete and up-to-date, most

elaborately treated one (


A . A Chinese-English Dictionary (1995)

B. Oxford Advaneed Learner ' Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation

C. A New English-Chinese Dictionary

D. Lon gma n Dictio nary of Con temporary En glish with Chin ese Tran slati on 30 . Colli ns COBUILD En glish Usage (1992), is a(n) ______ dictio nary.( )

A . unabridged

B . desk

C . specialized

D . en cyclopedic

n . Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B according to 1) types of

transfer; 2) rhetorical features of idioms; 3) types of vocabulary by notion; and 4) the fun ction of affixes. (10%)



( c ) 31. She burst into passi on ate sobb ing. A . juxtaposition ( I ) 32 . He drops off to sleep, the lamb. B . no tio nal word

A . releva nt details

B . metaphor D . rhyme

A . Sentence idioms. C . Clausal idioms.

(g )33. and C. transfer of sensations

(h )34. the man ' coat D . abstract to concrete

( a )35. here and there E. derivational affix

( b )36. moon F. alliteration

( f )37. rough and ready G . functional word

( e )38. ex-prisoner H . inflectional affix

(j )39. fair and square I. associated transfer

( d )40. Helen looks a fright in that old black dress. J. rhyme

in. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (10% )

41. When we talk about a word in visual terms, a word can be defined as a ________ group of

letters prin ted or writte n horiz on tally across a piece of paper.

42. Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: ______ , semantic change and

borrowi ng.

We might say that free morphemes are free root.


44. The formation of words by adding word-forming affixes to stems is called _______

45. Semantic _______ refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of

a word .

46. Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully ____________ with regard to spelling and

pronun ciati on.

47. ___________________________ Vocabulary is the most element of a Ianguage as it is undergoing constant changes

both in form and content.

48. Ambiguity often arises due to and homonymy.

49. Idioms consist of set and short senten ces.

Ian guage.

50. Monolingual dictionaries are written in

IV. Define the following terms. (10% )

51. morpheme

52. homonym

53. connotation

54. elevation

55. idiom

V.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in


the space given below. (20% )

56. As far as growth of present-day English vocabulary is concerned, what are the three main

sources of new words?

57. What are the semantic features of compounds? Give an example to illustrate your point.

58. Decide whether the following statement is true or false, based on your understanding of the

characteristics of antony ms. State your reas on with one example.

Con trary terms are non-gradable and allow in termediate members in betwee n.

59. How do you acco unt for the con text function as in dicati on of referen ts?

W. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.

(20% )

60. Analyze the following dialogue and comment on the rhetoric use of homonym in italicized font.

—— You 're not eating your fish, ” a waitress said to a customer. Anything wrong with it? ”

—Long time no sea." the customer replied.

61. An alyze the three causes of meaning cha nge with in the scope of the lin guistic factors, based

on the give n words below.

(1)gold, bulb;

(2)deer, beast, animals;

(3)fortuitous, fruition.

