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I.Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each)

Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.


23.The Romantic writers would focus on all the following issues EXCEPT the ___ in

the American literary histrory.

A.individual feelings

B.idea of survival of the fittest

C.strong imagination

D.return to nature (024)

24. Henry David Thoreau's work,__,has always been regarded as a masterpiece of

New England Transcendentalism.5


B.The pioneers


D.Song of Myself(024)

23.The hightide of Romanticism in American literature occurred around .

[A]1820 [B]1850 [C]1880 [D]1920(034)

25.Which group of writers are among those who may be called early pioneers of American literature?

[A]Mark Twain and Henry James.

[B]Fenimore Cooper and Washington lrving.

[C]Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner

[D]Jack London and O‘Henry. (034)

31.The Romantic Writers would focus on all the following issues EXCEPT the ()in the American literary history.

A. individual feeling

B. survival of the fittest(054)

C. strong imagination

D. return to nature

24.The Romantic Period, one of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of __________ to the outbreak of ___________.()

A. the 17th century…the American War of Independence

B. the 18th century…the American Civil War

C. the 17th century…the American Civil War

D. the 18th century…the U.S.-Mexican War(057)

29.The them e of Washington Irving‘s Rip Van Winkle is().

A. the conflict of human psyche

B. the fight against racial discrimination(057)

C. the familial conflict

D. the nostalgia for the unrecoverable past

25.The Romantic Period, one of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of ______________ to the outbreak of ____________.

A.the 17th century…the American War of Independence

B.the 18th century…the American Civil War

C.the 17th century…the American Civil Wa r

D.the 18th century…the U.S. – Mexican War(074)

26.Which of the following statements is NOT true of American Transcendentalism?4 A.It can be clearly defined as a part of American Romantic literary movement. B.It can be defined philosophically as ―the re cognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively‖.

C.Ralph Waldo Emerson was the chief advocate of this spiritual movement.

D.It sprang from South America in the late 19th century. (074)

39.A preoccupation with the ______ view of original sin and the mystery of evil marked the works of Hawthorne,Melville and a host of lesser writers.

A. optimistic

B. Calvinistic

C. Platonic

D. Socratic(087)

40. The American ______ as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values in the American Romantic period.

A. Puritanism B.Atheism

C. Deism

D. Cynicism(087)

39. In the American Romantic writings,______ came to function almost as a dramatic

character that symbolized moral law.3

A. fire

B. water

C. trees

D. wilderness(094)

40. The desire for an escape from society and a return to ______ became a permanent

convention of the American literature.2

A. the family life

B. nature

C. the ancient time

D. fantasy of love(094)

24. The fiction of the American _____ period ranges from the comic fables of Washington Irving to the social realism of Rebecca Harding Davis.

A. Romantic

B. Revolutionary

C. Colonial

D. Modernistic(097)

32.A preoccupation with the Calvinistic view of _____ and the mystery of evil marked the works of Hawthorne, Melville and a host of lesser writers.1

A. love and mercy

B. bitterness and hatred

C. original sin

D. eternal life(097)

1 Hawthorne

28.Hester Pryme, Dimmsdale,Chillingworth and Pearl are most likely the names of

the characters in ___.

A.The Scarlet Letter

B.The House of the Seven Gablest

C.The Portrait of a Lady

D.The pioneers(024)

27.Hawthorne generally concerns himself with such issues as in his fiction.

[A]the evil in man‘s heart[B]the material pursuit

[C]the racial conflict [D]the social inequality(034)

29. Which of the following works best illustrates the Calvinistic view of original sin? (044)

A. Stowe‘s Uncle Ton’s Cabin

B. James‘s The Portrait of a Lady.
