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电梯调试之OPEX Commissioning train(OPEX)2012年8月8日2012-8-8SUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 目录电动机参数自学习Motor auto-tuning 电梯安装检修运行Inspection running 电梯快车运行调试Normal running 电梯常见故障表Error code listSUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 系统简介system description in brief 系统结构介绍F5021SUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 电动机参数自学习Motor auto-tuning 确认安全回路都通、接地良好、无错接线。Safety circuit is connective and effective grounding. 吊起轿厢,将钢丝绳从曳引轮上取出,使曳引机处于空载状态Sling the car take off the ropes. 原理图正确连接编码器线Connect the encoder line exactly according to the schematic diagram.SUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 电动机参数自学习Motor auto-tuning合上电梯供电开关,再分步控制柜内各控制回路电开关。检查所有电源电压和相序(相序继电器)是否正确。Turn on the power switch then turn on the switches in controller.Check phase and voltage.确保KMC、KMY接触器吸合;确保电动机抱闸打开Insure KMCKMY energize and the break is open.变频器参数H1-06由9改为F Change Inverter parameter H1-06 from 9 to FSUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 电动机参数自学习Motor auto-tuning 输入

变频器如下参数:Input the parameter: T1-010 T1-02电机输出功率motor output power T1-03电机额定电压T1-04电机额定电流motor rate voltage motor rate current T1-05电机基频T1-06电机极数motor base frequency motor pole number T1-07电机额定转速T1-08编码器

脉冲数motor rate speed encoder pulseSUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 电动机参数自学习Motor auto-tuning 自学习完成后,相关的电机参数将自动存入E2参数中After auto-turning the results are automatically saved to E2. 变频器参数H1-06由F改为9 Restore H1-06 to 9 断电后,挂上钢丝绳,,确认轿顶检修正常;Break off the power load traction ropes make sure inspection is normal on the car ‘s

top.SUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 电梯安装检修运行Inspection running 在控制柜停电时,用专用短接线短接如下开关。Turn off the power switch overbridge switch as follows: 上下端站开关Limit switches 变频器参数表检查运行参数(参见OPEX参数说明)。Set the parameters according to parameter table 合上电梯供电开关Operate the power switchSUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 电梯安装

检修运行Inspection running 点动机房检修盒上的下行按钮。Press the down button in controller. 此时电梯机房至少有两名电梯工作人员,一位观察制动器是否打开,及曳引轮转动方向、转速是否正确。另一位操作按钮,并观察接触器吸合情况及的频率输出。当发现异常立即释放按钮There must be more than two operators in the machine room one checks the brake operation the rotational direction and speed of driving sheave the other presses the button observe the status of the motor and inverter any abnormity release the push button

immediately.SUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 电梯安装检修运行Inspection running 曳引轮转动方向或转速不正确,处理方法如下: If

the rotational direction of driving sheave and rotate speed is not correct please see the following: 转动方向正确,但转速极慢,并有轻微抖动时,变换编码器的A相和B相的相位即可If the rotational direction of driving is correct but the rotate speed is very slow change phase A and B of the encoder. 转动方向相反,转速极慢,变换曳引电动机输入电源相位即可If the rotational direction of driving is contrary but the rotate speed is very slow change the power phase of traction motor. 转动方向相反,转速正常,编码器和电动机输入电源相位都要变换。If the rotational direction of driving is contrary the rotate speed is correct change both the power phase of traction machine and phase A and B of encoder.SUZHOU EXPRESS ELEVATOR 电梯安装检修运行Inspection running 在机房内点动检修盒,电梯运行正确以后,两个方向连续多次地以短距离(1m左右)运行电梯,在电梯各部件没有误动作和异常响声后,把电梯停靠在安装人员从顶层面能方便进到电梯轿顶。为电梯作安装检修做准备。Press the down button in controller after the lift running well move the lift continuously in the short distance about 1m in two orientations. If the lift runs well and has no abnormal noise stop the life in the position where the operator can access to the top of the car prepare the installation of the lift. 分别在控

制柜和轿顶分线盒插上随行电缆中插接件及轿顶检修盒到轿顶分线盒的插接件。而其余不用接插。Plug plugs to the junction box and to the controller connect the inspection box to the junction box on the top of
