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Distinguished judges, teahers, dear friends:

Hello, everbod! M name is, I e from. Toda, I am ver glad

to stand here and share ith ou m most sinere speeh Fling outh, master our future!

Life is a proess of groing up. Saing goodbe to hildhood,

e step into another important time o

f life the outh .Hoever, ho an reall sa hat the outh is ? A period of time? A belief?An attitude to life? Or anthin

g else? We don t kno.

A famous poet said outh is a lovel song ,here nothing is impossible ; outh is a meaningful book, ou ll be never bored

of it ;outh is a rapid river ,it keeps on floing da and

night ;outh is a up of tea ,it shos ou different kinds of tastes in our life.

As outh is so preious, of ourse, e must treasure it .Don

t let the limited time pass b, leaving nothing of signifiane

to our future. Atuall, outh has a lot to do ith our future.

It s neessar for us to prepare ourselves ell for the future

to e. So, hat should e do? Here ,I ll point out some tips to help equip ourselves

First of all, reognize the diretion of our future. In

other ord, think of hat ou d like to be some da. A teaher ? A

dotor ? A riter? Don t afraid of thinking big and great .Sine ou are oung , ou an dream of doing anthing and being anone in the future

What s more , never ignore the poer of knoledge. Read more books and travel around. For one thing, it an inrease our knoledge, for another, it ll broaden our horizon.

Last but not the least , stik to our dream. It easier said than done. After all, future is not all roses. So, e should have enough ourage and determination to overe all the diffiulties.

I firml believe one sentene that If ou think ou an, of ourse ou an! Just believe e an make it! Keep on alking toards our dream. Fling outh ,master our future. From toda, from no on ,from Duping Middle Shool ! Read ?

That s all. Thank ou so muh for our attention !


Ever one has his on dream.When I as a little kid ,m dream as even to have a and shop of m on .But no ,hen I am 16 ears old ,standing here ,m dreams have alread hanged a lot.

I have got quite different experiene from other

girls.While the ere plaing tos at home,hile the ere dreaming to be the prinesses in the stor .I as running in the hard rain,jumping in the heav sno,pithing in the strong

ind.Nothing ould stop me ,beause of a onderful all from m

heart -- to be an athlete.Yeah ,of ourse ,I m an athlete,I m

so proud of that all the time .

When I as 10 ears old ,I beame a shot-put athlete.The training as reall hard ,I ouldn t bear the heav shot in m hands .But I alas believe that god onl help those ho help themselves.During those hard das,I find I as groing more

quikl than others of the same age.To be an athlete is m most orret hoie.But,I quit m team after entering high shool beause of a sill exuse.I reall didn t ant to stop m sports areer ana.

Toda I sa to ou m friends that even though I must fae the diffiulties of esterda ,toda and tomorro .I still have a

dream .It is a dream deepl rooted in m soul.

I have a dream that one da ,I an run,jump and pith just like I used to be.

I have a dream that one da , I an go bak to m dream

sports and join the national team.

I have a dream that one da ,I an stand on the highest

plae at the olmpi games.With all the ameras pointing at me.I

ill tell everone that I m so proud to be a Chinese athlete!

This is m hope .This is the faith that I ontinue m steps ith!!!

With this faith ,I ill live though the strong ind and

heav rain ,never give up !
