



?graphite :n.石墨

?polymer :n.聚合材料,聚合体

?cobalt:n. Co. 钴

?foil n.箔,金属薄片

?beverage can n.饮料罐

?maganesium :n. Mg[化]镁

?amorphous n.非晶体

?chromium :n. Cr.铬

?nick n.刻痕、缺口

?dent n.凹、凹痕

?valence n.(化合)价、原子

?photon n. [物]光子

?piezoelectric n.压电晶体

?superconductor n.超导体

?sintering v.烧结

?refractive index 折射率

?degradation n.降级, 降格, 退

?modulus n.系数, 模数

?covalent adj.[化]共有原子价的,


?covalent bond 共价键

?matrix n.矩阵、基体

?thermoset polymer 热固塑料

?permeability n.渗透性

?polyisobutylene n.[化]聚异丁

?elastomeric adj.弹性体的

?crystallinity n.结晶性、结晶度

?molecular weight 分子量

?hydrophilic adj.亲水的

?hydrophobic adj.恐水的

?die :n.模具

?stress-strain 应力-应变

?yield point:屈服点

?tensile strength :抗拉强度

?chlorine:n. cl,氯

?nitrogen :n. N, 氮

?be prone to :易于,有…的倾

?anodic:adj. 阳极的

?cathodic :adj. 阴极的

?polyester :n.聚酯


?bronze :n.青铜

?nickel silver :n.镍黄铜

?coefficient of thermal


?coefficient of linear

expansion :线性热胀系数


?resistivity :n.抵抗力、电阻系

?dielectric strength:绝缘强度

?ferromagnetic :adj. 铁磁的、


?transmittance :n. 透射

?reflectance :n. 反射比、反射


?aluminum:n. Al. 铝


?tungsten :n.钨

?silicon :n.硅

?vanadium :n.钒

?eutecoid :a.共析的

?hypoeutectoid: a.亚共析的

?hypereutectoid: a.过共析的

?proeutectoid: a.先共析的

?cementite :n.渗碳体

?ferrite :n.铁素体

Unit2 Heat Treatment of Matals

?Centigrade degree :℃摄氏温

?Fahrenheit degree:℉华氏温

?etch v.蚀刻

?nitric acid 硝酸

?pearlite n.珠光体

?microscopic examination 金相



?hardenability :n.淬透性


?tempering :v.回火


?precipitation:n. 沉淀(物),


?agglomeration :n.凝聚、结块

?coalescence :n. 聚集、合并

?salt bath:盐浴

?austemper:n. A(奥氏体)回

?martemper n. M(马氏体)


?nitriding 渗氮

?crystalline a.n.结晶的


?normalizing 正火

?spheroidizing 球化处理

?carburizing 渗碳

?case hardening:表面硬化

?carbonaceous :a.碳的,含碳

?charcoal n. 木炭

?coke n.焦碳

?carbonitriding:v. 碳氮共渗、


?ammonia n.氨水

?cyaniding v.氰化

?sodium cyanide 氰化钠

?nitriding v.渗氮

?Brinell n.布氏硬度

?alkalie n.碱

?crude oil:原油

Unit3 Casting Processes

?pour v.浇注

?inject v. 注射、注入

?mold n.模子,铸型

?Cavity n. 型腔

?bronze n. 青铜

?brass n.黄铜

?sprue n.浇注口、直浇道

?runner n.横浇道

?void n.空隙、缩孔

?Shink n.收缩

?flask n.长颈瓶, 烧瓶,砂

?cope n.上箱

?drag n.下箱

?core print 型芯座、型芯头

?gating system 浇注系统

?Parting line 分型线、接合线

?draft n. 拔模斜度

?pouring cup 浇口盆

?vent n.通风孔、排气孔

?allowance n.余量、公差

?bonded sand 粘砂

?bentonite n.斑脱土、膨润土

?mull vt.研磨

?compaction n.压紧、紧实

?alignment pin 定位销

?concave a. n. 凹的、凹面

?chill n. 激冷铸型、金属冷


?bake v.烘焙、干燥

?mate v. 配合、紧密结合

?crucible n.坩埚

?degas v. 脱气、排气

?backflow v.回流

?dendrite n.树枝状结晶

?homogenous a.均质的

?eutectic a.共晶的

?vibrating table振动台

?sand/shot blaster喷丸清理

?Oxide n.氧化物

?investment casting熔模铸

?lost wax casting 熔模铸造、失


?pharaoh n.法老王(古埃及君


?intricate a.复杂的、精致的

?turbine blade涡轮叶片

?refractory a.难溶的、耐火的

?refractory slurry 耐火涂料

?robust a.坚固的、耐用的

?oven n.炉子、烤箱、加热室

?undercut n.下陷、凹部

?mold permeability 充型能力

?stellite n.钨铬钴合金、硬合金


?close tolerance紧公差

?centrifugal casting离心浇铸


?inclusion n.夹杂物

?surface finish表面精度

?OD:outer diameter 外径

?ID: inner diameter内径

?boiler n.锅炉

?flywheel n.调速轮

?cylinder liner气缸套

?axis-symmetric a.轴对称

?expendable a.一次使用的、


Unit4Forging Processes

?item n.产品、零件

?hammer blow锤打、锤击

?power hammer动力锤


?semi-mechanized a.半机械化

?forging press 锻压机

?quantity production 大量生产

?open-die forging开模锻造

?hammer forging锤锻

?forging hammer 锻锤

?closed-die forging闭模锻造

?lateral a.横向的

?upsetting n.钝锻、镦粗

?die n.锻模

?ram n.压头、顶杆

?surface finish 表面光洁度

?jet-aircraft 喷气式飞机(发动


?hydraulic a.液压的、水压的

?marine propeller 船用螺旋

?shaft n.轴

?drop-forge 落锤锻造、落锻

?ingot n.钢锭、锭块

?manipulaton n.操作、处理

?crystal n.晶体、晶粒

?finishing operation 最后(完


?plating n.电镀

?frame member 构件

?recrystallization n.再结晶

?forge hot 热锻

?forge cold 冷锻

?blacksmith n.锻工、铁工

?impression die forging 模锻

?die forging 模锻

?die impression 刻印模、槽模

?forging die 锻模

?principal stress 主应力

?press forging 压锻

?upset forging 顶锻(镦粗)

?bolt n.螺钉

?fastener n.紧固件

?roll forging 滚锻

?leaf spring 板簧、片簧

?swaging 型锻、模锻

?net shape forging 净形锻造

?blank 毛坯、坯体

?tooling v. 加工

?capital expenditure 基本建


?thrust force 推力

?rib n.肋板

?shift n.移动、变化

?round off 修整

?lateral a.横向的、侧面的

?stress-raiser 应力集中源

?match v. n.配合、装配

?powder metallurgy 粉末冶金

?sintering v.烧结

?compact v.压紧、塞满n.


?coalesce n.熔合

?compaction n.压紧

?ferrous a.铁的、含铁的

?nonferrous a.不含铁的、非铁

?ferrous metal 黑色(铁类)


?nonferrous metal 有色金

?controlled atmosphere furnace


Unit5 Powder Metallurgy

?structural components 构件、


?homogeneous a. 均匀的、相


?compromise n. v.折衷、妥协

?segregate v.隔离

?dusting n.清扫、除尘

?consolidation n. 压实、凝固、


?elevated a.升高的、提高的

?Whilst conj.时时、同时

?bush n.轴瓦、衬套、轴套

?bearing n.轴承

?uniaxial a. 单轴的

?atomize v.打碎、使成微粒、


?elemental a.基本的、元素的、


?lithium n.[化]锂

?stearate n.[化]硬脂酸盐

?of say 比方说、大约、估计、


?isostatic a.均衡的、等压的

?membrane n.膜、隔膜

?billet n.坯段

?rectification n.校正、调整、清

?encapsulate v.封装、压缩

?evacuate v.抽空、排空、搬空

?contamination n.污染、污染物

?densification n.压实、密封、


?yield strength 屈服强度

?enclosure n.围住、盒子、外

?metal injection moulding 金属


?screw thread 螺纹

?moulded plastic 模压塑料

?skeleton n.骨骼、骨干、基体

?impregnate v.注入、灌注、


?infiltrate v.渗透

?cemented a.渗碳的、烧结的

?thermoplastics n.热塑性塑

?thermosetting plastic 热固性


?elastomer n.人造橡胶

?reciprocating a.往复的、来回


?extruder n.压出机、挤压机

?resin n.树脂v.涂树脂于

?granule n.颗粒、细粒

?eject v.驱逐、逐出、喷射

?plunger n.活塞

?stuffing n.填充物、填塞料

?patent v.取得…的专利n.


?celluloid n.赛璐珞、明胶Unit6 Injection Moulding

?thermoplastics n.热塑性塑

?thermosetting plastic 热固性


?elastomer n.人造橡胶

?reciprocating a.往复的、来回


?extruder n.压出机、挤压机

?resin n.树脂v.涂树脂于

?granule n.颗粒、细粒

?eject v.驱逐、逐出、喷射

?plunger n.活塞

?stuffing n.填充物、填塞料

?patent v.取得…的专利n.


?celluloid n.赛璐珞、明胶

?encyclopedia n.百科全书

?HDPE——high density

polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯

?rheology n.流变学、流变能

?margin n.利润

?skimpy a.不足的、吝啬的

?mat n.垫子、席子

?analogy n.模拟、类似

?fluidity n.流动性

?entity n.实体

?crystalline n.晶体

?amorphous n.非晶体

?solvent a.溶解的n.溶

?polycarbonate n.[化]聚碳酸

?opaque a.不透明的、不传


?transparent a.透明的

?chop v.剁碎、砍n.砍、排

?clamp n.夹子、夹具v.


?viscous a.粘性的、粘滞的

?spine n.脊柱、中心

?knockout n.脱模、脱壳、


?bin n.容器、箱子

?viscosity n.粘滞、粘性

?orientation n.取向、方向、


?shear thinning 剪切变稀,使


?crystallinity n.结晶度、结晶

?overpack n.第二层包装

?inhibit v. 抑制、约束

?susceptibility (to) n.敏感性、


?stress crack 应力裂纹

?transverse a.横向的、横断的

?superimpose v.添加、双重、


?superimpose a.成阶层的、有


?biaxial a.二轴的

?obstruction n.阻塞、妨碍、


?molecular weight 分子量

?process variable 工艺参数

?tensile strength 抗拉强度

?conveyor n.输送机、传送带

?flash n. 余料、(模塑)溢料、


?foam n.泡沫塑料

?reground a.重新研磨的

?elaborate a.精细的、精心制


?hydraulics n.水力学

?in attendance 负责、值班

?warpage n.翘曲、扭曲、热


?render v.致使、给予

?cross-disciplinary 交叉学


?lead time 订货至交货的时

?debugging n.调试


?machine tool 机床

?rake angle (刀具)前角

?rake face 前刀面

?tip n.顶、尖端、末端

?normal a.正交的、垂直的

?dissipation n.消散、分散

?mild steel 软钢、低碳钢

?clearance angle 后角

?flank face 后刀面

?rub v.擦、摩擦

?spoil v.损坏、破坏

?feed rate 进给量

?chip n.切屑、碎片

?schematically adv.图解地、


?shear zone 剪切区域

?yielding n.屈服、变形

?chip curl 切屑螺旋、螺旋形


?strain n.应变、张力v.拉紧、


?slip plane 滑移面、滑动面

?categorise v.分类

?BUE-built up edge 积屑瘤

?shear strength 抗剪强度

?dislodge v.驱逐、移走

?planar a.平面的、平坦的

?vector n.矢量

?cater v.满足、迎合

?fluctuation n.波动、起伏

?coefficient n.系数

?dissipate v.驱散、消散

?geometry n.几何学

?turning n.车削

?nose radius 刀尖半径

?surface geometry 表面几何


?rigidity n.刚性、硬度

?vibration n.振动

?exert v.施加

?equation n.方程式、等式、


?erroneously adv.错误地、不


?coolant n.冷却液、冷却剂

?investigation n.调查、研究

?asperity n.微粒、凹凸不平

?capillary n.毛细管 a.毛细作


Unit8 Grinding

?abrasive wheel 砂轮、磨轮

?miniature a.缩小的、微型的

?cutting edge 切削刃、刃口、


?finishing process 精加工、


?cylindrical grinding machine


?surface grinding 平面磨削

?planer 刨工、刨机

?reciprocating adj.往复的、


?planer-type reciprocating table


?periphery n.外围

?fixture n.工作夹具

?strap n.带、皮带,v.用带


?strap clamp 带夹

?clamping strap 夹板、压板

?depth of cut 切削深度、背吃


?plunge-cut 切入式(横向进


?internal grinding 内圆磨削

?planetary internal grinding 行


?rest blade 托板

?cross feed 横向进给

?longitudinal feed 轴向(纵


?peripheral velocity 圆周速度

?spin v. n. 旋转

?centerless grinding 无心磨

?clog n. v.障碍、阻塞

?recessed wheel 槽式轮

?slotting 开槽、打孔

?straight cup wheel 直角碗形


?flaring cup 杯形(碗形)砂轮

?emery n.金刚砂

?corundum n.刚玉、金刚砂

?carborundum n.碳化硅、金刚

?silicate n.硅酸盐

?resinoid n.树脂

?shellac n.虫漆、虫胶

?oxychloride n.氯氧化

Unit9 Lapping and Polishing

?lap n.研磨盘、研具

?close fit 紧配合、过盈配合

?piston n.活塞

?cylinder n.气缸、圆筒

?plateau n.高地、高原

?mountain range 山脉

?grind down 磨平、碾碎

?electropolishing 电解抛光

?ion n.离子

?electrolysis n.电解

?electrolyte n.电解、电解液

?film n.薄膜、膜层v.在…


?dissolution n.分解、解散

?depression n.凹陷处、坑、洞、


?projection n.凸出物

?anodic a.阳极的

?cathodic a.阴极的

?stock n.原料、材料

?chemical mechanical polishing


?integrated circuit 集成电路

?wafer n.晶片、圆片

?resilient a.弹回的、有回弹力

?pad n.垫、衬垫

?reagent n.试剂、反应物

?oxidation-reductive reaction


?desorption n.解吸附作用Unit10 Surface Engineering

?tailor…to 适应(满足)…的


?covering the surface 表面涂

?resistivity n.电阻率

?conversion coating 转化膜

?thermal spraying 热喷涂

?hot dipping 热浸、热镀

?deposit v.沉淀、涂、喷镀

?substrate n.基体、衬底

?ionic a.离子的

?nugget n.天然金块、矿块

?ripple n.波纹,起波纹

?replenishment n.补给、补充

?potential n.潜能、电压 a.


?gun n.喷射器

?PVD—Physical Vapor

Deposition 物理气相沉积

?CVD—chemical Vapor

Deposition 物理气相沉积

?conical a.圆锥的、圆锥形的

?thermal evaporation 热蒸发


?fragile a.易碎的、脆的

?line of sight 视线、瞄准线

?jet engineer n.喷气发动机

?sputtering n.阴极真空喷镀、


?donor n.原料物质、杂质

?atomise v.使分裂为原子,


?radio-frequency sputtering 射


?titanium nitride 氮化钛

?volatilize v.挥发

?decompose v.分解、使腐烂

?nickel carbonyl 羰基镍

?altering the surface 表面改

?electron beam treatment 离子


?ion implantation 离子注入

?impinge v.撞击

?coil n.线圈

?lattice n.晶格

?vacuum chamber 真空室、压


?laser beam treatment 激光


?dosage n.剂量、用量

Unit11 Lathe and Turning

?turning v.车削

?lathe n.车床

?engine lathe 普通车床

?toolroom lathe 多轴车床

?turret lathes 六角转塔式车

?vertical turning and boring mill


?grey cast iron 灰口铸铁

?nodular cast iron 球墨铸

?damp v.阻尼、衰减、抑止

?headstock n.主轴箱

?spindle n.主轴

?carriage n.车架、床鞍

?gearbox n. 变速箱

?tool post 刀架、刀座

?compound rest 复式刀架、


?carriage (车床的)托板、溜

?tailstock n.尾架

?quill n.主轴、套筒轴

?tailstock quill 尾架顶尖套


?face plate 划线平台、划线


?nut n.螺母

?guideway 导轨、导槽

?twist drill 麻花钻

?apron n.溜板箱

?nose radii 刀尖半径

?shank n.刀柄、刀把

?lead screw 丝杠

?feed rod 进给杆、光杆

?HSS—high speed steel 高速钢

?braze v.铜焊、钎焊

?worm gear 涡轮

?annular grooves 环形槽

?trapezoidal adj.梯形

?thread form 牙形

?clamp n.夹具、夹钳,v.


?washer n. 垫圈

?ribbon n.带子

?cemented carbide 硬质合金、


?chip breaker 碎屑装置

?seat n.刀座

?contouring 仿形加工

?helix n.螺旋、螺旋状

?pitch n.螺距

?cross slide 横向拖板

?shoulder n.轴肩

?periphery n.外围

?spiral n.螺旋 a.螺旋形

?crank v.转动曲柄

?chuck n.卡盘v.用卡


?apex n.顶点

?stroke n.行程

?disengagement n.脱离

?kinematic adj.运动学的

?gear train 轮系

?knurling 滚花

?file n.锉刀v.锉

?guidelines n.指导方针

?HSS:high-speed-steel 高速

Unit12 Drilling and Milling

?drilling n.钻孔、钻削

?milling n.铣削

?hand drill 手钻

?drilling machine 钻床

?flute n.凹槽

?coolant n.冷却液

?Shank n.手柄、柄部

?wedge action 楔紧作用

?socket n.孔、牙槽

?tang n.扁尾、柄脚、刀柄

?slot n.缝、狭槽,v.开槽于

?chisel-like n.凿子,v.砍

?chisel-like edge 横刃

?twist drill 麻花钻

?margin n.边缘、边界、空

?core drill 空心钻

?conduit n.管道、导管

?gun drill 深孔钻、枪孔

?trepanning 开孔、打孔、钻

?spade drill 扁钻

?tangible adj.切实的

?boring n.钻孔、镗孔

?milling cutter 铣刀

?helical a.螺旋状的

?rake angle 前角、刀面角

?relief angle 后角

?versatile adj.通用的、万能

?up milling 逆铣

?down milling 顺铣

?backlash eliminator 齿隙


?horizontal milling machine


?vertical milling machine 立


?arbor n.轴、心轴

?slitting saw 切割锯,开槽锯

?spline n.花键、键槽,v.


?dovetail groove 燕尾槽

?rachet wheel 棘轮

?gear hob 齿轮滚刀、滚齿

?convex adj.凸起的

?concave adj. 凹入的,n.凹、


?sintered carbide 烧结碳化


?heavy cuts 重切削、强力切


?jigs n.钻模、夹具

?fixture n.夹具

?rib n.肋板

?reamer n.绞刀

?interchangeable a.可互换的

?spare part n.备件

?clearance n.间隙、距离

?observance n.习惯、惯例

?encroach v.侵占、超出界

?mutually adv.互相地、互助

?translation n.平移

?tap v.攻螺纹

?bushing n.轴套、衬套

?flange n.凸缘、法兰v.


?post n.杆、柱

?drill plate 钻模

?tenon n. [木工] 榫,凸

榫,v. 造榫,榫接


?limit n.极限

?tolerance n.公差

?assembly drawing 装配

?detail drawing 零件图、


?conversant adj.熟悉的、


?trigonometric adj.三角法

?unilateral adj.单边的

?bilateral adj.双边的

?interchangeability n.互换

?component part 零件、部

?individual part 单个零件

?mating parts 配合件

?tolerance zone 公差带

?interference n.干涉、过盈

?blanket note 注释

?allowance n.允差

?nominal size 名义尺寸、


?force fit 压入配合

?imperfection n.不完整性、


?clearance fit 间隙配合

?transition fit 过渡配合

?interference fit 过盈配合

?shaft-basis system 基轴制

?hole-basis system 基孔制

?horology n.钟表学

Unit15 Unconventional Machining Processes(Ⅰ)

?ultrasonic machining 超声波


?electron-beam machining 电


?plasma-jet machining 等离


?etch v.蚀刻

?electric current 电流

?discharge n. v.放电


machining 电火花加工

?erode v.腐蚀、侵蚀

?dielectric n.电介质,绝缘体,


?reservoir n.水库、蓄水池

?foul adj.淤塞的、肮脏的

?debris n.碎片,残骸

?capacitor n.电容器

?servomechanism n. 伺服机

构(系统), 自动控制装置

?erode vt.侵蚀,腐蚀,vi.



machining 电化学加工

?electrolytic adj.电解的,由电


?electrolyte n.电解、电解液

?profiling n.压型、仿形加

?chloride n.[化]氯化物

?chloride sodium n.[化]氯化

?nitrate n.[化]硝酸盐、硝酸

?sodium nitrate n.[化]硝酸

?turbine blade 涡轮叶片

?jet-engine n.喷气发动机

?forging-die 锻模

?die sinking 加工模腔、开


?burr n.毛口、毛头v.去毛刺、


?deburring n.修边、去除毛


?oscillation n.振动

?transducer n.变频器、换能


?amplitude n.振幅

?of the order of 达到…的数


?oscillate v.振动、振荡

?concentration n.浓度

?crater n.弹坑

Unit16 Unconventional Machining Processes(Ⅱ)

?laser beam machining 激光


?coherent light beam 相干光

?amplification n.放大、扩大

?stimulated emission 受激发

?coherency n.相干性

?diverging angle 发散角

?mrad:millirad (辐射吸收剂量单


?divergence n.发散性

?bleeder hole 排气孔

?fuel pump 燃油泵

?hub n.轮毂、轴套

?vane (螺旋浆等的)翼、叶片

?flash lamp 闪光灯、光泵

?focal length 焦距

?tribological a.摩擦学的

?punch n.冲压机、冲床v.


?stylus n.铁笔

?scroll roll 卷辊

?stamping n. v.冲压

?engraving n.雕刻术、雕版

?vacuum chamber 真空室、

压力室?kerf n.切口、截口

?water-jet machining 水喷射


?momentum n.动力、动量、


?gas turbine 燃气涡轮

?hydrodynamic a.水利的、水


?deburring n.修边、去毛刺?saw n.锯

?jet-nozzle 喷嘴、喷射管?vinyl n.乙基烯、乙烯树

?foam n.泡沫、泡沫塑料

?dashboard n.仪表板、挡泥

?abrasive water-jet machining


?ruby n.红宝石

?sapphire n.蓝宝石、刚玉、


?photochemical machining 光


?photoetching 光刻

?photoresist n.感光树脂、光


?etching n.蚀刻、蚀刻法

?photo-tool 光刻掩模

?film n.薄膜、胶片、膜层

?developer n.显影、显影剂?irradiate v.照射

?actinic a.光化的、光化学的?ultraviolet a.紫外线的、紫


?ultraviolet light 紫外线

?laminate v.碾压、把…压成


?negative-working photoresist


?emulsion n.感光乳剂

?stencil n.模版、蜡纸

?aperture n.孔、穴、缝隙

?hydrochloric a.盐酸的

?alphanumeric a.文字数字


机械类常用英语词汇大全 一字螺丝批 slot type screwdriver 一点透视 one-point perspective 二画 二合一黏合剂 epoxy resin adhesive 二合胶;混合胶 epoxy glue 二维的;平面的 two-dimensional 二进制 binary 二极管;整流子 diode 二号螺丝攻 second tap 二路开关 two-way switch 十进制的;公制的 metric 人工制品 artefact 人造板 man-made board 人体工程学 ergonomics; human engineering 人体尺寸 human dimension 人体测量学 anthropometry; anthropometrics 刀片 blade 刀身 blade 刀具 tool 刀具溜座 carriage 刀柱 tool post 刀架 tool rest 刀架底座 tool rest bracket 刀座帷;床鞍 apron 刀座鞍;溜板座 saddle 力 force 力三角形 triangle of force 力平行四边形 parallelogram of force 力多边形;多边形力学 polygon of force 力的分解 force resolution 力架;亮漆 lacquer 力矩 moment 力偶 couple 力矩定律 law of moment 力-距离图表 force-distance graph 力图 force diagram 力线 line of force 力点 effort 十字榫 cross halving joint 十字螺丝 Philip s head screw 十字螺丝批 Philip s type screwdriver 丁字尺;T 尺 tee square 三画 三爪夹头 three-jaw chuck 三角尺 set square 三角形结构系杆 triangulation tie 三角锉 triangular file 三维的;立体的 three-dimensional 三氯甲烷;哥罗芳 chloroform 三聚氰胺;蜜胺 melamine 三点透视 three-point perspective 上油漆 painting 上釉 enamelling 凡立水 varnish 叉形顶尖 fork centre 口罩 mask 士力;虫漆 shellac 士巴拿;扳手 spanner 大芯夹板;宽条芯夹板 blockboard; solid corestock-laminated board 大量制造 mass production


Professional Words and Expressions 1. a code of ethics 道德规范 2.absolute accuracy 绝对精度 3.abstract n. 摘要 4.accountant n. 会计(员),会计师 5.action learning 行动学习 6.adherence n. 忠诚 7.afterwards adv. 之后,以后,后来 8.AGV(Automated Guided Vehicles) 自动导航小车 9.aligning results 校正结果 10.alternation ranking method 交替排序法 11.AM(Agile Manufacturing)敏捷制造 12.analyst n. 分析者;善于分析者;分解者 13.anatomical adj. 解剖的,解剖学 14.annual bonus 年终分红 15.anthropometric adj. 人体测量的 16.anthropometry n. 人体测量学 17.appeal n. 申诉,请求,呼吁,上诉,要求 18.application forms 工作申请表 19.appraisal interview 评价面试 20.appreciation n. 正确评价 21.aptitudes n. 资质

22.arbitration n. 仲裁 23.architecture n. 结构,构造 24.arena n. 舞台,竞技场 25.assembly line 装配线 26.assessment n. (为征税对财产所作的)估价,评估 27.assurance 确信,断言,保证 28.attract vt. 动手处理(某事);攻击,抨击 29.attainment n. 到达 30.attendance incentive plan 参与式激励计划 31.audit n. 审计,稽核,查账 32.auditor n. 审计员,核数师 33.authority n. 职权 34.awkward adj. 难使用的,笨拙的 35.backdates vt. 回溯 36.batch production 批量生产 37.be prone to 倾向于…… 38.behavior modeling 行为模拟 39.behaviorally anchored rating scale(bars)行为锚定等级评价法 40.below contributor 贡献较小的人员 41.benchmark job 基准职位 42.benchmarking n. 【计】基准 43.benefits n. 福利


机械专业英语词汇(大全) 金属切削metal cutting 机床machine tool 金属工艺学technology of metals 刀具cutter 摩擦friction 联结link 传动drive/transmission 轴shaft 弹性elasticity 频率特性frequency characteristic 误差error 响应response 定位allocation 机床夹具jig 动力学dynamic 运动学kinematic 静力学static 分析力学analyse mechanics 拉伸pulling 压缩hitting 剪切shear 扭转twist 弯曲应力bending stress 强度intensity 三相交流电three-phase AC 磁路magnetic circles 变压器transformer 异步电动机asynchronous motor 几何形状geometrical 精度precision 正弦形的sinusoid 交流电路AC circuit 机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force 变形deformation 应力stress 硬度rigidity 热处理heat treatment 退火anneal 正火normalizing 脱碳decarburization 渗碳carburization 电路circuit 半导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback 发生器generator 直流电源DC electrical source 门电路gate circuit 逻辑代数logic algebra 外圆磨削external grinding 内圆磨削internal grinding 平面磨削plane grinding 变速箱gearbox 离合器clutch 绞孔fraising 绞刀reamer 螺纹加工thread processing 螺钉screw 铣削mill 铣刀milling cutter 功率power 工件workpiece 齿轮加工gear mechining 齿轮gear 主运动main movement 主运动方向direction of main movement 进给方向direction of feed 进给运动feed movement 合成进给运动resultant movement of feed 合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting 合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth 前刀面rake face 刀尖nose of tool 前角rake angle 后角clearance angle 龙门刨削planing 主轴spindle 主轴箱headstock 卡盘chuck 加工中心machining center


Total Quality Management全面质量管理Continuous Improvement持续改进Human Factors人因学、工效学 Man-Machine Systems人机系统 Shop-Floor Activities车间活动Simulation Model仿真模型 Code of Ethics道德标准、职业准则Performance Measure绩效测量Benchmark标杆 performance evaluation绩效评价 zero defects零缺陷 interdisciplinary跨学科manufacturing制造 interaction互动、交互 integration集成 curriculum课程体系 discipline学科 attrition中途退学 multi-disciplinary多学科 flexible simulation柔性仿真 Labor Specialization劳动力专业化standardized parts标准化的零部件moving assembly line装配线 Mass Production Era批量生产Queuing Theory排队理论 Process Analysis流程分析 Statistical Sampling统计采样 Industrial Engineering(IE)工业工程Industrial Engineer工业工程师Simulation仿真 Operations Research 运筹学 Quality Improvement Engineering质量改善工程 Management Services管理服务Engineering Services工程服务Performance Improvement Engineering 绩效改善工程 Material Handling物料搬运Logistics物流(学科) material flow物流Financial Management金融/财务管理 Project Management项目管理 Business Planning and Development商业规划与开发 Information Technology(IT)信息技术Business Process Redesign/Reengineering (BPR)业务流程再设计/再造 Human Resource Management人力资源管理Quality Movement质量运动 Total Order Management(TOM)全面订单管理 Material Requirement Planning(MRP)物料需求计划 companies are flattening corporate structures 企业结构扁平化 accuracy精度functional departments职能部门 mechanical engineering department机械工程


Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in Mechanics 机械学的基本概念 mechanics n.力学 modify v.修改,调解,变更manageable a.可控制【管理】的 incline v.(使)倾斜 ramp n.斜板,斜坡【道】 slope v.(使)倾斜 friction n.摩擦 roll v.滚动 multiplier n.放大器,乘法器 broom n.扫帚 convert v.转变【化】 handle n.手柄【把】 sweep v.扫荡【描】,掠过efficiency n.效率 gauge vt.测【计】量,校验bearing n.轴承 ideal mechanical advantage 理想的机械效益 neglect vt.忽略Lesson 2 Basic Assumption in Plasticity Theory 塑性理论的基本假设 assumption n.假定 plasticity n.塑性 investigate v.调查,研究deformation n.变形 metal forming process 金属成型工艺【过程】 strain (rate) n.应变【速率】 strength n.强度 stress n.应力 yield stress 屈服应力 flow stress 流动应力 tensile stress 拉【伸】应力compressive stress 压【缩】应力 shear stress 剪【切】应力 geometry n.几何形状 elastic a.弹性的 springback n.回弹 bending n.弯曲,折弯


工业工程的真正价值Real IE Value In additi on, the IE now has a greater opport unity to concen trate on any one of a broad variety of areas that many compa nies now recog nize as in dividual departme nts-i nclud ing simulati on, operations research, ergonomics, material handling and logistics. 值得一提的是,工业工程现在有更多的机会去集中于现在许多企业已经视为独立的学科的众多领域中的一个-----包括防真学、运筹学、人因学、物料搬运和物流学。 Work-measured Labor Standards 基于作业测量的劳动标准 If you are a manu facturer, cha nces are you have a bill-of-materials (BOM) system to determ ine sta ndard parts cost. Do you also have an equivale nt bill-of-labor system to determ ine sta ndard labor cost? 如果你是一个制造商,你有可能会有一个物料清单系统来确定标准件的成本。你是否也能得 到类似的劳动力清单系统来确定标准的劳动成本? Time study ------ The most widely used tool to develop standard times is still time study. Time study reflects what is happening in your job or project. It is also easy to learn and use. Now, the PC has made summarizati on of time study data a matter of sec onds in stead of hours. 时间研究----用来开发标准时间使用最广泛的工具依然是时间研究。时间研究能把你的工作或者项目中发生的事情展现出来。时间研究也比较容易学习使用。如今,电脑用几秒而不是 几小时就能总结时间研究。 Activity sampling -------- An often overlooked tool is activity sampling, usually called work sampli ng by North America n IEs. In this tech niq ue, a group of workers are observed at ran dom times and their in dividual activities no ted each hour. After a week or two, the average time spe nt on each activity can be calculated, and statistically justified. The average time per piece can then be determ in ed. 活动抽样----一个经常被忽视的工具是活动抽样,北美的工业工程师通常称之为工作抽样。 这种技术抽取随机时间观察工人并在每个小时对他们个人的活动作出记录。一两周后,每个 活动的平均花费时间可以被计算并系统地定义下来。每件工作的平均时间就能够确定。 Let ' quickly review the techniques, and put them into perspective according to the tasks for which they apply: ?moti on an alysis: very short, repetitive tasks; ?time study: short, repetitive and variable tasks; ?activity sampli ng: Ion ger, variable tasks; ?historical data: long, repetitive and variable tasks; ?estimates: seldom performed, variable tasks. 让我们快速回顾这些技术,并弄清楚它们适用的任务 ?动作分析?时间研究?活动抽样?历史数据时间非常短的重复性 时间短的重复性变量 时间较长的可变工时 间较长的重复性匚 宇工作。冒工作 作; T变工作; ?估计:很少执行的可变工作P30


机械专业英语词汇 陶瓷ceramics 合成纤维synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis 悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts 孔加工spot facing machining 车间workshop 工程技术人员engineer 气动夹紧pneuma lock 数学模型mathematical model 画法几何descriptive geometry 机械制图Mechanical drawing 投影projection 视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component 零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing 尺寸标注size marking 技术要求technical requirements 刚度rigidity 内力internal force 位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material 刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint 曲柄crank


陶瓷ceramics 合成纤维synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis 悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts 孔加工spot facing machining 车间workshop 工程技术人员engineer 气动夹紧pneuma lock 数学模型mathematical model 画法几何descriptive geometry 机械制图Mechanical drawing 投影projection 视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component 零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing 尺寸标注size marking 技术要求technical requirements 刚度rigidity 内力internal force 位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material 刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint 曲柄crank 摇杆racker 凸轮cams


二Real IE Value工业工程的真正价值 1、On the other hand,today’s IE has at his or her disposal more technology and tools than the IE of 30 years ago could have ever imagined. 另一方面,现在的工业工程师可以使用许多30年前的同行想都不可能想到的技术和工具。 2、If a person loses sight of the total job and starts looking at the individual pieces,it comes out a little hairy. 如果一个人不能对整项工作做全面把握而只是将注意力放在个别的方面,则结果将不会令人满意。 3、Problems associated with renaming IE departments to describe their particular function may have more to do with appearance than with the actual job being performed. 将工业工程部重新命名以明确描述其具体职能,其间所出现的问题与其说与实际完成的工作有关倒不如说与问题的表象有关。 4、In fact,even though ABET accredits many IE and IET programs in the United States,there remains much variance and flexibility among each of the programs. 【ABET是工程与技术鉴定委员会(the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)的简写。该委员会是美国用来检查和评价各工程类大学全部课程的官方机构,ABET鉴定目的是向公众和工程类毕业生的雇主保证学校的课程满足了规定的最低标准。】 实际上,尽管工程与技术鉴定委员会鉴定了美国的许多工业工程和工业工程与技术项目,但这些项目之间仍然存在很大的区别和灵活性。 6、But if the individual IE will assume the role as a change implementor—not a change follower—broad opportunities are on the horizon. 然而,如果每个工业工程师都承担起变化的实施者而不是变化的追随者的角色,则广泛的机会就会出现。 7、If we’ve got a problem,it’s of our own doing and our own unwillingness to take the lead in a lot of these major improvement activities. 如果我们遇到了问题,这些问题也是由于我们自己的所作所为和不愿意在一些重大的改进活动中承担领导角色所造成的。 三、Operetions Research运筹学 Operations research,as defined by the Operations Research Society of America,“is concerned with scientifically deciding how to best desigh and operate man-machine systems,usually under conditions requiring the allocation of scarce resources.” 美国运筹学学会将运筹学定义为:在需要对紧缺资源进行分配的前提下决定如何最好地设计和运作人—机系统的决策科学。 四、Work-measured Labor Standards 基于作业测量的劳动标准 4.1 Perhaps the only thing wrong with these tools is their lack of a buzz word or catchy acronym. 也许这些工具的唯一缺点是它们没有一个能够反映其内涵的响亮的词组或引入的字母的缩写。 4.2 Human workers come in at least a billion models with varying physical,mental,and emotional specifications and work under varying environmental conditions. 由于身体、精神和感情等方面以及工作环境的不断变化,工人至少可以被分为十亿种不同的类型。 4.3 Standard times are standard times only because all parties involved agree they are standard times. 标注时间之所以是标准的仅仅是因为相关的所有部门都承认其是标准时间。


机械类常用英语词汇大全丙烯丁二烯苯乙烯acrylonitrile-butadiene-stryrene (ABS) 主轴;心轴spindle 主题motif 令(纸张的计数单位) ream 凹座recess 凹模hollowing block 凸缘flange 凸缘联轴节flange coupling 凸轮cam 凸轮式配件cam-action fitting 凸轮传动cam drive 凸头螺丝raised head screw 加成作业;添加法addition process 加油oiling 加速器accelerator 功能;用途function 功率因子power factor 功率放大器power amplifier 功率板power amplifier board 功率晶体管power transistor 包氏记号法Bow's notation

「包浩思」;「包豪斯」〈设计风格) Bauhaus 半永固法;半永久接合semi-permanent joining 半接榫halving joint 半闭式槽榫stopped housing joint 半圆(木)锉half-round rasp 半圆车刀turning gouge 半圆锉half-round file 半圆头铆钉snap rivet 半导体semiconductor 卡路里;卡(热量单位) calorie 卡纸card paper 卡尺;测径器calipers 去角;倒角chamfer 可切削性machinability 可行性feasibility 可逆过程reversible process 可压缩性compressibility 可变电阻variable resistor 四分仪quadrant 四爪夹头four-jaw independent chuck 四圆心法(绘图) four-centre method 外卡尺outside calipers


模具钢材及零件英语 alloytoolsteel合金工具钢 aluminiumalloy铝合金钢 bearingalloy轴承合金 blistersteel浸碳钢 bonderizedsteelsheet邦德防蚀钢板 carbontoolsteel碳素工具钢 cladsheet被覆板 clodworkdiesteel冷锻模用钢 emery金钢砂 ferrostaticpressure钢铁水静压力 forgingdiesteel锻造模用钢 galvanizedsteelsheet镀锌铁板 hardalloysteel超硬合金钢 highspeedtoolsteel高速度工具钢 hotworkdiesteel热锻模用钢 lowalloytoolsteel特殊工具钢 lowmanganesecastingsteel低锰铸钢 margingsteel马式体高强度热处理钢 martrixalloy马特里斯合金 meehanitecastiron米汉纳铸钢 meehanitemetal米汉纳铁 merchantiron市售钢材 molybdenumhighspeedsteel钼系高速钢molybdenumsteel钼钢nickelchromiumsteel镍铬钢 prehardenedsteel顶硬钢 siliconsteelsheet硅钢板 stainlesssteel不锈钢 tinplatedsteelsheet镀锡铁板 toughpitchcopper韧铜 troostite吐粒散铁 tungstensteel钨钢 vinyltappedsteelsheet塑料覆面钢板 零件英语


机械专业英语词汇 金属切削metal cutting 机床machine tool 金属工艺学technology of metals 刀具cutter 摩擦friction 联结link 传动drive/transmission 轴shaft 弹性elasticity 频率特性frequency characteristic 误差error 响应response 定位allocation 机床夹具jig 动力学dynamic 运动学kinematic 静力学static 分析力学analyse mechanics 拉伸pulling 压缩hitting 剪切shear 扭转twist 弯曲应力bending stress 强度intensity 三相交流电three-phase AC 磁路magnetic circles 变压器transformer 异步电动机asynchronous motor 几何形状geometrical 精度precision 正弦形的sinusoid 交流电路AC circuit 机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force 变形deformation 应力stress 硬度rigidity 热处理heat treatment 退火anneal 正火normalizing 脱碳decarburization 渗碳carburization 电路circuit 半导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback 发生器generator 直流电源DC electrical source 门电路gate circuit 逻辑代数logic algebra 外圆磨削external grinding 内圆磨削internal grinding 平面磨削plane grinding 变速箱gearbox 离合器clutch 绞孔fraising 绞刀reamer 螺纹加工thread processing 螺钉screw 铣削mill 铣刀milling cutter 功率power 工件workpiece 齿轮加工gear mechining 齿轮gear 主运动main movement 主运动方向direction of main movement 进给方向direction of feed 进给运动feed movement 合成进给运动resultant movement of feed 合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting 合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth 前刀面rake face 刀尖nose of tool 前角rake angle 后角clearance angle 龙门刨削planing 主轴spindle 主轴箱headstock 卡盘chuck


Lesson 8 Classification of JIT Techniques This is an endeavor to understand JIT from the inside by analyzing its techniques, classifying them and examining their possible relations. More than 6 years of research devoted to the ill system has led to tentatively distinguish among its elements two main categories: JIT’s industrial engineering techniques and Japanese management-related features of JIT. The interconnections among the elements are shown in Figure 8.1. Figure 8.1 Interconnection among the groups It is a question of JIT techniques that can be seen as belonging or related to the field of industrial engineering. They can be divided into two groups. There are pure industrial engineering methods and there are industrial engineering elements that are closely associated with the worker’s actions. JIT’s pure engineering elements In this category, one has to find techniques that are universally valid like laws of physics or mathematics. They have no close relationship with the social, cultural, economic or managerial environment in which they appear or are discovered for the first time. Those elements can therefore be applied anywhere and yield the same results. The following are elements of the TIT production system identified as belonging to that group: ?Quick set-up (QSU); ?Automation (ASD) (poka yoke or automatic stopping device, full-work system) ; ?Breaking of physical barriers (BPB) between processes, sections or departments : Shop floor reduction (SFR) ; ?Flow-of-products-oriented layout of processes and machines (FPL) ; ?U-formed processing line (UPL) ; ?Mass production of mixed models (MMP) -on the same line; ?Total preventive maintenance (TPM) ; ?Kanban (KBN). Those engineering elements constitute the “technical side”of JIT or “technical JIT”. Applying them anywhere would unavoidably contribute to the reduction of cost, production lead time, defective parts (work), overproduction of work-in-process inventories and workforce. Worker’s operations/activities as JIT elements The worker’s operations can and do constitute some JIT elements. In other words, you have JIT techniques that are part of the worker’s activities and that interact with the human being. Their application and realization or success depend also on the human factor. If they are accepted by the work force, then they can work, otherwise they cannot. In that group may be included the following JIT techniques or methods: ?Multi-machine manning working system (MMM) ; ?Standard operations (SO) ; ?Quality control circles (QCC) ; ?Suggestions system (SS) ; ?Continuous improvement (CI) . Japanese management-related elements of JIT Japanese management-related elements of JIT are JIT methods that are either imported directly from or highly conditioned by Japanese management. Included in that category are the following


金属切削metal cutting 机床machine tool 金属工艺学technology of metals 刀具cutter 摩擦friction 联结link 传动drive/transmission 轴shaft 弹性elasticity 频率特性frequency characteristic 误差error 响应response 定位allocation 机床夹具jig 动力学dynamic 运动学kinematic 静力学static 分析力学analyse mechanics 拉伸pulling 压缩hitting 剪切shear 扭转twist 弯曲应力bending stress 强度intensity 三相交流电three-phase AC 磁路magnetic circles 变压器transformer 异步电动机asynchronous motor 几何形状geometrical 精度precision 正弦形的sinusoid 交流电路AC circuit 机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force 变形deformation 应力stress 硬度rigidity 热处理heat treatment 退火anneal 正火normalizing 脱碳decarburization 渗碳carburization 电路circuit 半 导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback 发生器generator 直流电源DC electrical source 门电路gate circuit 逻辑代数logic algebra 外圆磨削external grinding 内圆磨削internal grinding 平面磨削plane grinding 变速箱gearbox 离合器clutch 绞孔fraising 绞刀reamer 螺纹加工thread processing 螺钉screw 铣削mill 铣刀milling cutter 功率power 工件workpiece 齿轮加工gear mechining 齿轮gear 主运动main movement 主运动方向direction of main movement 进给方向direction of feed 进给运动feed movement 合成进给运动resultant movement of feed 合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting 合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth 前刀面rake face 刀尖nose of tool 前角rake angle 机械专业词汇:hardenability 淬透性carbide tool 硬质合金
