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六下Unit4 Road safety 知识点一、词组

1. road safety 道路安全

2. many busy roads 许多繁忙的道路

3.in the city在城市里

4. cross the road safely 安全地过马路

6. look at the traffic lights 看交通灯

7. wait for the green man 等待绿灯

8. see the red man 看红灯

9. keep safe 保持安全

10. wait on the pavement


11. look out for cars and bikes


12. look left看左边

13. look right 看右边

14. cross the road with other people


15. see you easily 很容易看见你

16.some children 一些孩子们

17. a child 一个孩子

18. play on the road 在路上玩

19. many cars and bikes


20. follow the rules 遵守规则

21. stay safe on the road


22. must look for a zebra crossing


23. wait for the bus 等待公交车24. wait for me 等我

25. the other people 其他人

26. mustn’t run quickly 禁止快速跑步

27. the left side of the road 马路的左边

28. drive on the right side of the road


29. except me 除了我

30. except Hong Kong and Macau


31. go to see their aunt去看他们的阿姨

32. take the bus 乘车

33. get on/off the bus 上/下车

34. so many cars 如此多的车

35. so much water 如此多的水

36. go fast 快点去

37. a red light 一个红灯

38. look at the green light 看绿灯

39. at the bus stop在公交车站

40. must stop 必须停下来

41. go on 继续,继续前进

42. run fast 跑得快

43. you’re sick 你生病了

44. classroom rules 班级规则

45. play ball games 玩球类游戏

46. talk loudly 大声地谈论

47. keep your desk clean 保持桌子干净

48. listen to your teachers in class




A: How can you cross the road safely?

B: I must look for a zebra crossing.


A: What must you do to cross the road safely?

B: I must look at the traffic lights.

3. 为马路上你们绝不能做什么?我们绝不能在路上玩。

A; What must you not do on the road ?

B: We mustn’t play on the road.


You can’t cross the road here.

5. 我能看电视吗?不,你不能。现在晚了。你必须去睡觉。

A: Can I watch TV?

B: No, you can’t. It’s late.You must go to bed.

6. 我必须去看医生吗?是的,你一定要去。你不能去学生因为你生病了。A: Must I go to see the doctor?

B: Yes, you must. You can’t go to school because you are sick.


1. can 情态动词+动词原形

1)表示能力(知识,技能)如:Can you lift this big box ? Mary can speak English.

2)表示请求和允许如:Can I go no w? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.


2.must 情态动词+动词原形

1)表示必须如:You must look for a zebra crossing.

2)must not(mustn’t)表示强烈禁止。如:You mustn’t get to school late.


如:The light in her room is still on .She must be at home now.
