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1. a. b.

2. a. b.

3. a. b.

4. a. b.

5. a. b.

6. a. b.


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )三.听录音,判断正误,正确的用T 表示,不正确的用F表示(听两遍)(5分)

1. ( ) Nancy likes toy tigers.

2. ( ) David has(有) thirteen mangoes.

3. ( ) Helen’s hair is long.

4. ( ) The cap is big.

5. ( ) I’m very hungry.


( ) 1、A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, I can.

( ) 2、A. She’s in the kitchen. B. It’s on your desk. C. It’s my bag.

( ) 3、A. Fifteen yuan. B. It’s fifteen. C. Fifteen.

( ) 4、A. Sure. Here you are. B. No. Thanks. C. Thank you. ( ) 5、A .I’d like this panda. B. It’s a panda. C. Yes, it is.

五、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听三遍) (8分)

1、A: Mum, look at my_ ___.

B: Oh, they're too_ ___.Try this pair on.

2、A: I'm hungry,Dad.

B:Here's a_ ___for you.

3、A: ___ _would you ____?

B: I’d like some ____ .

A: OK, ___ _ you are.

B: __ __.


一、判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“T”,不同的打“F”。(6分)()1、lion well ()2、shoes socks

()3、like cup ()4、very five

()5、bag dog ()6、zoo zebra


1.又高又瘦______ and ________

2. a glass of milk ________________

3. 四十只老虎______ ________

4. Anything else? ______________

5. 他的耳朵________ _______

6. a beautiful tail___________________ 7、踢足球_______ ________ 8. well done ___________________

9、我们的卧室______ _______ 10. make a fruit salad________________


( )1.A.mouth B. nose C. hair D. small

( )2.A.home B. kitchen C. bedroom D. living room

( )3.A.tea B. rice C. juice D. coffee

( )4.A.tall B. small C. thin D. man

( )5.A.sock B. shoe C. umbrella D.T-shirt


( )1.-Where are my skirts? - ____in the bedroom.

A. they're

B. It's

C. They're

( )2. -Where's the fridge? -It's____ the kitchen.

A.for B.in C.on

( )3. -Here's a new doll____ you. -Thank you.

A.in B.to C.for

( )4. -Do you like____?-No, I____

A. doll; do

B. dolls; don't

C. dolls; not

( )5. -What's twenty and thirty? -It's____

A. fifty

B. fifteen

C. forty

( )6.Her ears____ big.

A. is

B. are

C. and

( )7.My coat is ____,but I like it.

A. nice

B. short

C. new

( )8. -____is the fan? -It's twelve yuan..

A. How long

B. How much

C. How many

( )9. -What would you like? -____

A. I like some noodles.

B. Yes, I like.

C. I'd like some noodles. ( )10. –Can I have a look? -____

A. Sure, here you are.

B. YES, please.

C. Can you?

( )11.一____storybooks do you have? 一Sixteen.

A. How many

B. How much

C. How old

( )12. I have____ toy pandas.

A.any B.a C. some

( )13. I have some pens,____about you?

A.what B.it's C. where

( )14. What do you have?

A Yes, I do.

B I have fifteen.

C I have fifteen rulers. ( )15. 一Look at my balls. 一____

A. It's nice.

B. They are nice.

C. It’s not nice



( )1. What would you like? A. Yes, I can.

( )2. I like pandas. B. She's beautiful. ( )3. This is our doll. C. Me, too.

( )4. Can you jump? D. It’s in the bedroom. ( )5. Where's my skirt? E. I'd like some noodles.


( )1. Do you like dogs? A. No, it isn’t

( )2.How much are these socks? B.. No, I don’t.

( )3. Would you like a cup of milk? C. Yes, please.

( )4. Is your cap in the living room? D. Four yuan.

( )5. How many pencils do you have? E. Fourteen.



A: Do you ___ _ _ ___ toy cars?

B: Yes, I have _ ___ toy cars.
