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what life was like here in the past. /EdnVW'/ 21. I ____________

four time a month. /ts: iL/ 22. He plays soccer at____________

. /fLes'IaM/ 23. I bought something for my parents, but nothing for___


. /nIaL'nX/ 24. We all know that many students often go ____________

and the body. /dnIaM/ 25. Exercise is healthy for the____________


26. He never goes to a d for teeth cleaning.

27. —¬¬What’s your favorite p ? —Animal World.

28. I d the sweater because it is out of the style( 过时).

29. My mother didn’t have e money, so she couldn’t buy the coat.

30. We didn’t have an u so we got wet in the rain.


31. We decided ( go) to the beach near our hotel.

32. No one seemed____ ___( be) bored.

33. You’ll get ( boring) when you have nothing to do.

34. There are a lot of new ( build) in my hometown now.

35. Can you find some ( different) between the twin brothers ?


请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处


( )36. The only problem was there was nothing much to do in the even


A. and

B. so

C. then

D. but

( )37. He was late for school_______the rain.

A. as a result

B. because

C. so

D. because of

( )38. -Jack, is there __________ in today’s newspaper ? -No,nothi ng.

A. anything important

B. something important

C. important anything

D. important something

( )39. Everyone in my class __________the poor boy without parents. A. want to help B. want helping C. wants to help D. wants helping ( )40. At first she __________ like maths,but now she ______________.

A. didn’t; did

B. doesn’t; does

C. doesn’t; did

D. didn’t ;doe


( )41. There are _____ oranges in the box. Take them with you.

A few

B little

C a few

D a little

( )42. We _____ a good time because it rained heavily.

A didn’t have

B haven’t

C hadn’t

D don’t have

( )43. it rained heavy, went on visiting.

A. Though, but

B. But, though

C. Though, \

D. Because, \

( )44 —How often do you drink milk ? —I don’t like it, so I _____d rink it.

A. always

B. usually

C. hardly ever

D. often

( )45. Did you find the answer the question about TV very interestin

g ?

A. to, watching B of, watching C. to,watched D. of , watched


请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中


46 is a result of the student activity survey at our school. Most stu dents exercise three or four times 47 week. Some students exercise on

ce 48 twice a week. Some students exercise every day. 49 homework, m ost students 50 homework every day. Some students do homework three o

r four times a week. Most students do homework every day. 51 student

s do homework once or twice a week. The result for “watch TV” is 5

2 . Some students watch TV once or twice a week. Some watch TV three or four 5

3 a week. But most students watch TV every day. 5

4 think it’s helpful for them 5

5 TV. They can be relaxed and learn much knowledg

e( 知识) by watching TV.

( )46. A. Here B. There C. Here’s D. There’s

( )47. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )48. A. and B. but C. or D. so

( )49. A. With B. By C. To D. As for

( )50. A. did B. do C. does D. doing

( )51. A. Not B. No C. No of D. No one

( )52. A. interesting B. interests C. interested D. interest

( )53. A. time B. times C. a time D. some time

( )54. A. They B. Their C. Them D. Theirs

( )55. A. watch B. to watch C. watches D. watching


请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最



Mr. King lives in a city. He owns some shops and makes a lot of money. His son,Mike,studies at a middle school. The boy likes everything but studying. He doesn't listen to his teachers in class and he never fini shes his homework on time. He always plays football when he has any fr

ee time. He can never pass the exams.

Mr. King is so busy with his business that he has little time to stay at home. He never pays any attention( 关心)to his son's studies,so he doesn't know how he is doing.

One day Miss Read,Mike's teacher,telephones Mr. King. On the telephon
