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联合国秘书长潘基文2019年索契冬奥会开幕式英语演讲稿Dobriy Viecher Sochi!

I am Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

My warmest greetings to IOC President Honorable Thomas Bach and all those gathered for the22nd Winter Olympic Games!

The Olympics and Paralympics bring out the best in athletic achievement.

The Olympic Flame also illuminates hope for our common humanity.

Even in the cold winter weather, barriers between people melt away.

The Olympic spirit prevails: Fair play. Mutual respect. Friendly competition.

Let us take that spirit and spread it around the world.

For peace – and a truce between all warring parties around the world. For human rights and anend to discrimination. For a life of dignity for all.

Together, let us celebrate sports and solidarity.

Spasiba. Thank you.


