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1.Be interactive.


3.当客人坐下后,How many time are you available.



2.How can you evaluate your suppliers? 很多客户不愿意直接回答你,因

为确实太难了,你可以补充一句, just generally speaking, not the detailed principles.

3.What's your purchasing plan for next season?

4假如是零售商:How many stores does your company have?

5假如是中间商:Do you distribute your goods only in your domestic market? Or in the whole Europe? Which country is your biggest market? (不能直接问谁是你最大的客户,这样太敏感了。)

6 在展览会最后一两天的时候,你可以问: What do you think how about the trade show? Did you find everything which you need exactly?

5.多用行业术语。如果不懂说明,可以说:We have supplied our products for XXXXX company for 5 years, and XXXX company is quiet satisfied for our quality. So I believe we can meet your quality requirements.


6 reliability



1. Could you say that again, please?

2. Could you repeat that, please?

3. Could you write that down,please ?

4. Could you speak a little more slowly, please?

5. You mean…is that right?

6. Do you mean..?

7. Excuse me for interrupting you.


1.Would you like a glass of water?/ how about the black tea?

2.Alright, Let me make some, I'll be right back.

3.I would like to invite you for lunch today.

4.I can't let you pay, it is my treat, you are my guest.

5.May I propose that we break for coffee now.

6.Excuse me, I'll be right back.

7.Excuse me a moment.


1.It's a great honor to meet you./ I have been looking forward to meet you.

2.We really wish you will have a pleasant stay here.Is this your first visit to China.

3.Do you have much trouble with jet lag.


1.Excuse me, are you Mr. Walton from pany.

2.How do I adress you?

3.My name is David, I'm pany, I'm here to meet you.

4.We have a car over there to take you to the hotel, did you have a nice trip.

5.Mr David Smith asked me to come here in his place to pick you up.

6.Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel.

7.Do you need to get back your baggage.


1.Let me introduce myself, my name is David Ma, an international salesman of this company.

2.hello, I'm David Ma, an international salesman of this company.it is a pleasure to meet you.

3.I would like to introduce Mr. Chen. The general manager of our company.

4.David, this is Herry, the customer from Canada, Herry, this is David, a salesman of our company.

5. It is my pleasure to talk with you.

6.Here is my business card, may i have your business card.

7.I'm sorry, I can't recall your name, can you tell me how to pronounce your name again. 小聊

1.Is this your first time to China.

2.Do you often come to China on business.

3.What kind of Chinese food do you like.

4.what is the most interesting you have seen in China

5.The weather is very nice.

6.What do you like to do in your spare time.
