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1. What do we know about the woman’s house?

A. It is not comfortable.

B. It is in the city centre.

C. It is next to a bar.

2. What will the man do next?

A. Meet his friend

B. Go to the supermarket.

C. Pick up the woman.

3. What’s the weather like in May?

A. Cloudy.

B. Sunny.

C. Rainy.

4. Where are they talking?

A. In a park.

B. In a car

C. In a library.

5. What time will the plane take off?

A. At 3:30

B. At 2:30

C. At 3:30




6. What was Allan doing when Annie called him?

A. Having dinner.

B. Visiting his friends.

C. Buying a cell phone.

7. What does Allan like best about Aerosmith?

A. The songs.

B. The guitarist.

C. The lead singer.


8. What is the requirement of working in the animal home?

A. Having experience about animals.

B. Loving animals very much.

C. Knowing much about animals.

9. When can the woman go to work there?

A. On Monday morning.

B. On Friday afternoon.

C. On Saturday afternoon.


10. What did the woman ask the boy to look for?

A. The key.

B. The map.

C. The car.

11. How will they look for Mr White’s address?

A. Using the Internet.

B. Using GPS.

C. Using the map.

12. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Father and daughter.

B. Mother and son.

C. Driver and passenger.


13. How much will the wing-suit probably cost in the future?

A. About 600 dollars.

B. More than 600 dollars.

C. Less than 600 dollars.

14. Whom were the talking gloves invented for?

A. Babies.

B. Blind people

C. Deaf people.

15. Which invention benefits millions of people?

A. The wing-suit.

B. The talking gloves.

C. The way of producing clouds in door.

16. What does Jed think of the way of producing clouds in doors?

A. Amazing

B. Funny

C. Useless.


17. Why did the speaker go to Uganda?

A. To look for a job.

B. To travel with friends.

C. To be a volunteer.

18. What do we know about Carol?

A. She was an orphan.

B. She is a child.

C. She is a doctor.

19. How many kinds of animals were there in the local family?

A. Five

B. Four.

C. Six.

20. What did the speaker think of living in the local family?

A. Strange.

B. Comfortable.

C. Suffering.



从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _____ as the plane was making a landing.

A. seat

B. seating

C. seated

D. to be seating

22. When I went in, they were _______ in a heated discussion.

A. absorbing

B. absorbed

C. having absorbed

D. being absorbed

23. Before he came to London, he had never heard a single English word _______

A. speaking

B. speak

C. spoken

D. to speak

24. When copying this paper, be careful not to any words.

A. leave behind

B. leave aside

C. leave off

D. leave out

25. Despite their ______ of interest,Fleming kept trying to develop the chemical _____ it would be safe and


A. lacking;in order to B.lack;so that

C.lack;so as to D.lacking;so that

26. The first textbooks ________ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A. having written

B. to be written

C. being written

D. written

27. He has been in his devotion to scientific studies.

A. constant

B. constantly

C. consistent

D. consistently

28. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages ________ them well.

A. you can learn

B. can you learn

C. you learned

D. did you learn

29. — Who should be responsible for the accident?

— The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order ______.

A. as they told

B. as are told

C. as told

D. as telling

30. With the popularity of the Internet banking, it is becoming more convenient to _____ a business credit card

for personal use online.

A. apply for

B. pay for

C. search for

D. look for

