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I am a century baby, from the country, home, to myself, all the time I feel is happiness, happiness, pride.


From the time of the founding of the People's Republic to the success of the launch of “two bombs and one star”, from the holding of the Olympic Games to the self-manufacturing of aircraft carriers, growing up in the 21st century in New China, our generation has witnessed the further brilliance and development of the motherland, and the growing sense of security, happiness and pride.


The science, technology and culture of the motherland are

flourishing day by day. In terms of high-speed rail, we have changed from a follower to a leader. The successful flight test of C919 and the successful launch of Mozi show that our dream of a technological power has been further realized.


China's manufacturing industry has also developed rapidly, from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power. From the labor-intensive industries in the Pearl River Delta to today's technology-intensive industries, the quality of our products has further improved, and the number of exports has further increased.


Some people say that a country's manufacturing products represent the strength of the country, indeed. From using a disposable lighter that broke down once at the beginning, to now it

can wear and tear a durable high-quality lighter many times. From “Madein China” to “Created in China” and “Made in China” to “Made in China” and “Made in China” to “Made in China” and “Made in China” to “Made in China”. In the eyes of foreigners, the strength of our country has really advanced by leaps and bounds. Four great inventions in ancient times and now high-speed railway, shared bicycle, mobile payment and online shopping, these beautiful business cards of the “new four great inventions” have facilitated life, shocked the world, and made China stand out in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution!


With the continuous development of China's cultural undertakings, the soft power of culture has been continuously enhanced. Some people say that Chinese food is China's hardest soft power, and I think so. Our country's food has always been the best in the world. In recent years, after the broadcast of “China on the tip of the tongue”, the influence of Chinese cuisine culture has been continuously increasing, attracting a variety of foreign tourists
