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beginning inventory :期初存货charitable donation :慈善捐款cost of goods sold :销货成本deduction :n.扣除;扣除额depreciation :n.折旧dependent :n.被抚养人

distribution :n.配销e-filing :n.网络报税

freight :n.运费exemption :n.免税额

gross margin :毛利filing status :报税身分

income statement :损益表head of household :户长

net income :净损益,净收入married filing separately :已婚分报net sales :销货净额return :n.退税;收益

operating expense :营业费用tax arrears :欠税,滞纳税金sales revenue :销货收入tax credit :税款扣抵额

财务与会计:资产负债表tax evasion :逃(漏)税accumulated depreciation :备抵折旧tax return :报税单

asset :n.资产tax saving :节税

balance sheet :资产负债表unearned income :非劳动收入contributed capital :实缴股本税务:税务事宜

fixed asset :固定资产alimony :n.赡养费

liability :n.负债corporate tax :企业税

notes payable :应付票据direct tax :直接税

prepaid expense :预付款项excluding tax :不含税

retained earnings :保留盈余gift tax :赠与税

stockholders' equity :股东权益income tax :所得税

产业:品管inheritance tax :遗产税

batch :n.一批IRS (Internal Revenue Service) :美国国税局

glitch :n.缺失progressive taxation :累进课税

inspection :n.检查tax break :减税优惠

leave out :遗漏tax increase :增税

QC history :品管记录tax reform :税务改革

QC procedure :品管流程tax revenue :税收

quality standard :质量标准taxation :n.课税;征税

random sampling :随机抽样taxpayer :n.纳税人

recall :v.回收谈判:代理权

reject :v.拒收;退回allowance :n.折让;备抵

simulation test :模拟测试distribute :v.经销;代理

产业:生产制造distribution network :经销网

assembly line :装配线distributorship :n.代理权;经销权automated :a.自动化的exclusive :a.独家的

breakthrough :n.突破hammer out :敲定

capacity utilization :产能利用minimum :a.最低的component :n.零件normally :adv.通常;一般情形electronics :n.电子产品null and void :(法律上)无效的

farm produce :农业产品third party :第三方

global warming :全球暖化written consent :书面同意书

high-tech industry :高科技产业谈判:合约

labor-intensive :a.劳力密集的alliance :n.结盟;联盟manufacturing :n.制造amend :v.修改;修订

mass production :大量制造attorney :n.律师

offshoring :n.产业外移beneficial :a.受益的;有利的

outsource :v.外包breach :n.违反;侵害

power failure :停电clause :n.条款

production capacity :产能commit :v.承诺;保证

production process :生产流程compromise :v.妥协;让步

recycling :n.回收;再生contract :n.合约

semiconductor :n.半导体deadlock :n.僵局

service industry :服务业dotted line :(尤指文件签名处之)点线;虚线waste disposal :废弃物处理draft :n.草稿;草案

国际贸易:货运negotiator :n.谈判者;磋商者

cash on delivery :货到付款party :n.(契约)当事人;一方

delay :v.延迟resume :v.重新开始

free on board :船上交货terminate :v.终止;终结

ground delivery :海陆运输terms and conditions :交易条款

letter of credit :信用状timetable :n.时间表

lump sum :一次付清谈判:议价

Net 30 :货到后三十日付款affordable :a.负担得起的

net weight :净重bargain :v.议价

pallet :n.(装卸、搬运货物用的)货板discount :n.折扣

rush order :紧急订单;急件going rate :现行价格;现在行情shipment :n.货运物;货运in bulk :大量

国际贸易:进出口outrageous :a.荒唐的;骇人听闻的

customs duty :关税preferential price :优惠价格

duty-free :a.免税的price war :价格战;削价竞争

export :n.出口profit margin :毛利(率)

import ban :进口禁令profitable :a.有利润的;有赚头的

import restriction :进口限制quantity :n.数量;数额

import substitution :进口替代quote :n.报价

non-tariff barrier :非关税壁垒reflect :v.反映

quarantine :n.检疫;隔离throw in :外加;额外赠送

quota :n.配额通讯:传真

smuggling :n.走私cover sheet :封面页

国际贸易:贸易face down :正面朝下

barrier :n.障碍fax machine :传真机

bilateral :a.双边的incoming :a.传进来的

boycott :v.抵制paper jam :卡纸

dumping :n.倾销refill :v.再装填

free trade :自由贸易resolution :n.分辨率

Normal Trade Relations :正常贸易关系scan :v.扫描
