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( )21.—What do you do on Sundays, Peter

—Sometimes I play basketball and sometimes I play piano.

;the ;不填 C.不填;不填 D.不填;the

( )22.—When do people usually plant trees

— March.

( )23. Lisa can sing and dance, so she can join the club.

( )24. Are you good kids We need your help my son’s English.

;with ;with ;with ;at

( )25. The students and villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream away true out out

( )26. —What's the first rule

—We must ________ on time for class.

( )27. It takes two hours his homework.

;do ;do ;to do ;to do

( ) are people planting trees in the park, because spring is the time to plant trees.

A.three hundreds hundred of

B. of of

( )29. — is it from your home to Yonghui Supermarket

—About ten minutes’ walk.

far long much often

( )30. Millie, ________ her father, ________ watching TV at the weekend.

A. like, like

B. like; likes

C. likes; likes

D. likes; like

( ) my father or mother to the movies on Saturday evenings, because one of my has to look after the baby.

;parents ;parent ;parents ;parent

( )32. Look at t he “No Photos” sign. You take photos in the art museum.

’t ’t

( )33. —Does your father go to work by car every day —No, he sometimes takes bus.

;the ;a C./;a ;/

( )34. Victor gets to school early every day, so he is late for class.

( )35. There are rules in my home. I have homework to do.

A.too many;much too much;too many

too;too much many;too much

( )36. Benny is ________ boy. The boy comes from America.

A. a 11-year-old

B. a 11-years-old

C. an 11-year-old

D. an


( )37. In the morning, Jim likes running because it’s good ______. In the evening, he usually does eye ______ after studying for a long time.

A.exercise; exercises

B. exercise; exercise

C. exercises; exercise

D. exercises; exercises

( )38. —________ playing football together —Good idea.

A. Why not

B. Let’s

C. What about

D. Shall we

( )39. Our teacher is strict ______ us ______ everything.

A. in; with

B. in; in

C. with; with

D. with; in

( )40. Ann never ______with her classmates. She is friendly(友好的) to everyone.

A. fights

B. talks

C. walks

D. eats

III.完形填空(本题有10 小题,每小题1分;共计10 分)

Dear Dr. Know,

I’m not happy. I have too 41 rules in my family. I have to 42 at 6:00 every morning. I can’t 43 my friends after school 44 I have to 45 my dog for a walk. I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have to 46 in bed by ten o’clock.47 the weekend, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then

I have to help my mother 48 dinner. Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace

49 the piano. I never have any fun. 50 can I do

( ) few

( ) to bed to school home up

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( ) learn

( )

IV.阅读理解(本题有10 小题,每小题2分;共计20 分)

