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Lesson 8

I 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。

1.Her room is very (整洁的) and beautiful.

2.I entered for an English (比赛) last month.

3.There is a (水池) in front of our school building.

4.The old man bought a (木头的) bed in that shop.

5.I like walking along the (小路) around my village.

II 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。

1.Jack is the (clever) student in his class.

2.John’s garden is (large) than Smith’s.

3.This is the (beautiful) picture I have ever seen.

4.Lily’s handwriting is (bad) than Helen’s.

5.He is at English and he is the (good) among those days. III 单项选择(从A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项)。

( ) 1. Are you going to the maths competition next week?

entered into for

( ) 2. Miss sophie always her room everyday.

; nearly ; neat ; neatly ; neat

( ) 3. Hans is than John and Tom. He is among these three boys.

; taller ; taller ; tallest ; tallest

( ) 4. The film is very and I am very in it

; interested ; interesting

; interesting ; interested

( ) 5. Our team was by their team in the football game yesterday.

( ) 6. This car is very expensive all the cars here.

( ) 7. The heavy rain made for us to go swimming this afternoon.

was impossible impossible impossible

( ) 8. It is really to finish this in such a short time.

hard work job hardly work hard job

( ) 9. Everyone in our class hard every day.

working working

( ) 10. He doesn’t like reading. I don’t like it .

IV 选词填空(熟读课文,然后从所给选项A,B,C和D中选择最佳选项)

There is ‘The Nicest Garden Competition’ in my hometown each year. Nearly everyone 1 it, but Joe Sanders wins every time because his garden is the 2 one

in the town. Bill Frith also has a garden which is 3 than Joe’s. Bill works harder 4 Joe and 5 more flowers and vegetables, 6 his garden is not as 7 as Joe’s. Joe has made 8 paths and has built a wooden bridge 9 a pool. I am found of gardens too, but I don’t like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, but I always win 10 the prize for the worst garden in the town! ( )1. for into into for

( )2. beautiful beautiful

( )3. larger largest

( )4.

( )5. up up

( )6.

( )7. interesting

( )8. C. neater

( )9.

( )10.

V 把下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 他的房子是这个地区最好的。

2. 我是家里最小的孩子。

3. 索菲亚的裙子比海伦的漂亮。


5. 爱玛赢了这次写作竞赛。
