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关键词: 低密度校验码 删除信道 道 快速编码
Low-density parity-check codes come to be one of the best coding technologies because of their low-complicity iterative decoding algorithm and capacity approaching performance, and they attract more and more researchers’ eyes in recent years. In this dissertation, the basic principles of the coding and decoding of LDPC codes are studied systematically, and some code-design problems such as the design of degree distribution sequences, the design of girths and the design of efficient encode-able LDPC codes are analyzed in detail. Based on all these efforts, some positive results are obtained and summarized as follow:
1. The coding and decoding ideas of low-density parity-check codes on graphs are systematically summarized, and the density evolution theory is introduced. The two leading factors on the performance of LDPC codes, i.e. the degree distribution sequences and the girths of these codes, are analyzed in detail;
2.2 LDPC 码的译码………..…….…….……..…...….…..……..…..…….…………….9 2.2.1 LDPC 码的译码思想…...…………..………………..….…………………..9 2.2.2 BIAWGN 信道下的算法描述.….……..…...….….………….…....………12 2.2.3 BSC 信道下的算法描述………………...…………….…...……..………..13 2.2.4 BEC 信道下的算法描述..…………...…………….…...………………….14
3. The available design methods of LDPC codes with large girth are introduced and a new construction of regular LDPC codes with large girth is brought along with its realization algorithm, and the performances of the LDPC codes generated by this method are analyzed and simulated under AWGN channels. Improved Progressive Edge-Growth algorithm is presented by which the LDPC codes generated can satisfy the given degree distribution strictly.
第二章 LDPC 码的编译码原理…………………………………..……………………..7
2.1 LDPC 码的定义及其 Tanner 图表示………….……..…...….…..……..…………...7 2.1.1 LDPC 码的定义及其描述……….….….………….….………….……....…7 2.1.2 LDPC 码的 Tanner 图表示及非正则 LDPC 码.………………...…………..8
代号 分类号
10701 TN911.22
学号 密级
0108120476 公开
LDPC 码的编译码原理及编码设计 Principles and Code-Design of LDPC Codes
作 者 姓 名 王 鹏 指导教师姓名、职务 王新梅 教授
学 科 门 类 工学 学科、专业
4. The efficient encoding problem of LDPC codes is discussed in detail, and the reasons that Tornado codes and repeat accumulate codes are linear encode-able and the relationships between them and efficient encode-able LDPC codes are presented. Two constructions of linear encode-able LDPC codes are brought up and their performances under AWGN channels are simulated.
1. 系统地阐述了低密度校验码基于图模型的编译码思想,介绍了密度进化理论, 对影响低密度校验码纠错性能的两个主要因素——度序列设计和围长设计进行 了深入分析;
2. 阐述了应用于删除信道下的纠删码基本原理,介绍了两类标准的 RS 码类纠删 码,重点分析了具有线性时间编码和恢复算法的渐近好码—级联型低密度纠删 码,分析了正则度分布的阈值,对正则低密度校验码在删除信道下的纠错性能 进行了仿真,从理论上证明了基于 (d, 2d ) -正则度序列的低密度纠删码都不是 渐近最优码 (d ≥ 3) ,同时还分析了非正则低密度校验码的度序列设计,基于右 边正则序列提出了一种改进型右边正则序列,证明了此序列为渐近拟最优的, 对基于几类现有典型度分布序列的级联型低密度纠删码进行了模拟仿真及性能 分析;
提交论文日期Байду номын сангаас
LDPC 码的编译码原理及编码设计
作 者: 王 鹏 导 师: 王新梅 教授 学 科: 通信与信息系统
Principles and Code-Design of LDPC Codes
A Dissertation Presented to XIDIAN University In candidacy for the Degree of
本人完全了解西安电子科技大学有关保留和使用学位论文的规定,即:研究 生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西安电子科技大学。学校有权保 留送交论文的复印件,允许查阅和借阅论文;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内 容,可以允许采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论文。
本人签名: 导师签名:
2. The principles of Erasure codes used under Binary Erasure Channels are summarized and Erasure codes which belong to standard classes of RS codes are introduced with emphasis on cascaded low-density erasure codes with linear time encoding and erasure recover algorithms.Thresholds of regular degree distributions are analyzed. It is shown that low-density erasure codes based on (d, 2d) -regular sequences of degree distribution are not close to optimal (d ≥ 3) .Two pares of irregular degree distribution sequences are introduced and a pare of improved right regular sequences of low-density erasure codes are presented, It is testified that the new sequences are asymptotically quasi-optimal. In the meantime, simulations of cascaded low-density erasure codes based on a few types of special sequences of degree distribution available are given, together with performance analyses on these codes.
3. 研究了现有的具有较大围长的低密度校验码设计方法,提出了一种新的构造具 有较大围长的正则低密度校验码方法并对其在高斯信道下的纠错性能进行了仿 真,提出了渐进边增长算法的改进算法,使采用改进后的算法构造的低密度校 验码能够严格满足给定的度序列分布;
4. 对低密度校验码的快速编码问题进行了深入研究,指出了旋风码和重复累积码 能够达到线性编码的原因及其与可快速编码的低密度校验码之间的关系,提出 了两种可线性编码的低密度校验码的构造方法并对其在高斯信道下的纠错性能 进行了仿真。
日期 日期

低密度校验码以其低复杂度的迭代译码算法和可逼近信道容量限而成为目前最佳 的编码技术之一,越来越受到众多编码研究学者的关注。本文在对低密度校验码现有理 论的研究基础上,系统地分析了低密度校验码在删除信道下的纠错性能和度序列设计、 低密度校验码的围长设计和快速编码设计等编码设计问题,获得了一些研究成果,主要 概括为:
Keywords: low density parity-check codes erasure channel graph model
degree distribution sequences girth
AWGN channel
efficient encoding
第一章 绪论……….…….……….……….……….…...….…....….…….………...….…..1
1.1 数字通信系统与信道模型.….……….…………………………………….……….1 1.1.1 数字通信系统………………….…..….………….……………….…….…..1 1.1.2 信道模型.…………………….…..….………….……….…………….……2
1.2 纠错编码理论及其发展………….…….……………..…………………….………3 1.3 低密度校验码的提出、发展和现状.……………...…………….…….………….... 5 1.4 本文主要研究工作及内容安排..………..…….………………….….……………..6
Master of Engineering In
Communication and Information System By
Wang Peng
Xi’an, People’s Republic of China December, 2003
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本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究 成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢中所罗列的内容以外,论文中不 包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果;也不包含为获得西安电子科技大学或 其它教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做 的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。