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1.限制:limit, restrict, confine, define, narrow, tighten, constrict, cap,


E.g. We are working on narrowing the gap between our points of view. 缩小差距

E.g. We’re working to narrow down the list of possible suspects.

E.g. The smoking causes the same diseases in women as in men and the gap between their death rates

is narrowing.

define (v.):这个词大家以前熟悉的意思是给……下定义, 这个意思和限制并不矛盾,什么叫下定义?就是描述出一个事物的轮廓,所以定义就是在一个给定的围给一个事物限定的特定的意思。(define的英文解释: If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like)

E.g. The Supreme Court decision could define how far Congress can go in trying to determine the outcome

of court cases.

cap (n./v.): 这个词最常用的意思是帽子的意思,作为限制的意思再形象不过了。E.g. The government has placed a cap on local council spending.

snow-capped mountains

补充信息:魔兽世界(WOW)的资料片燃烧的远征(TBC)刚刚推出的时候,在官网上就有这么句话:An increase in the level cap to 70 大家不妨体会下这句话中的cap的意思在NBA里面就有工资帽这种说法(工资帽的概念1984年被引入,NBA联盟和球员工会之间首先进行谈判,只有双方同意,工资帽才被正式公布。每年NBA的工资帽都在增加,1997-98赛季是2690万美元,上赛季是4384万美元,而如今则是4387万美元。那么什么是工资帽呢?工资帽的具体数额和NBA前一年的总收入密切相关。具体来说,这个工资帽是根据NBA前一年的总收入,然后取这个总收入的48%作为NBA球队花钱的资本,再拿这个48%后的收入再除以29(NBA上赛季球队总数),得出的平均数就是当年的工资帽,各球队花在球员身上的工资总额不得超过这个数字。)

2.集中,聚焦于:focus on, concentrate on, aim, spotlight, be engrossed in, lay/place/put emphasis on,

deal only with, highlight,


E.g. A new report has turned the spotlight on the problem of poverty in the inner cities.

E.g. The report has turned the spotlight on the startling rise in street crime.

E.g. Unemployment is once again in the spotlight.

E.g. The article spotlights the problems of the homeless.

engross (v.): 全神贯注于某事

E.g. The scene was stunning, and for a time engrossed all our attention.

E.g. He was so engrossed in his book that he didn’t hear her come in.


E.g. The incident has served to highlight the problems of urban deprivation.|

highlight 作名词用表示一系列事情的亮点,高潮,最精彩所在,

E.g. That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.

E.g. The highlight of the trip was visiting the Great Wall of China.

3.现代的,最新的:contemporary, modern, current, present, recent, up-to-date, latest



E.g. They have access to up-to-date information through a computer database.

latest (a.):最新的

E.g. the latest fashions from the Paris catwalks.


4.增长:grow, increase, expand, rise, improve, soar, climb, extend, rocket,


soar (v.):飙升

E.g. The price of petrol has soared in recent weeks.

rocket(v./n.):作名词是火箭的意思, 动词: 直线上升

E.g. Stock prices rocketed to their highest level yesterday.这组词在阅读和写作当中可能会发生词性


grow-growing-growth; increase-increasing-increase; expand-expanding- expansion; rise-rising-rise;

improve-improved-improvement; extend- extended- extension; climb-climbing-climb

5.悲观的,忧郁的:pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, depressing, hopeless, sad, blue, unhappy,

low-spirited, mournful, dismal, miserable, glum, broken-hearted , down in the dumps(informal), pessimistic(a.):悲观的

E.g. Doctors are pessimistic about his chances of making a full recovery.

gloomy (a.):衰退的, 忧郁的,

E.g. Frank dismissed these gloomy thoughts from her mind.

blue (a.): 这个词可以解释为蓝调即悲伤忧郁的音乐,不过只能用复数形式blues

E.g. She usually calls her mother when she’s feeling blue.

blue这个词还有高贵的意思,例如这个短语:blue-blooded 表示出生于皇室家族或者社会地位很高的家族blue book这个词大家可千万不要多想,它一般指英国官方发布的蓝皮书(封面通常是蓝色的)(yellow pages 黄页即包含和公司地址的黄色封面的书)

blue movie电影,不过这种用法差不多已经过时了,现在一般都说porn movie

blue chip 蓝筹股即表现优异的,或者值得投资的股票

blue collar蓝领

6.加速,前进:accelerate, speed up, advance, hasten, quicken, develop, hurry,


E.g. The decline of her health seemed to suddenly accelerate.

develop (v.): 发展,也就是说现在的速度比原先的快才能叫发展,所以develop和和加速这个意思是属于相关词


develop liver disease 得病

develop the pictures 冲照片

advance(v.): 进步,前进

E.g. The group's research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.
