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在现代无线通信系统中,射频电路的性能指标在整个通信系统起着重要的作用,而射频电路在电子对抗、导航、卫星通讯、雷达、无线通信等系统中也应用十分的广泛,成为了现代无线通信的关键部件之一。在此背景下,我们研究设计出了一个在10MHZ-50MHZ,增益控制范围为-40dB 到 0dB 的由单片机进行增益的射频程控衰减器。研究中,我们采取的是继电器来作为选择控制,同时用了 Proteus 进行相关性能仿真,设计了增益不同的衰减电路以及三极管电路,最后得到了射频程控步进衰减器的相关性能指标。而针对射频电路 PCB 制板时的电路原理图和布线,考虑到制板时所需考虑的各种情况,改进了放大器的制板电路,从而提高了电路板的的性能。




Title:Radio frequency program design and implementation step attenuator Major: Electronic information engineering

Name:SunYiwen Signature:

Supervisor:MaYanjun Signature:_


In modern wireless communication system, radio frequency circuit Performance indicators affecting the quality of the whole communication system and its in satellite communication, radar, wireless communications, navigation, elect ronic countermeasures system also has a wide range of applications, such as is one of the key components in modern wireless communication. In this background, we research devised one in 10 MHZ - 50 MHZ and gain control range for - 40 db to 0 db gain by single-chip rf programmable attenuator. Study, we take the relay to choose as a control, at the same time using the performance simulation of Proteus, respectively for attenuation circuit and transistor circuit design, finally obtained the performance of the attenuator. On board at the time of the circuit principle diagram and the wiring, considering the plate when the parasitic parameters, protection circuit, introduced by via, grounding, etc., improved the system board of amplifier circuit, improve the performance of the circuitboard.

Finally, in the attenuation of the radio frequency circuit was tested and optimized, the final test results show that the rf programmable attenuator of the indicators in line with expectations.

【KeyWords】:Rfattenuatorstep programmedhardware circuit

【Type Of Thesis】:Design


1绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景及意义 (1)

1.2国内外发展状况 (1)

1.3课题研究内容及章节安排 (2)

2射频程控衰减器设计基础 (3)

2.1射频电路简介 (3)

2.2仿真工具介绍 (3)

2.2.1Proteus 简介 (3)

2.2.2Keil 概述 (4)

2.2.3Protel 简介 (5)

2.3AT89C51 单片机介绍 (6)

2.3.1 51AT89C51 的特点 (6)

2.3.2 51 单片机最小系统 (8)

2.4继电器介绍 (9)

2.4.1继电器的主要功能 (9)

2.4.2继电器的原理 (10)

2.5衰减电路 (10)

2.6三极管电路 (11)

2.7射频衰减器的技术指标 (12)

2.7.1信噪比 (12)

2.7.2最大输出功率和效率 (13)

2.7.3 增益 (13)


2.8本章小结 (13)

3系统整体方案及硬件平台 (15)

3.1整体设计方案 (15)

3.2硬件平台介绍 (15)

3.2.1衰减电路模块 (15)

3.2.2开关控制部分 (16)

3.2.3单片机程控部分 (16)

4系统实现与验证 (19)

4.1系统的仿真实现 (19)

4.2PCB 布线制版 (19)

4.2.1PCB 电路板基础参数设置 (20)

4.2.2PCB 电路板的布线 (20)

4.3整体硬件实现 (22)

4.4射频衰减器整体联合测试 (22)

4.4.1测试的过程 (22)

4.4.2测试的结果 (23)

总结与展望 (32)

致谢 (32)

参考文献 (32)
