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Chinese traditional food
As a foreigner comes to a new environment, I know there are many problems that you have to face. One of the biggest problem is that the food. We choose our school the third canteen and introduce some delicious Chinese traditional food to you. Hopefully, I think those might help you
辣子鸡 otus
水煮鱼片 Boiled fish fillet
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu
回锅肉 Twice-cooked pork
干锅鸡翅 Dry pot chicken wings
糖醋排骨 Sweet and sour pork ribs
酱鸭 The sauce duck
西芹鲜鱿 Celery squid
粉蒸肉 Steamed pork with rice flour
咖喱大排 Curry loin
腊味合蒸 Mixed cured meat
东安子鸡 Dongan chicken
祖庵鱼翅 Working group shark fin
金钱鱼 Fish money
辣白菜 Hot cabbage
蒜泥空心菜 Mashed garlic water convolvulus
炒双花 Fry a double take
放映结束 感谢各位批评指导!
孜然土豆片 Cumin potato chips
韭菜煎蛋 Chinese chives Fried eggs
A healthy diet, a healthy life
烂糊肉丝 Boiled pork
白菜面筋 Chinese cabbage gluten
上汤西兰花 The broccoli soup
清蒸板娘鱼 Steamed fish Leabharlann Baidulate niang
叉烧 Barbecued pork
西芹牛肉丝 Celery from beef
狮子头 Lion 's head
年糕排骨 Rice cake chop
南乳肉 South RuRou
走油肉 Go oil meat
三杯鸡 Three cups of chicken