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海港区2011―― 2012学年度第二学期期中考试



I 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。

(5 分)

(A ) 7 A I did my homework B I'm liste ning to music

C We were hav ing a meet ing (C ) 8 A Why not ? B Are you serious? C OK, I won ' (A ) 9 A On my 9th birthday B In two days C From my friend (B ) 10 A Yes ,I ean 'stand it B Sorry ,I won 'do that C Never mind III 听对话和问题,选择适当的答案。 (5分)

(A ) 11 What should Tom do better in?

A Math

B En glish

C Chi nese (C ) 12 When may the girl 's father come to visit Mr. Gao ? A This Wed nesday

B Next Wed nesday

C Next Mon day

(C ) 13 Why did James argue with his mother ?

A Because he did someth ing wrong

B Because James was too lazy

C Because his mother was too strict

(C ) 14 How long has John been playing basketball ?

A For eleve n years

B Eleve n years ago

C Since he was eleve n

(B ) 15 Who isn 'good at English ?

A Nobody

B Mary

C Mike

IV 听短文,根据短文内容填写信息。


(B ) 1.A sees B. seems (C ) 2.A excise B usual (A ) 3 A len di ng B Ian di ng (A ) 4 A take away B go away (B ) 5 A Waiti ngin line is not good B Wait ing in line is good C Cutting in line is good II 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。

(A ) 6 A Yes, there will B Yes, there are C seats C experie nee C lett ing C run away


C No, I don 'have 分数:100分


I 根据句意和相关提示,写出适当的单词。 1— What ‘s w ___ with you ?

— I caught s cold yesterday .I didn 't feel well now .

2— My job _______________ (包括) washing and making meals . 3 I am _______________ (和 ---- 一样高 ) my elder brother.

4--- Can the children cook by ______________ (they)? --- Yes, they can cook well

5 If you study hard ,you 'll ___________________ II 选择填空。(20 分)

( ) 1 What will the world be like ______________________ ?

A 100 years ago

B in 100 years

C after 100 years

D before 100 years

( ) 2 It 's wrong for us _________________ our parents . A to argue B to argue with C argue D argue with


)3 Will there ____________________ a basketball game next week ?

-- _________________. We 'll have one next Friday . A have; Yes there will B be; No, there won 't C be; Yes, there will D has; No, there won 't


) 4 Many young people in America lived ____________ , but now they have to live with their parents because of the high unemployment rate (失业率 )。 A happily B unluckily C better D alone (

) 5-- Why can 'tyou get on well with Sally?

--Because she says bad words of me _____________ . A all the time B all the same time C in time D at a time ( ) 6 When the baby saw her mother ,she ________ cry .

A doesn 't ; anymore

B didn 't;anymore

C no; more

D not; anymore (

) 7 You were ____________ to arrive at 6 am ,but you arrived at 7 am last Sunday . Don 't be late this time . A sorry B happy C surprised D supposed ( ) 8 The work seems ___________ . I can finish it soon. A simple B boring C possible D difficult

( ) 9 Her mother was cleaning the bedroom __________she heard the bell ring . A while B that C when D after


) 10 _________________ late for class again .If you do , the teacher ________ angry .

A Don 't;will be

B Don 'tbe ; will

C Don 'tbe; will be

D Don 't;will


)11 -You should get a tutor to help you with your En glish .

-- ____________ . But my parents don 'thave enough money . A That 'sa good idea B You must be kidding C It doesn 'tmatter

D I don 'tthink so ( )12 My teacher said we ______________ a test n ext week .

A will have

B had

C was hav ing

D would have


)13 I want to explain ,but you didn 'give me a ___________ .

A excuse

B way

C time

D cha nee

( )14 -What do you think of the plan ?

(5 分 )

80 分)

能够) get good grades.
