

男:Hello, I’m Ben. May I ask you some questions


男:What is your father’s name


男:Then, What is your mother’s name


男:Are you joking

女:No! That’s my sister! I am Kidding. By the way, are you a census staff

男:Of course not.

女:Go ahead.

男:OK. Your name is Kidding. Kidding, I'm going to start a

band. Will you join us

女:Sure, Ben. I'd love to be in a band

男:OK, good. Which instrument do you play I heard that you can play piano very well.

女:Piano I don't play an instrument actually.

男:What are you good at

女:I sing. I like music with great lyrics.

男: So do I. Who else do you think can join us

女:Well, Dave is supposed to be a good one.

男:Really What does he like

女:He prefers quiet music.

男:Good. How about Harry He plays the guitar, doe sn’t he

女:Yes, but Harry loves loud music such as disco . 男:That's OK. I often go to disco with my friends.女:You mean we can play both loud music and quiet music 男:Why not

女:What kind of music style do you prefer, Ben

男:Oh, I like music that I can dance to.

But we have one problem with our band

女:what is it

男:I'm not a musician and I can't sing.

女:Are you joking

男:No, that’s you r sister’s name. Just now I was kidding.

女:Well, that makes sense!


餐厅英语情景对话 A: What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要来点什么? B: What have you got this morning? 今天早上你们这儿有什么? A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything. 水果汁、糕点、各种茶点等等,应有尽有。 B: I’d like to have a glass of tomato juice, please. 请给我来一杯西红柿汁。 A: Any cereal, sir? 要来点谷类食品吗,先生? B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat. 好的,来一份麦片粥。 A: And eggs? 还要来点鸡蛋什么的吗? B: Year, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp. 要,再来一份熏猪肉和鸡蛋,我喜欢熏猪肉松脆一点。 A: How do you want your eggs? 您喜欢鸡蛋怎么做? B: Fried, please. 煎的。 A: Anything more, sir? 还要什么别的东西吗,先生? B: No, that’s enough. Thank you. 不要了,足够了。谢谢。 Dialogue 2 (A couple waiting to be seated in a crowded restaurant) (一对夫妇在拥挤的餐厅外等待就座) A: Do you have a reservation, sir? 请问您订位了吗?先生,太太? B: No, I am afraid we don’t. 没有。 A: I’m sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour. Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available? 很抱歉,餐厅已经满座了。约要等30分钟才会有空桌。你们介意在休息室喝点东西直至有空桌吗? B: No,thanks. We’ll come back later. May I reserve a table for two? 不用了,谢谢。我们等一会儿再来。请替我们预定一张二人桌,可以吗? A: Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir? 当然可以。请问先生贵姓? B: Bruce. By the way. Can we have a table by the window? 布鲁斯。顺便,我们可以要一张靠近窗口的桌子吗? A: We’ll try to arrange it but I can’t guarantee, sir. 我们会尽量安排,但不能保证,先生。


两人英语情景对话带翻译阅读两人英语情景对话篇一 D:David M:Mark D:Hi,Mark,you look pale today,what s wrong with you? M:Well, I ve got just finished a small operation D:oh, I am sorry to hear that.do you feel better now? M:Much better.I ve took the medicine which the doctore had asked me to take. D:Thanks godness!you had better mind your own health next time.By the way,is the doctor professional? M:oh maybe,he looks professional. D:Jesus,I have heard that the doctors are not professional in some hospitals in our city,that makes many patinents upset.Many hospitals are not strict with their doctors. M:I hope I am lucky.I went to the North Wall hospital. D;oh that is a good one.how do you know that hospital? M:the ads of course. D:Got it.I have saw their ads many times. M:I think the ads really help them a lot. D:I can not agree no more.well,actually you need rest.maybe I will come to your home and pay you a visit.What do you do in your spare time? M:I am fond of chatting on the Internet.Can you give me your QQ number so that we can chat online. D:My pleasure.See you online!


两人英语情景对话 餐厅英语情景对话 Dialogue 1 A: Hi, I need a hotel room. B: That's no problem at all.. May I have your name, please? A: Certainly. My name is John Sandals. B: It's a pleasure, Mr. Sandals. What days will you need a room? A: Friday afternoon, April 14 through Monday morning, April 17. B: One minor problem, sir. Our prices are now slightly higher. Is that aeptable, sir? A: Please tell me the price, so I can make a decision. B: It 'll be $300 nightly.

A: That's a reasonable price. B: Good! sir, do you have a preference for smoking or nonsmoking? A: I quit smoking, so nonsmoking. B: Nonsmoking. Now, about the bed, is a queen size okay? A: A queen sounds great. B: Okay, sir, Now, if you 'll just tell me your phone number. A: That would be 121-121-12121. B: That's 121-121-12121. Thank you so much for choosing our hotel, sir! Dialogue 2


【篇一】两人英语口语练习情景对话 Jane: Good game? Jane:比赛还好吗? Bob: Not bad. Bit too hot for me today. Bob:还不错。我觉得今天太热了。 Jane: Yes, I know. Kind of hard to concentrate, isn't it? Jane:是啊,我知道。有点难以定下心来,对吧? Bob: Absolutely. Who were you playing with? Bob:没错。你跟谁一起打球? Jane: Oh, just on my own. I just joined, so I don't really have any partners. Jane:噢,我自己打。因为我才刚加入,所以我连个球伴都没有。 Bob: Really? Oh, well in that case we should play together some time. What's your handicap? Bob:真的吗?噢,要是这样的话,我们应该找个时间一起打。你的差点是多少? Jane: 16. Yours? Jane:16。你呢? Bob: No kidding! I'm 16, too. We should definitely play together some time. My name's Bob. Bob:不盖你!我也是16。我们一定要找个时间一起打球。我是Bob. Jane: Jane. Nice to meet you. Jane:我是Jane,很高兴认识你。 Bob: Me too. So, do you like the course?


二十一个场景对话 目录 1、你有什么计划吗 (1) 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 (2) 3、英文问路指路 (3) 4、这位子有人坐吗 (4) 5、打电话预定餐厅位子 (5) 6、商务宴会中的英文点菜方式 (6) 7、At Breakfast 吃早餐 (8) 8、如何用英语买火车票 (10) 9、谈薪水必备英语口语 (11) 10、On a Bus 在公共汽车上 (13) 11、Asking Favors 求助 (14) 12、Making an Appointment 预约 (15) 13、Saying Goodbye 告别 (16) 14、Meeting old friends 老友重逢 (18) 15、Saying Thank You 道谢 (19) 16、介绍和开场白 (20) 17、Finding a Room 找住房 (22) 18、At a Hotel 在旅馆 (23) 19、The weather 天气 (24) 20、这里停车每小时多少钱 (25) 21、为什么突然要辞职呢 (26) 1、你有什么计划吗 Nancy:Have a nice weekend! 周末好! Jerry:Thanks. You too! 谢谢!你也好!

Nancy:Do you have any plans 你有什么计划吗 Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you 嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢 Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. 哦,我还没决定我要做什么呢。 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 John:Have you had a good time these past few days 这几天玩得怎么样啊 Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。 John:Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want. 谢谢夸奖。什么时候想来就过来玩儿。 Lily:I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days. 这几天真是太打扰你了。 John:Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends. 别这么客气。咱俩都老朋友了。 Lily:Well. Please come to Beijing if you have time, and let me do the honors. 好。有时间的话,一定来北京玩儿,让我也尽尽地主之宜。


两人英语对话短文情景带翻译 在英语考试的听力中,英语情景对话是必考的一类问题,今天在这里为大家分享一些两人英语对话短文,希望这些英语对话对大家有所帮助! 两人英语对话短文篇一 It s very nice of you to invite me. 你真是太好了,请我来做客。 BI m very glad you could come, Mr. Liu. Will you take a seat at the head of the table? It s an informal dinner, please don t stand on ceremony... Mr. Liu, would you like to have some chicken? 刘先生,您能来我很高兴,请上坐。这是一次家常便饭,请大家别客气。刘先生,要吃点鸡肉吗? AThank you. This is my first time to come to a Chinese restaurant. Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food? 谳谢,这是我第一次来中餐馆,请给我讲讲中国菜的不同特色好吗? BGenerally speaking, Cantonese food is a bit light; Shanghai food is rather oily; and Hunan dishes are very spicy, having a strong and hot taste. 一般来讲,广东菜清淡一些;上海菜比较油腻:湖南菜香味浓,辣味很重。 AChinese dishes are exquisitely prepared, delicious, and very palatable. They are very good in colour,flavour,and taste. 中国菜做得很精细,色、香、味俱全。 BMr. liu, would you care for another helping? 刘先生,再来一点吧?

两个英语情景对话(party and airport)

At the party A:Happy Halloween! Are you preparing to go to C’s house to enjoy the party? B:Yes, Get a load of my clothes. I spend 3hours to make up. The rug is too hard to get it. A:wow, but it’s deserved. You modeling is so success. You just like a vampire real now. I’d like to dressed up like a vampire, but you know, my mom always get on my case and she though being a witch is much better. B: Never mind it! You look so smart! Let’s go together! A: ok (c’s home) B: there are so many people . but I can’t recognize any of our classmate. Look! There is also a vampire who is drinking blood! But I think that girl looks like C! A: Are you putting me on? I can’t recognize her entirely! (c come) C:hello, my dear friend, nice to meet you! I get a load of you, I realize that we are the same. I think you also like the blood. would you like some? B:yes! A:are you really drink the blood? C:no way! it was just wine. But we called it blood, because today is Halloween!Do you want some? A: No,thanks. I am a witch! C:Look at that handsome werewolf! Who is it? B:He is jack! C: he used to be thin, but now he looks like a hunk! Let’s go to my living room, the horror film is beginning B: ok , let’s go. At the market B call to A A: hello, this is A speaking. B:hello, A,I m B. since I came from your home, I have been thought about the pizza that I had yesterday. Where did you buy it? It really made my mouth water when I smelled it! A: well, I made it from scratch. I can teach you how to make it if you like. B:wow,really? It is really kind of you. Which things do I need to buy? A:do you want to go with me da nearby market? They are slashing their price today! B:good idea! A:ok,let’s meet each other at the downstairs five minutes later B:see you later, alligator. C:hello, may I help you? Our veggies is selling at the rock-bottom! B:we want some tomatoes and onions. How much are they? C:both are 2 yuan per kilogram A:can we take choose by ourselves? C:certainly. A:the onions aren’t very fresh, it isn’t worth to this price. Just 1.5yuan ok?


英语日常情景对话有用 的情景对话 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

二十一个场景对话目录 1、你有什么计划吗 Nancy:Have a nice weekend! 周末好! Jerry:Thanks. You too! 谢谢!你也好!

Nancy:Do you have any plans? 你有什么计划吗 Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? 嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢 Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. 哦,我还没决定我要做什么呢。 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 John:Have you had a good time these past few days? 这几天玩得怎么样啊 Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。 John:Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want. 谢谢夸奖。什么时候想来就过来玩儿。 Lily:I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days. 这几天真是太打扰你了。

John:Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends. 别这么客气。咱俩都老朋友了。 Lily:Well. Please come to Beijing if you have time, and let me do the honors. 好。有时间的话,一定来北京玩儿,让我也尽尽地主之宜。 John:Okay. Have a safe trip. 好的。一路顺风。 3、英文问路指路 A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map? B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city. A: Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station? B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left. A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方? B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。


二人旅游英语情景对话 二人旅游英语情景对话1 J:I think we should buy some souvenirs to take home. 我觉得我们应该买些纪念品回家。 K:Why not? What about us doing it right now? 为什么不呢?现在去买吧? J:Good idea. I noticed that on our way to the tower there are so many shops selling all kinds of souvenirs. 好主意。在我们到塔的路上,我注意到有很多卖各种纪念品的商店。 K:So let s head there. We d better hurry up. 那我们就去那里,快点吧。 二人旅游英语情景对话2 K:Come on, Jenny, we are heading our way to the Opera House. 加油,珍妮,我们就快到歌剧院了。 J:I am dead tired and I can t walk any further. 我快累死了,走不动了。 K:Oh, I am sorry, I thought you were not. 哦,很抱歉,我以为你不累呢。 J:Why don t we stop and have a rest here? 为什么不停下来休息会儿呢?

K:Fine. Actually I am a little tired too. Want some water? 好吧,其实我也有点累了,要水吗? 二人旅游英语情景对话3 T:Excuse me, are cameras allowed here? 打扰一下,这里可以照相吗? O:Sorry, sir, in order to protect these paintings, taking photos are strictly forbidden here. 抱歉,先生,为了保护这些画,这里严禁拍照。 T:I see. What a pity. I have to appreciate it carefully. 知道了,太遗憾了。我不得不好好欣赏这张画了。 O:I am really sorry for that. 我为此感到抱歉。 二人旅游英语情景对话4 T:Excuse me. I think I have got lost in the Art Gallery. Can you tell me the way to the exit. 打扰一下,我恐怕在美术馆里迷路了,能告诉我怎么走到出口吗? O:Sure. Go back and take the third turning on the left. 好的,往回走,在第三个路口左转。 T:Thank you very much. I have been wondering here for almost half an hour. 非常感谢,我已经在这里徘徊了近半个小时了。 O:It is really like a labyrinth.


二人英语情景对话带翻译阅读 英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,对于我们学习英语扮演着非常重要的角色。下面为大家带来二人英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习! A: This is the house I want to rent. A:这是我想租的房子。 B: Could you tell me the advantages of it? B:你能告诉我它的优点吗? A: No problem. First, it's comfortable and cozy. Second, it has a lovely view of the city. Third, it has all kinds of electric appliances that we need, such as refrigerator, electric stove, heating apparatus, washing machine and dishwasher. Forth is the most important, the electricity is free of charge. Finally, it's located in the center of the city and the transportation is convenient. A:没问题,首先,它很舒适惬意。其次,在这儿你能看到城市优美的风景。第三,它有我们需要的各种家用电器,比如电冰箱、电炉、电热器、洗衣机、洗碗机等。第四,也是最重要的,电是免费的。最后,它位于城市中心,交通方便。 B: There is something in what you said, but what is the


餐厅英语情景对话 Dialogue 1 A: What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要来点什么? B: What have you got this morning? 今天早上你们这儿有什么? A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything. 水果汁、糕点、各种茶点等等,应有尽有。 B: I’d like to have a glass of tomato juice, please. 请给我来一杯西红柿汁。 A: Any cereal, sir? 要来点谷类食品吗,先生? B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat. 好的,来一份麦片粥。 A: And eggs? 还要来点鸡蛋什么的吗? B: Year, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp. 要,再来一份熏猪肉和鸡蛋,我喜欢熏猪肉松脆一点。 A: How do you want your eggs? 您喜欢鸡蛋怎么做? B: Fried, please. 煎的。 A: Anything more, sir? 还要什么别的东西吗,先生? B: No, that’s enough. Thank you. 不要了,足够了。谢谢。 Dialogue 2 (A couple waiting to be seated in a crowded restaurant) (一对夫妇在拥挤的餐厅外等待就座) A: Do you have a reservation, sir? 请问您订位了吗?先生,太太? B: No, I am afraid we don’t. 没有。 A: I’m sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour. Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available? 很抱歉,餐厅已经满座了。约要等30分钟才会有空桌。你们介意在休息室喝点东西直至有空桌吗? B: No,thanks. We’ll come back later. May I reserve a table for two? 不用了,谢谢。我们等一会儿再来。请替我们预定一张二人桌,可以吗? A: Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir? 当然可以。请问先生贵姓? B: Bruce. By the way. Can we have a table by the window? 布鲁斯。顺便,我们可以要一张靠近窗口的桌子吗? A: We’ll try to arrange it but I can’t guarantee, sir. 我们会尽量安排,但不能保证,先生。 B: That’s fine.我们明白了。 (Half an hour later, the couple comes back.) 半小时后,布鲁斯夫妇回来了。 A: Your table is ready, sir. Please step this way. 你们的桌子已经准备好了,先生,太太。请往这边走。 Dialogue 3


两人英语口语情景对话【实例】 【两人英语口语情景对话】 Aiste: Hello, Christophe. What are you doing this afternoon? 爱斯蒂:你好,克里斯托夫。你今天下午要做什么? Christophe: Hi, Aiste. I think I'm going to run this afternoon. 克里斯托夫:你好,爱斯蒂。我今天下午要去跑步。 Aiste: To run? But it's raining outside. 爱斯蒂:跑步?可是外面在下雨呢。 Christophe: I don't care. I love running in the rain, and I have to run because I am training fora marathon. 克里斯托夫:我不在意这个。我喜欢在雨里跑步,我一定得去跑步,因为我在为马拉松进行训练。 Aiste: A marathon! Isn't that like some 100 kilometers of running? 爱斯蒂:马拉松!是要跑100公里的那种吗? Christophe: Oh, no. A marathon is a race where you run 42 kilometers. It's a long distance, soyou need to train every day for it.

克里斯托夫:不是,马拉松长跑比赛的全程是42公里。距离很长,所以要每天都训练。 Aiste: So do you actually run 42 kilometers every day when training for it? 爱斯蒂:那你训练的话,是每天都跑42公里吗? Christophe: Oh, no. Actually, a good preparation for a marathon is about 12 weeks of running,and you never run for 42 kilometers in one training. You never do this because it's actually very,very bad for your body if you would do that, so you run a maximum, like 32 to 34 kilometers. 克里斯托夫:不是。马拉松比赛的充分准备是要进行为期12周的跑步训练,但是每次训练不能跑满42公里。因为这样做对身体有害,每次训练最多跑32至34公里。 Aiste: Every day? 爱斯蒂:每天吗? Christophe: Not every day of course. I think, right now, I run about 80 kilometers a week,but that's almost every day, 10, 15 kilometers that you have to run. 克里斯托夫:当然不是每天。现在,我每周跑80公里,相当于每天跑10或15公里。 Aiste: And how many marathons have you done already?


两人英语五分钟对话情景练习 两个人之间昨天与明天会发生的英语对话,或许有相同点,或许无相同点。下面是X给大家带来两人英语5五分钟对话,供大家参阅! 两人英语5五分钟对话:In the Locker Room MARTIN: Coach Havranek, thanks for meeting with me. May I ask you some questions? COACH: Yes. I have about ten minutes now. MARTIN: The team looks very good. Are you happy? COACH: Yes, I'm very happy. The game is too slow. I want to see more action, but I'm happy. MARTIN: I don't want to talk only about this game. I want to talk about coaching. COACH: OK. MARTIN: Did you want to be a university football coach? COACH: First, I wanted to be a professional football player. MARTIN: Did you play professional football? COACH: I played for two years. MARTIN: What happened?

COACH: I broke my leg. MARTIN: In a football game? COACH: No, in an accident. I fell out of a tree. MARTIN: A tree?! COACH: It's funny now. But it wasn't funny then. I was playing with my children. I wanted to get a ball in the tree. I went up the tree. And the limb broke. I broke my leg in three places. MARTIN: And no more football. COACH: That's right. I wanted to play, but my wife didn't want me to play. My leg wasn't good. MARTIN: Now you're a coach. COACH: It's funny. I played football for ten years. I never had an accident. MARTIN: Do you like coaching? COACH: Very much. I wanted to play football. But I like coaching very much. I'm very happy. MARTIN: You played professional football. You coach university football. Did you want to coach professional football? COACH: No. I wanted to work with younger men. First. I wanted to coach high school football. I like to work


A.Good,afternoon,sir.Can i help you? 下午好,先生,有什么需要帮助吗? B.Yes,I’d like to see your manager,Mr.Thompson. 是的,我想见你们经理,汤普森先生。 A.Do you have an appointment? 你有预约吗? B.Yes,Ihave an appointment at 3 P.M.with Mr.Thompsonis to discuss about our comp any'sproduct sales contract content。 是的。我下午3点和汤普森先生有个约会是关于讨论我们公司的产品销售合同的内容。 A:Could I have your name,please? I'm Mr. Thompson's secretary. 能告诉我你的名字吗,我是汤普森先生的秘书。 B:Milton White,the ICB company sales manager.Nice to meet you. 我是密尔顿白ICB公司销售经理。也很高兴见到你。 A:Nice to meet you too.But sorry,Mr. Thompsonis is having a meeting,he can finish his meeting Ten minutes later.Would you please wait here for a moment. 汤普森先生正在开会,你在这里等一会儿。 B:Ok.thank you. 好的 A: Would you take off your coat? 您需要脱下你的外套吗? B:yes, thank you. 好的,谢谢。 A:Would you like some things to drink? 你想要喝点什么吗? B:I want to drink a cup of white coffee with sugar. 我想要一杯带糖的咖啡。 A:Ok, please wait a moment. 好的,请稍等片刻。 A:Your coffee, I go to ask Mr. Thompsonis whether he meeting has already ended. 您的咖啡。我去询问下汤普森先生先生他是否会议已经结束了。


Unit1 Holidays A: hey (your friend's name), the winter holiday is coming, what are you going to do? B: I'm going to spend it with my family, it's going to be so much fun, I haven't see my cousins for like ever! How are you going to spend you holidays? A: I'm going to LA to see my family there and then go to Disneyland and Hollywood Universal Studio, I can't wait! B: oh my god! you're so lucky! I haven't been to LA for a long time! A: I know! I haven't been there in a long time either, all my family members are going there together, it's going to be fun! B: well, I hope you have fun there! A: Yeah thanks, I hope you have fun with your cusins and other family members as well! Unit2 Travel A: I'm glad I brought my jacket on this trip. B: Yes, I didn't know Washington, DC got so cold in winter. A: What would you like to do today? B: I really think we should take a tour of the White House. A: I thought we could go to some of the museums. Don't you want to see the museums? B: Of course. But today I feel like seeing the White House. We should see it first, because it's the most famous historical building here. A: I don't agree. I think the Capitol building is the most famous. But okay. If you want to see the White House, we'll go see it. I'm just afraid it will be boring. B: Boring? How can it be boring? It sounds very interesting to me. A: But it's the White House. The president and his family live there. They won't let us see most of it. Probably we can only see a couple of rooms. B: No, that's not true. The White House is very big. And there are a lot of historical exhibits there. A: But how long does the White House tour last? B: I'm not sure. I think it lasts about one hour. A: Alright. We should take a taxi over there right after breakfast. Unit3 Education Interviewer: Now we have Mr. Sharp with us here. He is president of the students' union . Mr. Sharp, what do you think of school exams? Mr. Sharp: Well, I oppose the whole system of exams for the following reasons. First, They test only a little of what kids learn at school. What's more, they test the ability to remember information and repeat it, but not necessarily their ability to think intelligently about what they've been taught. Besides, many examiners mark papers in such a hurry they can't possibly compare them in order to give fair marks.
