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1、Once a suitable organism is found, conventional breeding and mutagenesis

methods are used where possible to induce genetic changes that may produce even more of the desired product.


2、Thus, totally new capabilities can be engineered and microorganisms in particular

and plant and animal cells to a lesser extent may be made to produce substances beyond their naturally endowed genetic capabilities


3、Thus, resistance to viral infection and increased genetic stability may be

incorporated into organisms that lack them, the formation of harmful by-products can be reduced or eliminated and objectionable odours, colours or slime products can be removed


4、A successful industrial culture should ultimately exhibit most or all of the

following characteristics: it should be a pure culture; be genetically stable; be easily propagated; exhibit rapid growth characteristics; have good rate of product formation; be free of toxic byproducts; and be amenable to genetic manipulation.


5、Cultures that are used industrially generally have arisen in three stages: (1)as a

research culture---studied to seek a useful produce;(2)as a development culture----a research culture which has gained a measure of importance; and(3)as

a production culture----a research culture that is now actually used for industrial



6、The final culture may be the same as the original research culture but more often

it will have been subjected to an array of treatments to maximize productivity.


7、The development of the industrial organism from a wild type will have required

changes in its genetic information that eliminate undesirable properties or even introduce entirely new ones


8、In all aspects of biotechnology major efforts are directed to screening

programmes to generate new organisms, either from some natural source or from

established cultures by way of mutation or by hybridization programmes, including genetic engineering.


9、These organisms must be screened for useful products and grown up on a large

enough scale to produce and extract the desired product and then to subject the product to critical evaluation.


10、However, a major hindrance to the full exploitation of this capacity is the

availability of suitable screening procedures which can identify the necessary product, especially in the presence of culture medium constituents.


11、In the search for new microorganisms from the environment for

biotechnological processes there are normally three types of option available;

these involve the choices of habitat for sampling, the physical separation procedures for separating out the desired microorganism and the choice of method to achieve selection which in most in most cases involved enrichment cultures.


12、Large numbers of isolates or mutants can now be plated out, exposed to a

wide range of environmental conditions and the responses recorded automatically over any time period using television monitoring and computer control.


13、In contrast, rational screens make more use of the knowledge of the

biochemistry of specific product formation, setting up a selection process that uses

a characteristic of the desirable genotype which is not the particular one of interest

but which can be more readily scored or assayed.


14、Culture collections throughout the world are playing an increasingly

important role in biotechnology in providing a comprehensive range of pure, verified organisms that are of past, present or potential interest.

