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第一讲 语音基本知识专项训练--绕口令训练 1.元音训练

[a:] The farm seems so far in the darkness. [ʌ] Double bubble gum bubbles double. [ɔ:] I saw forty horses

[ɔ] Tom got a lot of dots on his pockets. [i:] Please eat sweet peas before you sleep. [i] Silly Billy! Silly Billy! Silly Billy loves Lily! [u:] Give two true tools to the troops [u] The cook took a look at her cook book. [ə:] The dirty girl ’s dirty skirt is dirty. [ə] Their father and mother lover each other. [æ] Cat, cat, catch that bad rat!

[e] Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread. [ɑi] Mike likes to ride his bike behind the white dam

at night.

[ei] The great grape growers grow great grapes. [ɔi] The spoiled boy lost his toy and made a lot

of noise.

[i ə] I shed tears for he shears my dear toy deer ’s ear. [u ə] Are you sure the poor man can cure the

poor tourist?

[e ə] It ’s unfair to compare their hair with their chair. [ɑu] How about going downtown now? [əu] The goat in a coat is rowing a boat slowly. 2.辅音训练

[p] Peter is picking pears and pumpkins. [b] A big black bug bit a big black bear. [t] Two ticket takers took a taxi. [d] Debbie did not destroy Dick ’s dishes. [k] Keep clean socks in a clean stack. [g] The guests are glad to get the gifts.

[f] Fifty-five firefighters fried fifty-five French fries. [v] Various visitors visited the village. [ʃ] She sells seashells on the sea shore. [ʒ] George placed his television in the garage. [s] I saw six small seals on the seashore. [z] Lazy Lezzy visits the zoo.

[θ] Cathy ’s birthday is on the third Thursday. [ð] The others are over there.

[t ʃ] Chinese children can play Chinese chess. [d ʒ] George suggests a change for orange juice. [ts] Facts are facts ….

[dz] Ted’s seeds are in Todd ’s hands.

[tr] Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you! [dr] I dreamed of playing the drummer ’s drum. [m] I scream, you scream. we all scream for ice-cream. [n] Nina never knew her new neighbor Nero knew her. [ŋ] Linging is singing a song with the king. [ l ] Larry sent Lily a letter later.

[r] It is not right to write Wright as 'rite'---try to write Wright right!" [h] Helen has hundreds of hats.

[j] The yellow bird has yelled in the yard of Yale for many years.

[w] If two witches watched two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
