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1. 柴达木宾馆 hotel of qaidam

2. 青海天年阁饭店 pavilion hotel in natural span of life of qinghai

3. 青海东湖世纪大酒店 east lake of qinghai century hotel

4. 化隆宾馆 melt in the grand hotel

5. 明珠宾馆 pearl hotel

6. 邮政宾馆postal hotel

7. 雪山宾馆 snow-covered mountain hotel

8. 西宁化隆宾馆 grand hotel of xi'ning

9. 鸿宇宾馆 swan's space hotel 10. 龙源宾馆 dragon's source hotel 济南酒店: 1. 山东东方航空大酒店 eastern aviation hotel of shandong 2. 金马大厦酒店 golden horse mansion hotel 3. 济南蟠龙山大酒店 curl in the hotel of longshan in jinan 4. 莱钢济南大酒店 hotel of jinan of laigang 5. 山东大厦 mansion of shandong 6. 济南泉景酒店 spring scene hotels of jinan 7. 山东新闻大厦 news mansion of shandong 8. 玉泉森信大酒店 simpson hotel of jade spring 9. 济南城建宾馆 urban construction hotel of jinan 10. 济南铁道大酒店 railway hotel of jinan
