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1. Keep in touch . 保持联络。

2. Who's calling ? 是哪一位?

3. You did right .你做的对。

4. Give me a hand . 帮帮我。

5.What a pity !太遗憾了!

6. I have no idea .我没有头绪。

7. I just made it . 我做到了。

8.I'll see to it .我会留意的。

9. Just wonderful !简直太棒了!

10 .Any day will do .哪一天都行。

11.Are you kidding ?你在开玩笑吧?

12.I can't help it .我情不自禁。

13.I don't mean it .我不是故意的。

14.You set me up !你出卖我!



16.My home is near.我家在附近。

17.How do you go to school?你怎样去学校?

ually I go to school on foot.我经常步行去学校。

19.I usually go to school by bus.我经常乘公交车去学校。

20.Sometimes I go by bike.我有时骑自行车去。

21.Let's go to the park.让我们去公园吧。

e to my home by bike.骑自行车来我家。

23.Where is your home?你家在哪?

24.My home is near the post office.我家在邮局附近。

25.Which floor?哪层楼?

26.The fifth floor.五楼。

27.See you at 2o'clock. 两点见。

28.Stop at a red light.红灯停。

29.Wait at a yellow light.黄灯等。

30.Go at a green light.绿灯行。

31.How can I get to Zhongshan Park?


32.You can go by the No.15 bus.你可以坐15路公交车。

33.Can I go on foot?我可以步行吗?

34.Sure,if you like.可以,如果你愿意。

35.It's not far.不远。

36.Is there a cinema near here?附近有电影院吗?

37.Yes,there is.有

38.Where is the cinema,please?请问电影院在那里?

39.It's next to the hospital.在医院隔壁。

40.What are you going to do after school?


41.I want to buy a pair of shoes.我想去买一双鞋。

42.Excuse me.打扰了。

43.Where is the post office?邮局在哪里?

44.It's east of the cinema.在电影院的东边。

45.Turn left at the cinema.在电影院处向左转。

46.Go straight.直走。

47.It's on the left.它就在你的左边。

48.Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日。

49.Thank you all for coming.谢谢你们的到来.

50. Take the No.17 bus.乘坐17路公交车。

51.Get off at the post office.在邮局处下车。

52.Walk east for three minutes.向东走三分钟。


53.What are you going to do on the weekend?


54.I'm going to visit my grandparents.


55.Is it far? 远吗?

55.Yes,so I'm going by train.是,所以我准备坐火车去。

56.I'm going to have a busy weekend.这个周末我很忙。

57.Where are you going?你将要去哪里?

58.I'm going to the bookstore.我准备去书店。

59.What are you going to buy?你准备买什么?

60.I'm going to buy a comic book.我准备买一本漫画书。

61.When are you going?你什么时候去?

62.I'm going at 3o'clock.我3点去。


63.What's your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

64.I like collecting stamps.我喜欢集邮。

65 I like diving .我喜欢跳水。

66.He likes diving,too.他也喜欢跳水。

67.She likes collecting leaves.她喜欢收集树叶。

68.My hobby is drawing pictures.我的爱好是画画。

69.His hobby is playing chess.他的爱好是下棋。

70.Her hobby is reading .她的爱好是读书。

71.Dose she teach English?他教英语吗?

72.No,she doesn't.不。

73.Does she teach you math?她教你数学吗?

74.Yes,she does.是。


75.What do you do?你是做什么的?

76.I'm a student.我是一名学生。
