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Unit One

Invitation Etiquette

Teaching Objective

In "Talking Face to Face", learn how to invite friends to attend a party or a dance in oral English.

In "Being All Ears", students will fine tune their listening and comprehension skills through exercises relating to inviting people out.

In "Maintaining a Sharp Eye", students will learn how foreign people deal with invitations, when one wants to accept or does not accept.

In "Trying Your Hand", get some practical experience and writing a invitation and a reply to the invitation one gets.

Teaching Procedures

Section I Talking Face to Face

1.Warm- up :

Patterns and expressions for talking about invitations:

I ' d like to invite you to dinner. 我想请你吃晚饭。

Why don' t you come and join us for disco? 你为什么不和我们一起跳迪斯科?

It ' s very kind of you to invite me. 谢谢你邀请我。

How nice of you! Many thanks.


I ' d love to. That would be great. 我很愿意去。太好了!

Oh, dear, I ' m afraid I ' m busy tonight. Perhaps tomorrow evening? 哦,亲爱的,今晚我很忙。明晚也许可以吧?

Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday? 你能改个时间吗,下个星期天怎样?

It ' s very kind of you, but you see I 'll have to prepare for my exam.


I ' m sorry I can ' t, but thank you all the same. 真抱歉,我不能去。可还是要谢谢你。

2.Introduction of the samples of invitation cards and letters

3.Practice the two dialogues in Follow the Samples

4.Practice dialogues according to the given tasks


SECTION II Being All Ears

Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication Listen and Repeat

Listen and Match

Listen and Translate

Handling a Dialogue

Listen and Decode

Listen and Answer

Listen and Complete

Understanding a Short Speech / Talk

Listen and Complete

Listen and Match

Listen and Answer

Section III Trying Your Hand

Applied Writing

Invitation Cards and Declining Letters

1.Expressions for Extending an Invitation

Would you like to ⋯?


I ' d like to invite you to ⋯


I would like to know if you could come to ⋯?


May I invite you to ⋯?


Would it be possible to join us for ⋯?


Would it be convenient to take part in ⋯?


I was wondering if you would be interested in ⋯?


2.Expressions for Accepting an Invitation Thank you. I ' ll be happy to come. 谢谢.我很高兴接受你的邀请.

I ' d love to. That would be great. 我很愿意去.太好了.

Thank you for invitation. 谢谢你的邀请.

I ' d be glad to come. 我很高兴前往.

3.Expressions for Declining an Invitation

I ' dl ove to, but I can ' t come.


Thank you for your invitation, but I don ' t think I can make it.


Unfortunately, I ' m already busy that day. 很遗憾,我那天事情太多


It ' s very kind of you, but you see I 'll have to prepare for my exam.


I ' m sorry I can ' t, but thank you all the same. 真抱歉,我不能去。


Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday? 你能改个时间吗,下个星期天怎样?

Sentence Writing

Word Order in a Subordinate Clause 从句的顺序


英语从句经常用疑问词引导,如what, who 等,但与疑问词引导的简单问句不同。从句不使用疑问句语序,而使用陈述句语序,即按主语在前、谓语在后的顺序排列。还应注意,因为从句不使用疑问倒装结构,所以一般现在时和一般过去时不再用do, does, did等助动词帮助构成从句结构。1.常用来引导从

句的疑问词有what, when ,where, who, whether, how等,这些疑问词一般仍保留原有的疑问含义。

She wanted to know when my brother had visited Paris. 她想知道我哥哥什么时候游览过巴黎。

Could you please tell me where we are going. 你能告诉我我们到哪里去吗?

How he plays the trick is a secret.


2.Whether可以引导主语从句,if 不能引导主语从句,但是两者都能引导宾语

从句。引导宾语从句时,两者都表示“是否”的意思,只是if 后面不能加or not。

