九年级下册英语月考测试试卷(Unit6-Unit9 )

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九年级下册英语月考测试卷(09.12) 听力原文:


1. W: What about your chair?

M: I think it’s very comfortable.

2. M: Jennet, is your brother watching TV now?

W: No, he is painting the wall.

3. W: Can I help you, sir?

M: Yes, I want to buy a T-shirt.

4. W: I have some good news!

M: What is it?

W: You’re fine. And the doctor will allow you to go home tomorrow.

M: Oh, I’m very glad to hear that.

5. W: This is really a lovely place, isn’t it?

M: Yes. Let’s see what there is to drink on the menu. Would you like orange juice or iced tea? W: Orange juice, please. What about you?

M: I’d like a cola.

6. W: I can’t find my brother. Have you seen him, Tom?

M: I saw him leaving with Bob and Dick just a few minutes ago.

7. M: My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in our school. What about your mother,


8. W: I want to learn French from you, Jim. Can you help me?

M: Of course. It’s my pleasure.

W: What about Monday afternoon?

M: Sorry, I will have a meeting at that time. How about Tuesday evening?

9. M: What fruit shall we get for the picnic, Lily?

W: Can we just get some oranges and bananas?

M: I don’t like oranges. How about some apples instead?

W: They are so expensive at the moment. Let’s get the bananas then.

10. W: Excuse me. Is this bus to the park, please?

M: Oh, no. It only goes as far as the cinema. You have to get off at the post office. And…

W: And then?

M: Then take the No. 8 bus. That is the bus to the park.



Conversation 1

W: Hi, Ben. What about coming over on Sunday afternoon? I’m inviting a few people from our

class over to my place to watch Sunday’s baseball game.

M: Who’s coming?

W: So far, there’s Stephen, Anna Maria, Ricardo, Lisa.

M: But my brother is coming back from Mexico City on Sunday. I have to pick him up at the airport.

W: That’s too bad. Well, how about coming over after you get back from the airport?

M: Ok. Can I bring anything?

W: Whatever you like to drink. We’ll order pizza for dinner.

Conversation 2

M: Hello, Jane. Have you ever been to the new sports centre?

W: No, never! Where is it ? Is it good?

M: On Straight Road, you know. And it’s great! You can do lots of sports there. Last week I went there with my father and we played tennis and volleyball.

W: What about swimming?

M: Not yet. They are going to build a swimming pool next year.

W: Is it expensive?

M: Not really. It’s $60 a year if you are over 18, and $40 if you are 15 to 18.

W: Oh, that’s good because I’m 16.

M: And on Friday and Saturday it stays open late — till 10 o’clock. Do you want to go next week?

W: OK. Any day except Sunday.

M: Why don’t we go on Friday? Then we can stay late.

W: OK.


W: David is a dentist in New York City. He has one week off every August for the summer holiday. Last summer he decided to take a trip to San Francisco. He didn’t want to go by air.

He really wanted to see the views of the United States, so he decided to take the train from New York to San Francisco. The train left New York City on Tuesday. During the long trip, he looked out of the window and watched the country go by. He saw large cities, small towns and of course the beautiful countryside. For four days, he didn’t get off the train. He often took walks through the train and talked with other passengers. Finally on Friday, the train stopped in San Francisco. David was happy to get off the train and had a good visit there. On Sunday, David hurried to the airport and took a flight back to New York.



W: I’m glad that you’ve chosen chemistry. Before our lesson, I’d like to use a few minutes to talk about the lab rules. You’d better take some notes and write the rules down. Ready? OK, let’s begin. First, you are not allowed to bring any food or drink into the lab. You can’t eat or
