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( )1.He prefers surfing the Internet TV.

A. to watch

B. to watching

C. than watch

D. than watching

( )2.— Mrs Zhan ,Tom came to see you just now .

-- It ____ be Tom .He’s gone to Hongkong .

A. can

B. can’t

C. mustn’t


( )3. .If I ___ you, I ___ take a small present .

A. am ,would



D.be would ( ) 4. .— _____ do you study for your math test?

-- By working with my classmates.

A.What B. When C. Why D.How

( )5 Tea ____ brought to the Western world ____ 1610 .

A. was, until

B. didn’t until

C. isn’t until

D. wasn’t until

( )6.We should all help the people in the earthquake.

A. provide, for

B. give , for

C. provide, with D, offer, with ( )7.The lazy man has ____ his money ,so he has to borrow some money from others.

A. run out of

B. ran out

C. use out

D. cost

( )8.Mr White bought a house has a swimming pool and a beautiful garden.

A. where

B. that C .it D .who

( )9.You could help a basketball team little kids.

A. coach, on

B. coach, for C .coaching, for D. coaching, on

( )10.He puts his love good use working in a hospital.

A. on ,by

B. at, in

C. to, by

D. to, about

( )11.Kate has the same taste of clothes as I, so she always buys the clothes which are mine.

A. different from

B. popular with C .interested in D. similar to

( )12.--What will you send ?

---A photo of .

A. me, me

B. me, mine

C. mine, me

D. my, mine ( )13.--How was the strategy you came up with yesterday?

---Oh, it fine.

A. ended up

B. took place

C. worked out . work on

( )14.The chips are not enough. Add some more salt, please.

A. crispy

B. salty

C. sweet

D. sour

( )15.In our school library, there a number of books on science and the number of them growing larger and larger.

A. is, are

B. have, is

C. are, is

D. have, are

( )16. said that some foreigners will come to our school.

A. They are

B. They is

C. That, is

D. It, is

( )17.-- , you can work out the problem easily.

---I see. Thank you.

A. On the way

B. In this way

C. To the way

D. By the way

( )18.--May I your Chinese English dictionary?

--Sorry, I it at home.

A. borrow, forget

B. lend, left

C. lend, forget

D. borrow, left ( )19.I want something to drink, but the cup is .

A. fill

B. empty

C. lost

D. filled

( )20.When I the bus stop, the bus for five minutes.

A. got to., had left

B. got to, has been away

C. got to , had been away

D. arrived at, has left


We had a wonderful five-day trip a few months ago. The trip was 21 by a travel agency(旅行社). We chose Langkawi because it was a good place for 22 .We were just hoping that the rainy season would give us some good 23 ,which is necessary for great sailing. Both my wife and I enjoyed sailing. When we got to Langkawi, the captain of the boat 24 us with lots of information about the trip. The next morning we got ready and were out at sea by early morning. We were 25 the boat all day. Langkawi really has a lot of yachts(游艇).It is becoming known as one of the liveliest 26 for yachting in Southeast Asia. Rain followed us and for the first two hours we all got 27 .“Not a good start!”we though, but it was still 28 to walk around the island and see monkeys running around freely. We even decided to 29 though the thick jungle, where we saw strange fruits growing in the trees. It seemed that we were really in a paradise(天堂)30 we were wet we still felt warm and were having fun.

( )21.A. displayed B. taught C. organized D. made

( )22.A. swimming B. hiking C. packing D .sailing

( )23.A.snow B. wind C. rain D .light

( )24.A.interested B. provided C. expected D. treated

( )25.A.with B. under C. on D. by

( )26.A.films B. places C. risks D. oceans

( )27.A.relaxed B. wet C. tired D. lively

( )28.A.boring B. fascinating C. thrilling D. dangerous ( )29.A.trek B. fly C. drive D. sail
